Tuesday 10 January 2017

Tilda Bumblebee Blog Hop and Giveaway

 Welcome to my stop on the tilda bumblebee blog hop today!........i was so happy to be asked to help showcase this beautiful new fabric :).............
 ......the bumblebee collection is so soft and pretty with a light and airy feel.....there are sweet flowers, delicious colours and lovely little bees buzzing about...just perfect for spring...................
 ................i decided to make some flowers for a garland ....the picture above shows them in progress.......i love the effect of the different prints next to one another.......
 ..............the flowers are easy to make (there is a pattern in my book *pretty patchwork gifts*) and it is fun choosing buttons for the centres.....i used some vintage ones...........
 .............the next project i made was this tumbler patchwork pillow............
 .............the soft and pretty prints look so beautiful set against white........
 .............this pretty pillow will be part of my spring interior design this year..........
 ..............every new collection from tilda is inspiring and fresh, yet works with the previous collections too.......below is a hexagon patchwork drawstring bag...............
 ...............perfect to store all kinds of things including small toys..............(the little hexagon bag and the tumbler patchwork pillow are both projects from my book *modern vintage gifts* if you would like to make them)....................
 ..............i used hexagons again in the pincushion below.............this has a little applique beehive in the centre as you can see, and i added one of my favourite bee buttons (by just another button company available at sew and so)............bees and beehives are favourite images of mine for drawing and designing..................i used a technique called tie quilting to quilt this pincushion and it is a very tactile little project.......
 ................last week i found some pretty tulips in the local greengrocer's shop........i thought they were perfect to complement my tilda bumblebee makes, especially arranged in this vintage vase................
 ................visit sew and so here to see all the other great blogs taking part in the bumblebee blog hop and to order this gorgeous fabric...............
 .................i have some patchwork pieces of the bumblebee collection to give away and some pieces of the previous collection (called candy bloom) too..........also included in my giveaway is a little hand stitched scissor keep and a pair of pretty dotty scissors.....to enter the giveaway just leave me a comment on this post........there will be one winner and it is open to everyone everywhere and you can enter it until sunday 22 january.........
............thank you for visiting me here dear readers and for all your kind new year wishes ..........wishing you all a happy week ahead with lots of crafty inspirations..........back soon xxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


KC'sCourt! said...

Gorgeous patchwork

Julie xxxxxxx

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Oh my what joyful makes Helen....the fabric is so beautiful, I too love little bees!! 🐝
Lovely to see all these pretty spring images including those gorgeous tulips.....definitely good for the soul. :)
Have a lovely week,
V xxx

Cream Linen said...

Your post smells of spring,warmth and blossoms.The fabrics are very pretty and your crafts excellent as always! Have a lovely,creative week.Tina x

Podunk Pretties said...

As always your projects are amazing, it seems you always know how to make fabric shine.

Anonymous said...

Hi Helen such gorgeous projects and i love the fabric,hope your day is a good one.

Ada Plouvier-Kopitopoulou said...

Love your fabric choices and projects. I just made a sugar bunny from your book Pretty Patchwork gifts and some baby blocks. Posted it on my blog today!

Unknown said...

Beautiful and inspiring! I have both your books and am determined that 2017 will be the year to really start some patchwork projects - this fabric looks lovely 🤗❤

Ali said...

So clean & fresh looking fabrics - thanks for the chance to win xx

Jacky H said...

I think spring must be on the way if your colours are anything to go by. Til da fabrics you can spot from a mile they are unique.
I've nearly finished your pot holder made out of hexagons from your lasted book.Next one is your little draw string bag which I'm going to use 1 inch hexagons and make a little bit bigger. I'm hexagons everything at the moment. Thanks for all the inspiration you give .
Have a lovely week.

Sonya said...

These are truly gorgeous! You always make such beautiful things!!

Unknown said...

They are beautiful fabrics. I have both your books mentioned and would love to make the tumbler cushion if I won the fabric.

debbie said...

The fabrics are beautiful and so are your projects.

Claire@homesweethome2015 said...

Yes please, I would love to win your giveaway! Xx

missann said...

Love the fabric! And everything you made!

Terri Mc said...

Helen, the Tilda fabric is very pretty. I am not familiar with that brand. Thanks for the chance to win it and work with something new.
Terri. T2mcgreer at gmail dot com. USA

Cindy said...

Pretty fabrics and you made some cute items with it! Love the hint of spring:)

PamKittyMorning said...

So sweet! I love the little projects from your book. And tulips, love the signs of spring to come.

Jenn M said...

Such lovely colours and projects! It's like Spring has arrived already in your workroom.
Jenn M

Claudia said...

Oh my, I love everything about this post! Thanks for a chance to win.

Юлия said...

All is very nice!

Janelle said...

Your posts always make me smile!

ginny said...

Beautiful collection of fabric.I love what you made with it.

Kay said...

Tilda fabric is always such a special treat as it is pretty and amazing quality too. Thank you for a great giveaway. x

Lorrie said...

Your makes are so pretty and highlight the fabric well. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

LindaR said...

Your patchwork projects really bring out the beauty of the fabric. Thanks for the chance to win!

Rebecca said...

Ohhhh....they say spring! Need that with 30 inches of snow on my drive

Anonymous said...

These look like bright little flowers! Just right for our gray day here! msstitcher1214@gmail.com

Simone said...

I love all the new fabrics and what you have done with them Helen. The tumbler patchwork cushion is one of my favourite patchworks. x

Christine B said...

I really love the collections of Tilda fabrics but, I particularly like the look of this collection... as you say, Helen... perfect for Spring! All your pretty projects are the perfect showcase! Christine x

Gill said...

What pretty fabrics Helen!

Susan said...

As always, I would be thrilled to win.

Susan in PA USA

Jennifer Hays said...

These fabrics are just beautiful. I especially love the deep pink one and your makes with the fabrics are all lovely. The tumblers patchwork reminds me of flower pots. Thanks for the chance to win, Helen. :)

Jane said...

How pretty Helen, I especially love that little hexi pincushion...so sweet. Great to see some spring flowers there too although I think a winter blast is on its way. Keep snug and carry on crafting. Your giveaway is so kind, thanks so much. Hugs xxx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful fabrics and lovely ideas. Thank you Helen

Maryfairy said...

Such lovely project, Spring is on it's way:)

Teresa Kasner said...

Helen. that is gorgeous fabric.. it goes along with your colors you love. Count me in on the giveaway! :-) Enjoy your cozy winter time. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Sheryl said...

What very lovely fabrics, and pretty projects you have made. The colours brighten our dull rainy day. Thank you for the giveaway.

barbara woods said...

beautiful fabric and projects

Melissa J said...

Amazing fabrics and adorable projects! Your blog always makes me so happy! Thank you for this chance to win!

Unknown said...

lots of greatideas, thank you.

Tracy Nixon said...

Hi Helen and happy new year! I love your gorgeous project and I love the fabric. Please pop my name in your lucky hat!

mynestofyarnandbuttons said...

All so lovely Helen. So happy to be back in blogland😘 xoRobin

Lesley UK said...

I love your use of Tilda fabrics, but I have never been able to get any, so I would love to be part of this giveaway/ Thank you and Blessings

OhioLori said...

What Gorgeous projects!! Is always such a nice visit to pop over to your Blog!! Like hanging out with a dear Friend..seeing what you've been creating! Love these fabrics..Happy colors for gray Ohio Winter days!!

Thank you for chance to win your Give-a-way too! :D

Unknown said...

Oh wow, these new fabrics look stunning in your gorgeous designs. The scissor keep is just lovely. Thank you for this competition Helen xxx best wishes Dawn Robson

Winkel's Crazy Ideas said...

Such lovely little makes! I love sewing with Tilda fabric. You piece it together so delicately. Love your spring colours and flowers too. Pam in Norway x

Unknown said...

Thanks for introducing these lovely fabrics. I love your beautiful projects. Thank you for the give away!

Unknown said...

Such gorgeous fabrics and I personally love the mustard colour with the pinks, thanks also for a fab giveaway, fingers crossed : )

Anonymous said...

I'm envisioning pillowcases with tatted or crocheted trim made from the bumblebee collection. The fabrics are beautiful. Thanks, Vickie

Gracie Saylor said...

It is so lovely of you to give us some prelude projects to Spring when the weather here at least is determined to demonstrate that it is indeed Winter! We are expecting some more snow tonight which I find happily exciting rather than tiresome and troubling...perhaps because I do not have to shovel it or drive in it :) At any rate, I love seeing your projects and appreciate your kindness in offering a chance to win something you have made, and which I would treasure. Both of your books you mentioned I have beside me and have made one project from each so far. I still have two Sugar Bunnies cut out and must get on with stitching them to life! xx

AlisonC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AlisonC said...

What fresh and pretty colours. The flower garland is such a good idea. I'm looking forward to more patchwork this year and your blog is always so happy and full of inspiration.

angelasweby said...

What a lovely bright cheery post to start off the New Year Helen. Your creations with the new Tilda fabric are really inspiring. You've shown us how many ways this pretty fabric can be used. Also your link to Sew and So was quite an eye opener. They have definitely revamped their webpage. It's so much more exciting and a fun place to visit.

Please add me to your giveaway.
Looking forward to visiting the other blogs for the hop.
Love the tulips by the way. Happy New Year.

Jan A. said...

I simply love everything Tilda, and everything you make, as well! Your blog is always such a bright and happy place to visit, Helen.

Sew Mimi.K said...

The Tilda lines are always gorgeous and I also love how they can all happily play together. Thank you for your beautiful blog :)

Anita said...

I love the sweet fabrics, love the colors & the tumbler pattern! Thank you for a chance to win!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You always have the best giveaways and this fabric is luscious! Enjoy your week! Happy sewing. Hugs, Diane

Mickie said...

What a sweet post. I love any Tilda fabric and your creations are just perfect for these prints. I especially love the tumbler patchwork pillow.
It would be amazing to win this giveaway.
Thank you for sharing once again.
Mickie, Indiana USA

Unknown said...

Tilda fabric is new to me, and I like it very much. So soft and pretty, but also interesting with the bee design. The items you made are so pretty, I believe the toy bag is my favorite.


Mini said...

Hi Helen, I'm a new follower. I found your blog from a magazine from which I stitched one of your cross stitch designs.
Your work is beautiful and I'm in awe of the pictures.
Thank you for the chance to enter in this lovely giveaway.

Elderberry-Rob said...

Your work is beautiful! a lovely sample of Spring. The new Tilda range is delightful.

Helle said...

As allways, your work is just beautiful. Visiting your blog is like a fresh blow of spring.

Annette - MyRoseValley said...

Hi Helen
That is a pretty fabric collection. I'm a big fan of Tilda fabric. I have a few simple quilts at homemade from previous fabric collections. This one is quite different I would say. Very cute, spring like and fresh. Love your puffy flowers. I use those as pincushions. So simple and satisfying to make. Thank you for sharing.

Baa. xxx said...

What a lovely giveaway! Happy New Year!

Teje Karjalainen said...

Super sweet Helen! These are so perfect to remind us of spring! They make beutiful 'flower pots' on your pillow and the flowers for gaarland are adorable! Thank you for sharing! x Teje

Line said...

Happy New Year
Oh, the joy of Tilda fabrics :o) Such a lovely blog - lots of great inspiration! And what a super fantastic giveaway. Can't wait for the spring!
Best regards Line from Denmark

crazydazy said...

The Tilda fabrics are beautiful and you have created such pretty projects using them. A delight.

Susan said...

Such a gorgeous giveaway! Although I am not sure those scissors would be allowed through Australian Customs!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Wow, beautiful fabric! They are all favorites.

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful designs for the pretty fabric!

The Loris said...

Hi Helen, I love these new Springtastic Tilda patterns. So lovely. Found your blog via the sew and so blog hop and love the showcase! This post has reminded me that I've got to give patchwork a go... Starting with a lovely cushion, perhaps...

Lee said...

Oh my giddy aunt.That fabric is so fresh and pretty.Loving your makes especially the Tumbler pillow,can you buy a Template for it or do you make your own.Beautiful Makes Helen.Hugs xx

charis Anna's mum said...

What beautiful fabrics and a great giveaway. I would love the chance to win!
From Carole

Marta said...

Bellissime stoffe e colori come sempre. Donano qualcosa di fresco e di solare alla casa, che preannuncia la primavera ancora lontana. Ciao

Anonymous said...

Such a great giveaway....but I'll pass on this one as I was so lucky to win your previous giveaway.

Mokki said...

What a pretty collection. I love your bee hive and bee.

Anna-Marie said...

Love all your projects in this post but especially the tumbler cushion. The prints are so pretty, thanks for the chance to win.

Anna-Marie said...

Love all your projects in this post but especially the tumbler cushion. The prints are so pretty, thanks for the chance to win.

Anna-Marie said...

Love all your projects in this post but especially the tumbler cushion. The prints are so pretty, thanks for the chance to win.

Judy said...

What beautiful fabric! You pin cushions are adorable! Thinking Spring already!!!

Unknown said...

What fabulous makes you've created. The fabric is gorgeous as Tilda collections always are!

Pinkpram said...

Super ideas for a gorgeous range of fabrics

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! ❤ Love your work, the bumblebee fabrics collection and Tilda! All together make the most wonderful projects!
Katharina xx

Contas e Pontos said...

They are all so preety.
I love them all. :)

Paula Almeida

Marilyn McLeod @ Pink Paper Cottage said...

This is such a pretty and sweet new Tilda line... love it and love the little bees.. and the bright spring-like colors. As I sit here in 2 feet of snow (not literally)....should say.. as I look out the window at 2 ft of snow here in central Oregon, I'm already looking forward to spring and need some bright and cheery fabrics to add to my stash! I love all the pretty sweet things you have made! Marilyn from Oregon

Anonymous said...

I love the new Tilda collection! It's as gorgeous as all Tilda fabrics are!
Johanna F ��

Sharon said...

Hi Helen,
I love the new Tilda Bumblebee collection. I love all of Tilda's fabric and wish they were more readily available here in the USA. I also love seeing your fabric choices and what you choose to make with it. The garland is going to be adorable and I also love the pillow and pincushion. You are such an inspiration to me and I thank you for sharing what you do every week. I recently purchased your last book and look forward to making projects from it in the new year.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sewing and sharing so many beautiful things. It did made my day warmer. Although I am unemployed and my father just got sacked, the slightest chance of winning some beautiful fabrics has brought hope to my day. Sewing is helping me to cope with the problems.

Bee Lady said...

Oh my gosh if I don't win I'm going to have to order! Beautiful fabric perfect for springtime projects!!!
Thank you for the opportunity.

Cindy Bee

MandyG said...

Never disappointed with a new Tilda range or your makes so together they are just perfection.
I have both of your books mentioned so if I were to win I would bee (sorry !) going straight to them to make something.

Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Nikki Jo said...

These are absolutely beautiful Helen, have cheered me up on this cold, dark winters day xxxxx

Ali said...

Oohhh I love bees and these prints are gorgeous x

Jenne said...

Oh what a lovely giveaway :)

Crochet Addict UK said...

Wow what beautiful projects. They make you want to smile ☺

QuiltMargaret said...

Very happy to have found this blog, would love to win!

Amy at love made my home said...

What pretty fabrics! You certainly made very good use of them!

Peta Cowan said...

Oh Helen your give ways are so lovely! I feel greedy entering again but I just have to! I have had some good fun with your books that I have! I really look forward to your posts each week! Peta Cowan

SamanthaH said...

Love, love, love it!

2017 is going to be my year of creativity....Can't believe this is the first time I've blogged and my first week of patchworking. I've started on a memory blanket for my 2 year old and already wanting to make a pincushion just like yours. Hopefully I'll be lucky enough to win your amazing giveaway so I won't be distracted in my first month. Either way think I'll be adding some of the material to my stash before my year of creativity is out, just love them!

handmade by amalia said...

These lovely fabrics together with your wonderful talent. Wow.

sue boyle goguen said...

lovely things as always..please add me to your giveaway list
s goguen

Kate said...

Helen, you've been so creative with this fabric! Your posts are always a pleasure to read, thank you for that.

Anonymous said...

I love it when there is a new post from you Helen, as they are always so cheerful, bright and creative. Yet again you have made lovely things that make my fingers itch to sew something, thank you.
Sally M

Lily said...

Always been a big Tilda fan, but the last collections weren't my cup of tea at all... the colour combinations and some prints...I can't say I like the direction the designer is going in... But still I appreciate the quality of them and a few prints I do like - those with light background and no or little mustard....because along with orange it's least suitable for patchwork....ehh

Anonymous said...

Lovely projects and i now want to copy them all!

Anonymous said...

Such lovely pincushions! I like all the spring colors in your projects.

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I love seeing your blog post arrive in my inbox. Just always so bright and happ! Someday I have to try to make a pincushion. Yours are so pretty. It is always spring on your blog.

Mary May said...

Greetings, Helen!
Love your blog posts every other week with your happy words and pictures. Such a bright burst of sunshine to look forward to! Patchwork, needlework and flowers...thanks so much for bringing them into my home and inspiring me to keep busy.

Kathy E. said...

This fabric is just the sweetest and I can tell how much fun you had creating with it! Lucky you! Even the scraps would be a treasure.

Andrea F said...

We've just come back from holiday and your post was waiting for me to read. It's so nice to see such pretty colours and fabrics pop up on the screen when we're in the depths of a grey winter :)
Thank you for sharing all your makes here!
Andrea F

Annerose said...

Schön die neuen Stoffe von Tilda. Und die Sachen die du daraus gezaubert hast, sind fantastisch.
Ganz liebe Grüße Annerose

Pat's Patch said...

This Tilda fabric gets prettier each time I look at it. Love your gorgeous makes in it.and your cute bee button.always reminder to save the bees!Tulip colours match so well. Happiness x love Pat xxx

Gorgeousethan said...

Thank you for a chance to win some of this beautiful fabric. x

Claire Haines said...

Lovely work Helen, it all looks so beautiful love Claire xx

Laura said...

Thanks for sharing your lovely projects. Very inspiring use of the fabric.

Anonymous said...

Lovely fabrics and what great projects. Just what is needed these winter days Valerie

Unknown said...

Looks fabulous, such soft colours

Martina said...

So beautiful! I love especially your pincushion with the beehive, so sweet!

Henria O. said...

Love your drawstring bag and beehive pillow. Thanks for the chance!

My Little Home and Garden said...

Where would we be without colourful flowers to cheer us. The prints are lovely!


raggedyannie said...

Dear Helen,
your projects are just lovely! There is so much inspiration in each of your postings. I envy how fast you manage to complete your beautiful crafts...
I FINALLY managed to figure out how to comment!!! YAY!!!
...thank you for this Chance at the Tilda giveaway!
Warmest greetings, Heidi

Paulette said...

Your work is always an inspiration, and I am especially charmed by the collection of pincushions. I love the fabric.

Chris of UK City Crafter said...

Love the tumbler cushion, so pretty.


Judi Gomes said...

What lovely projects - they showcase the fabric perfectly. Thank you for this giveaway

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Such pretty fabrics dear Helen and beautiful projects as always!...I would love to enter your generous Giveaway,
Happy Sunday,
Susan x

Jill said...

So enjoying reading your posts full of vibrant colour, they really brighten up these grey with term days.

Jill said...

Oops, sorry, that should say 'winter' days in my comment above !!

Pat said...

Greetings from the New England, US..I have enjoyed your beautiful blog for some time now, and do appreciate the beautiful work that you do and the inspiration that it gives. I am hoping that more hints of spring will arrive soon for you! God bless you!

Unknown said...

Has this competition closed? I don't see a winner's name. If I have missed the announcement - congratulations to the winner.

Jane said...

I love Tilda yarns and I love what you've done with them too - so so pretty! Have a lovely week. Jane x

Eewang said...

if you want some New Year card,message and greetings must visit at New year cards. Send Beautiful and amazing New Year Card to friends and family to make celebrations on this new year.