Monday 14 March 2016

Spring Giveaway!

 The sun is shining, lots of spring flowers are blooming and once again it is time for my springtime giveaway....each year i put together a few little gifts at this time of year to say a special thank you to all my lovely readers............
 .............there are four parts to the giveaway this time.......the first is a tiny sugar bunny handmade by me, with a pretty little skirt and a tiny cardigan made from lace weight angora yarn.......below are some of the ingredients for making this sugar bunny :) .......she was made from the pattern in my book pretty patchwork gifts and is half the size of the bunnies i usually make.....perfect to hang on the easter tree............
 ..............the second part of the giveaway was bought at hill top, beatrix potter's house in the lake district seen in the pictures below that i took on our recent trip there.............
 .............the gift shop at hill top was selling peter rabbit mugs personalised for hill top.....i just had to have one and i thought you might like one too..........2016 is 150 years since beatrix potter was born so there are lots of celebrations going can find out more about her wonderful lake district conservation work and her lasting legacy of paintings and children's books here.....
 .............the pictures below are of hill top when we visited there in summer 2012......there were roses and rabbits and a beautiful abundant garden to enjoy.........
 ..............the mugs are a lovely idea because you can buy them to personalise with children's names...

 .............the third and fourth parts of the giveaway are crafty ones....we always like to include something you can craft with and today there are some fabric covered buttons in spring green shades and some wonderful variegated dmc perle cotton which you can use for embroidery or to quilt can also use it to tie tags onto gifts as it is nice and strong and looks pretty..........
 ...........the giveaway is open until sunday 20 march....just a short one this time so i can send your gifts before is open to everyone anywhere in the world.............
 ...............all you have to do is leave me a comment on this post.....and if you are a follower of this blog, or a follower on facebook, you are welcome to have a second chance by leaving me a second comment to tell me so :)............
 ...........this week i am doing patchwork, sewing, drawing and crochet.....also sowing seeds ready to grow in the greenhouse (so excited about this!) and making a couple more tiny sugar bunnies for our easter tree.............. is the mildest, sunniest most spring like day we have had so far this year and the blossom is just beginning to open......such a gorgeous time of year.......
...........thank you for all your visits and kind comments dear readers......i will leave you with a picture of this sweet little wild primrose and with lots of good wishes for a happy week......good luck in the giveaway everyone :) ................back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Unknown said...

The bunny is so cute, and the mug is amazing, as always the colours in your posts are so calming, have a great weekxx

Ali said...

Helen, this is sooo kind of you!! A gorgeous post too with lots of eye candy. I really need to go to the Lakes - soon!!! Ill be having a little word with my hubby tonight I think xx Have a great week xx

Mokki said...

What a lovely giveaway. Your posts are always so beautiful and a pleasure to the eyes. I love the photo of the rabbit jumping through the grass and wildflowers, it's so fitting for beatrix potters garden :)

Cindy said...

Thank you for such a sweet giveaway, Helen! I am obsessed with everything Beatrix Potter these days because our granddaughter who is arriving in April is already named Beatrix! So she is getting a Peter Rabbit quilt from me:) Have a great week!

Christine B said...

What a lovely Spring-time give-a-way Helen! Hill Top is such a special place.... a beautiful part of the country! Love your little Sugar bunnies! Have a lovely week! Christie x

Curtains in My Tree said...

I have loved Beatrix Potter since I first seen her little books then the movie about her life.
I have collected some of the little book that are numbered reproduction books i'm sure

It would be so nice to go to her house and the gift shop
Throw my name in the drawing please


sue boyle goguen said...

love love love the all of your work..every week I look for your posts..they make my heart happy

Jane said...

What a lovely giveaway Helen. Hill Top is a magical place, we were there last year and I adored it; I especially adored standing in Mr MacGregor's garden. Have a lovely week. Jane xx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

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pens and needles said...

What a beautiful post to brighten Monday mornings for all your followers! The beauty in your photos is always such great medicine and never fails to make me smile out loud. :) Thank you for sharing in such a lovely way.

Jo@awholeplotoflove said...

Such a lovely sweet give away, I adore the bunny rabbit - so pretty. Hope you have a great week with all your loveliness xx

Susan said...

I do not have a blog, but am a follower. I would be so thrilled to win any of these.
Susan W.
Pennsylvania, USA

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Oh Helen what a gorgeous giveaway, I just sighed all the way through your post!!! Love the bunny , the mug and all the crafty goodies, soooo beautiful.
I've never been to Hill Top but its definitely on my bucket list.
Its so lovely here today too, it feels so springlike, good for the soul, I've got my tomatoes planted in the propagator in my greenhouse, I'm checking every day for little shoots. :)
Have a lovely week,
V xxx

greenrabbitdesigns said...

And I follow you everywhere! :)
V xxx

Betty said...

What a cute giveaway and please toss my name in the hat.

Betty said...

I am a follower of blog.

Elderberry-Rob said...

How delightful! your giveaway is really pretty. the little sugar bunny is so tiny and delicate and the mug - well, I am a huge Beatrix Potter fan and would love to drink tea from this pretty mug. The buttons and thread are so pretty, just the inspiration for a bit of Spring sewing. I would like to win, of course, but am trying to restrain myself from shouting 'me, me, choose me'! so good luck to everyone else too as I am sure there will be a lot of entries just as keen as me! Betty (Wood Fairy) x

handmade by amalia said...

The little bunny is so cute. She looks timid and ready for adventures all at the same time.

Gem said...

I hope you are keeping well. Spring is a lovely time of year and I hope that you are able to find joy in it still this year.
I love the Beatrix Potter stories, such a talented lady. I would love to be in with a chance of winning your giveaway, such generous gifts x x

Ali said...

What a lovely Easter giveaway. I haven't been to Hill Top in a good few years now would love to go back, just love the Lake District ...oh I think I'll have to have a chat with the other half! X

Robbienae said...

Helen, your blog is such a fun place to visit! Your little sugar bunny is adorable and I have got to get busy making some bunnies. I just got news that my daughter is expecting a baby!! Thank you for the chance for a lovely give away!

gillyflower said...

What a lovely giveaway Helen, such a sweet bunny! Love the Beatrix Potter mug, Peter Rabbit has always been a favourite in our house :)
Glad you've enjoyed some sunny spring weather today, have a great week!
Gill xx

Danijela said...

Wow,love everything!Amazing giveaway,so generous of you,thank you for the chance to win it.

Никитина Наталья Валентиновна said...

Bunny is so sweet! A lovely Easter giveaway! Thank you for the chance

elizabeth ann clawson said...

I always love to see a new post from you. Always pretty and sweet just the way I expect.

Art and Sand said...

Your posts are always "springy" with your sweet colors and lovely flowers.

Rosie said...

Thank you for such a lovely give-away, Helen. I think your projects are gorgeous - the colours always sing out. I am sure that tiny bunny will go to a good home, even if I'm unlucky and it isn't mine!

Joan said...

Such a lovely giveaway! Everything is so pretty. Thanks for the chance to win.

Jo said...

Everyone is going sunshine crazy! Good for us readers though, thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway. Jo x

MoodyCatCrafts said...

That is such a lovely bunny! Thanks for the chance to win.

KC'sCourt! said...

Wow! what a lovely giveaway, may I enter......?
Julie xxxxxxx

Lynda Harrison said...

Hello Helen - I have followed your blog for sometime, and love the things you do, the colours you choose and the inspiration you give me. I was astounded at this beautiful give away - it is so thoughtful, generous and just perfect for this lovely time of year. Please would you enter my name in your draw.
Best wishes,

Viola said...

Dear Helen,this is such a precious Easter give-aways! I would be thrilled to win it. Your pictures are utterly beautiful, I am really happy to be back in blogland, being able to read your posts. Viola

kathy said...

I love your pretty blog! I would love to win that little bunny!!So cute!! I also follow you on facebook!! Have a lovely day and happy spring!

Kate said...

Such lovely goodies, Helen. It would be a pleasure to win any of them. :)

Lesley said...

Beautiful give-always!

Kate said...

I am a follower, Helen. I really enjoy your blog.

Lesley said...

I follow you on bloglovin

barb said...

I love your bunnies...

barb said...

...and beatrix potter too.

Peta Cowan said...

Oh Helen, your blogs are just a little bit of England. I love the Lake District so much. I would love to receive this give away. I look forward to your blog every Monday!!! I can't wait to come back to the UK this year to get your new book! We have some little girls due to be born into our family soon and the crafty bit would be ideal. I want to make some soft toys rather than clothes. Thank you for sharing, Peta Cowan

Peta Cowan said...

As a follower this is my second time! Peta Cowan

OhioLori said...

Loooove the sweeeet lil' bunny! All dressed for Easter! :) I love your Blog! It is like visiting you in person... Love seeing the fresh colors & your's are Amazing!! Thank you for all you share with us...and for chance to win your Give-a-way as well! :D

OhioLori said...

I already follow your Blog, and thru Email too :)

Happy Spring! & Blessed Easter!!

lilac and old roses said...

What a georgous spring giveaway! Myself and all my children loved Beatrix Potter and I'm looking forward to reading the stories all again to my new grandchild in the near future. Hill Top is beautiful isn't it? We visited when the children were very small, twenty years ago! I'm still using my sons Peter Rabbit pencil tin! I'm going to re read your post and lust over the giveaway again. And phone my daughter to say what a lovely name Beatrix would be for a girl! Jane x

Kerry said...

What a lovely giveaway ... thank you for the opportunity to enter :-)
Love the little bunny ..... I have you r book, I'd never thought to reduce the pattern - Hmmm, maybe I can get one made before Easter :-)
Spring has definitely sprung, and it's wonderful :-)

Ann Bee said...

What a lovely selection of treats! I look forward to reading your latest posts on Mondays...thank you!

bj said...

I am just beside myself to have a chance at your generous and Oh, so pretty giveaway. The bunny and the mug...the beautiful buttons and yarn...all of it is just beautiful....
Thanks so much.

bj said...

I do, indeed, follow you thru email.

Fiona said...

The bunny is very sweet,and all the spring colours are so fresh and pretty.

Fiona said...

I've been a follower of your blog for some time and also have your recent book though I've yet to make anything from it x

Baa. xxx said...

What a super giveaway gift! Love your pretty sugar rabbit - such a cutie!

barbara woods said...

love the bunny , follow you on gfc

❦Bayside Gal❦ said...

What a beautiful little bunny and an equally pretty mug. I just happen to be an enormous Beatrix Potter fan and I collect bunnies, so this is an exciting giveaway. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. Your posts make my day brighter.

Hayley said...

That little bunny is the cutest!! I can't imagine how fiddly she would have been to make!

Hayley said...

I follow your blog via bloglovin

Suzanne said...

I love all the pretty colors you use and my granddaughter would love the bunny.

margaret said...

Thank-you for offering such a lovely giveaway. I love your style. I follow your blog via e-mail

Brenda Pruitt said...

Helen, you do spring better than anyone I know. And the other seasons too!

Unknown said...

Helen, thank you for the whimsy and inspiration that you bring to this reader. I so appreciate your creativity and the creative spark you stimulate in others. Your give-away opportunity is a wonderful bonus!

Kathy Hockly said...

Wow what a special give away and to open it to everyone! So special!

Lee said...

Oh WOW,what a dear little bunny,love the colour combo too.How generous you are Helen.Adoring the Give Aways all things I Love,being a Bunny Addict especially Hares but I love rabbits too.I must have a look at your book.Do hope you are all well and little Molly dog.Hugs and thank you.xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Helen, thanks for the chance to win , what a wonderful set of giveaways for us all , you are so lovely and kind . this spring weather at the moment is really lovely.. Your blog is full of wonderful I-candy.

Amy at love made my home said...

You are so kind and so lovely to have such a giveaway with such beautiful things. Don't you just love Hilltop, one of my most favourite places!! xx

crazydazy said...

What a gorgeous generous giveaway. I would do love to give the little bunny a new home.

crazydazy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Thank you once again, Helen, for the chance to win a lovely giveaway.
I love the mug, so cute! Have a lovely day, Gill

flowers on my table said...

Hello Helen, what a fantastic giveaway. I love your little bunny she is adorable. I love Hilltop Farm, I took my daughter there a couple of years ago, but the house was unfortunately shut. We did get a look around the lovely garden and shop. We will have to go again. I think its really magical and so easy to imagine all the characters from her books hopping or waddling about.

Anonymous said...

Easter is my favorite holiday? Thank you!

Marilyn McLeod @ Pink Paper Cottage said...

You live in such a magical place! Love your give-away and little sugar bunny and other goodies. Would love any one of them! I so love your blog posts and your showing us your little trips to the magical places there. I've never been to England. My mom loved it and went many times.. so I can live it through you! Thank you so much for sharing your life and wonderful gifts.

Sue Eyley said...

I love this little bunny , something to treasure x

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to your blog.

Claire@homesweethome2015 said...

What a great giveaway - I would love to win!

Claire@homesweethome2015 said...

My extra entry - I subscribe on bloglovin!

shirley flavell said...

A gorgeous giveaway, I love Missy Sugar Bunny. It all looks so sweet and Spring coloured splendour. Hilltop Farm looks a wonderful place, I can only dream how wonderful it would be to visit. I love your beautiful colourful blog.

Claudia said...

Oh my, what a sweet give-a-way! Thank you so much for a chance to win!

Claudia said...

I follow your blog and I follow you on Facebook. I love all the wonderful colors you use.

Unknown said...

What a delicious senses for my eyes. I would love to win. I have just bought my first ebook from you and can't wait to start. What a beautiful world of crafting ahead for me. Thank you

Cheryl said...

Happy Easter to you, Helen. I love it when your posts arrive in my email box. What a wonderful spring giveaway. I love everything Beatrix Potter.

Frances said...

Helen, this spring giveaway that you are offering us is so lovely! Many thanks for your generosity.

Perhaps I have mentioned to you before now that back in the last century, for a number of years I was a fully paid up member of the Beatrix Potter Society, having found out about the organization while visiting a BP exhibit at the Tate. I regret that my UK traveling schedule never allowed me to be in London for any of their meetings. I think that these meeting were held at the Explorer's Club on Exhibition Road.

Everything that you've shown us in this post sings a very sweet spring song.


Andrea said...

Thank you for such a fantastic giveaway, the bunny is so cute :-)

Andrea said...

I follow your gorgeous blog through bloglovin' :-)

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

This is such a charming giveaway...I would love to win!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

I happily follow you on Bloglovin'!

Anonymous said...

Helen thank you for the prettiness your blog and projects bring to the day, and thank you also for the giveaway, best wishes,

Ann Bee said...

I follow your blog too!

kimberly said...

What an adorable giveaway, I love the bunny she is so adorable and the peter rabbit cup is out of this world cute. Thanks for sharing some cuteness.

k_rampersad03 at yahoo dot com

Rosa said...

The bunny is so gorgeous and love the sprig in your blog.

Rosa said...

I do a follower.Thanks for the giveaway.

Teresa Kasner said...

Dear Helen.. what a wonderful giveaway! I got the whole set of Peter Rabbit books to read to my grandchildren. And I watched the movie about Beatrix Potter.. so that mug would be such a special thing to win since I may never get to see the Lake District and her wonderful home and farm. And to have a Sugar Bunny on my Easter tree - dreamy! Count me in, my friend. You are so kind and generous. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Teresa Kasner said...

And yes, I'm a follower.. you know I never miss leaving you a loving comment. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Bee Lady said...

Hi Helen,

What a nice idea to have a give away this time of year. Spring is my favorite time of year, and Easter is the Holiday I have for our family. (well Easter, and July 4!and Christmas Eve!) Anyway, I love Beatrix Potter so much and I would love to visit there some day. You are very fortunate to have seen her farm. Even though nothing at our place looks like her farm, (I have a book) we named our place Hilltop Farm. And the boys I used to watch who are now 16 & 19...I bet they can still sing, "Tom, Tom, The Piper's son!" That does it, I am getting out the old tv with the vcr player and I'm setting it up in a room so I can play those video tapes for Easter Sunday! I love all of your creations and yes I am a follower.

Cindy Bee

Kim F said...

I always look forward to your posts and love seeing all the beautiful colors in your artwork and photos. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway and the opportunity to win!

Kathy H said...

Every Monday I look forward to reading your blog message. My daughter discovered your work and told me she thought you could be my kindred soul even though you are an ocean away. I've just gotten Modern Vintage Gifts and look forward to doing a project soon. Thank you for offering such delightful giveaways.

Kathy Helmrich

Blondie's Journal said...


This is a lovely giveaway! The bunny is precious and I absolutely love Beatrix Potter. My children have a few pieces they were gifted with on their baptismal day.

I think you are very generous but please, don't toss my name in the hat...I can only imagine the postage to the States.

Sending a big hug and good luck wishes to all!


Jan said...

Helen I live in Amarillo Texas
I always pour me a cup of coffee before I begin to read your blog
I have the best feeling that we have been friends for a long time
I enjoy all your quilts and Bunnies You are so blessed with your
followings and quilting friends When I made my own clothes I covered my own buttons and made bonded button holes. Now that the quilting bee
bite me all I do is patchwork,piece,applique, and hand quilt
I would love to have your gifts at my home so I could enjoy them everyday. Thank-you for offering the drawing

Anonymous said...

I love your blog so much - all the pretty colors - I read it first every Monday. Thanks for the giveaway chance. Love the bunny (and the mug, I'm a big Beatrix Potter fan.)
Robin in Portland Oregon

Lorrie said...

Your sugar bunny is darling. Beatrix Potter's illustrations are so very pretty and appealing to little and big alike. A lovely giveaway, Helen.

Lorrie said...

I've been a follower for some time (via Feedly). Your photos are always so cheering.

Latoya A said...

Very cute little items! My favourite is the buttons :)
ashby dot jame @ gmail dot com

Tara said...

Oh my goodness! You always have the most beautiful photos and crafty happiness but this giveaway is so sweet. I would be a very lucky Jemima Puddleduck if I were to win this. Xx

Tara said...

I've also been following your blog for awhile now through Bloglovin'. My beautiful mum introduced me to your blog and your books. Love them all!

Юлия said...

Hello! I am a follower of this blog!

colleen said...

Thank you for your Spring give away very kind of you

Kay said...

Thank you for a beautiful giveaway, the bunny is so incredibly sweet. I bought this book just last week and can't wait to make one for myself. x

Kay said...

I follow via email. x

Helle said...

Dear Helen, what a lovely give away....I would love to win, so I cross my fingers.

Helle said...

And I follow your blog as well :-)

Helle said...

And I follow your blog as well :-)

Winkel's Crazy Ideas said...

That is just the loveliest giveaway! I am a follower of your blog and would soo love to join. Thanks for the opportunity. Pam in Norway x

Unknown said...

I cant wait for Mondays to read your weekly update and it always makes me happy. Hope I win. The bunny would be lovely for my third grandchild on the way.

Patricia Lester

Claire Taylor said...

Hi Helen, as always a lovely blog, the colours are always so refreshing & bright, whatever the season. The mug looks lovely & the easter bunny is so cute. I follow you on bloglovin & would like to enter twice! cheeky I know but my 9 year old daughter would love the rabbit & mug! I of couse would love the crafty bits! Thank you so much for a chance to be in the crafty giveaway, best of luck everyone. Claire in sunny France xx

Emma Hargreaves said...

Lovely giveaway Helen - fingers crossed I am lucky and enjoyed a bit of a peek into your world too��

Hayley said...

What a lovely giveaway. The bunny is so cute. X

Svanhild said...


I just recently found your blog. I adore your little bunny, and I'm a huge Beatrix Potter fan. I really want to visit Lake District at some point, but as I live in Norway it has to wait a bit :( Love the colors in your posts :)


Pat's Patch said...

Oh Helen, What a perfectly delightful post. Beatrix Potter would've been so proud; I'm sure she's smiling down on you. I love your makes, love your photographs, they give so much pleasure. Thank you. Love Pat

Florrie May51 said...

What a lovely little giveaway such pretty things :) x

Lore said...

What a gorgeous little bunny, delicate and spring like. Even the pictures cheer me up so it would be great to win. Keep up with all your lovely creations, they are so inspiring.

Stange and ich said...

Love Helen,
The gifts are so cute, I'm really jealous.
snowy greetings

Maryfairy said...

Happy Easter Helen, I enjoy reading your blog, so light and bright:)

Hazel T said...

A beautiful bunny and a lovely giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win.

June Costello said...

Lovely prizes and always lovely to visit your blog,. Look forward to my weekly adventure in England with you from Australia.
Thank you.

Ellie Foster said...

I'd love to be included in the giveaway, please, Helen. I visited Hill Top many years ago and could recognise lots places which appeared in Beatrix Potter's art. I have made one of your bunnies in the past and she turned out beautifully.
Best wishes

GrandMary said...

Thank you for including me in your give away, my newest grandchild is named Peter- so of course he has Beatrix Potter's books.

Unknown said...

Lovely! Just the colors alone make me so happy!

Joan Mc said...

Love your blog! The range of colours you use in all your projects are a delight.would love to be considered for the give away. I am hoping to make the bunny as soon as I get the pattern enlarged, however seeing the little one has got me re-thinking.

Anonymous said...

Helen, what a lovely giveaway for Easter! I love the flowery ears on the little sugar bunny. I've only made one bunny from your book so far, but the next one will have those darling ears! I have a little soap dish with Peter Rabbit on it and it has been so adorable by the bathroom sink for years. I love to sew, esp. Patchwork and am currently learning how to knit! I live in the middle of the USA and hope to visit England some day. Do you ever dream of coming over here? Terri. T2mcgreer at gmail dot com

Mickie said...

Another wonderful post on a favorite blog of mine. Yours is the first one I read every Monday and am inspired each time. Love the little spring bunny, it looks so cute on the Easter tree. You always manage to choose just the perfect colors for all your creations. It would be so nice to be the winner of your spring drawing. I also follow you on Facebook under my given name Michele.
Thank you for sharing with us.
Mickie, Indiana USA

Antigone Sdrolia said...

I would so much love to win on your spring giveaway... I have already bought your book and absolute loved it, although I haven't got round to making something myself yet. It is such a a pleasure to the eye that I have it on my bedside table and look at it almost every night💜💚💛💙

Antigone Sdrolia said...

I would so much love to win on your spring giveaway... I have already bought your book and absolute loved it, although I haven't got round to making something myself yet. It is such a a pleasure to the eye that I have it on my bedside table and look at it almost every night💜💚💛💙

Rose said...

every thing Peter Rabbit is beautiful. My little miss had a mug Peter Rabbit for her birth. the story is so nice!
Spring is already on blogsphere and hope it will be in my area!
Have a nice day,
Miss Rose, xx

June Howard said...

Your words are such an inspiration, you breathe the essence of Spring into me and many others, reminding us of so many facets of colour, texture and all the things of Easter memories, though I may have made a mistake... in sowing my seeds already. June Howard

Karen said...

I don't know if this giveaway is open to your U.S. followers but it doesn't hurt to try. I love your style and all that you do. I too like to do all the different types of needlework, crochet, knitting,cross stitch and quilting, even needle punch and rug hooking, but I love to garden. After visiting France one year and then England two years later I saw both cultures and the landscape. The land and my environment is very important to me and I love being and living in the country. Now many women love France and french style. But I liked visiting England more. I liked the countryside what little I saw of it and would love to go back to visit!

Patricia said...

Thank you Mrs. Helen!! I love all the little bunnies and buttons and floss. Everything you touch is so beautiful! I absolutely look forward to reading your posts. I have your books and my next project is the scottie dog mini quilt.

Patricia said...

I also follow you on Facebook and subscribe to your blog.
You have a magic touch with all your creations!! I just love your ideas, and exploring around with you on your visits to different places.
Thank You!

Simone said...

Lovely, generous spring giveaway Helen. Please put my name in the hat. I hope it is a big one as you have many names to put in there! I think your little bunny is a wonderful size and made with so much attention to detail. I hope you feel refreshed after your time away. x

Jane said...

What a really wonderful giveaway Helen. The dear little bunny is such a cutie and the mug is brilliant...M and I hope to visit Hill Top one day, it's been on my wish list for years. I love visiting here every week and it looks so springy (a Janeism..LOL) here today. I hope you are feeling lifted by the sunshine.
Thanks for your generosity, hugs xx

Jane said...

...and of course I have been following you from the very beginning. I treasure our blogging friendship xx

Anonymous said...

I regularly read your post and so love all the crafts you are into, I'm even looking for some of your books here in Canada, I also enjoy all your garden talk and love all the photos you include, it's all so inspiring. Tory

Anonymous said...

Helen, You have a lovely blog. Your crafts and artwork is so inspiring. I want to sail across the pond someday and tour Hill Top. Until than I will enjoy all the photo's of her estate. Thank You for the chance to enter this giveaway.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

That is the sweetest little bunny and a very lovely giveaway. Just stopping by to say hi, so don't enter me in the giveaway. Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week. Tammy

Tean Porteus said...

So pretty

Kathleen Bywaters said...

Lovely giveaway! Your hand made bunny is adorable, you are very talented. I love Beatrix Potter, and I still love to listen to the audio recordings of her stories, you're never too old. And I do still giggle every time Tom Kitten's clothes fall off, he is such a naughty kitten!

Tracy Nixon said...

What gorgeous prizes - so sweet! Thank you so much!

Tracy Nixon said...

I follow your blog by email! xxx

Unknown said...

What a wonderful give away. Thank you for the chance to win something you made 💟 love your new book.

Emma Nixon said...

Always loved Beatrix Potter. Grew up with the books. Lovely prize. Especially the mug

rugmaker said...

These are beautiful

DianeM said...

OMGoodness! Thank you so much for your generous give-away, please throw my name in the pile :)
Smiles, DianeM

DianeM said...

Hello Again <3 Please give me a 2nd chance in your give-away as I follow you on MyYahoo & Facebook. Thanks so much :)
Smiles, DianeM

Fozia said...

This is so so cute

Anonymous said...

Oh what a lovely prize - my grandaughter Eloise would love this!!!

Kentish Keg-Meg said...

Lovely little Bunny for an Easter tree. Love the colours. This post reminds me of the beauty of this season.

Анна Созинова said...

Bunny is very beautiful and so cute! Thanks for the chance to enter your wonderful giveaway!

Cream Linen said...

Lovely giveaway Helen,
I hope to be the lucky one!!!
Best wishes,
Tina xx

Jenna said...

I just love Hill Top and can't wait to take my little girl for the first time over the Easter holidays. This is a fantastic giveaway, the bunny is lovely x

Wilfing Mum said...

We visited Hill Top a few years ago when my eldest was only 18months old (now 8). He loved Peter Rabbit and "yabby" (his version of rabbit) was one of his favourite words that holiday! Beautiful pics as always!

Wilfing Mum said...

I'm also a blog follower and Facebook follower!

WeeWillieWilkie said...

The items in this giveaway are so lovely. Thank so much.

Twitter: @WeeWillWilk

cristina said...

I was fortunate to win a Giveaway time ago! thank you very much! your stuff decorate my house! good luck to everyone, the awards are beautiful, Helen! thaaaaaaaaaaaaanks!!!!!!!!!!

flittinthrutime said...

How timely! I just watched "Miss Potter" starring Renee Zeleweger. I have a sterling silver spoon with Peter Rabbit on the top the handle...I think it must have been made for that mug! The sugar bunny, crafty things, and your blog are all lovely. I don't miss a post!

Anonymous said...

It's so cold here today and this lovely page reminded me Spring is around the corner - hurah

Unknown said...

Gorgeous giveaway

Debbie - Mountain Mama said...

You truly create the most lovely things!! That bunny is simply precious-

Unknown said...

Lovely work...such a talent

Gracie Saylor said...

Just hopping in to say, "Hi," and thank you for another beautiful post, Helen. Thanks for your generous giveaway. It will be fun to see who wins your lovely gifts :) I just posted about the four happy days I had at the beach crafting with some friends. I'm so glad you got to enjoy time near Beatrix Potter's home...she left us such wonderful artwork to enjoy, didn't she xxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Such lovely gifts

Pat said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Your tiny bunny is so perfect as are the other items, especially the mug. Thanks for your generosity and Happy Spring to you!!!

Andreja said...

Although the lovely spring flowers are already in bloom, Spring has been slow in coming to Croatia this year:( I've only recently come across your beautiful blog and would love to win something in this lovely giveaway! Fingers crossed! All the best from Zagreb, Croatia x

Наталия Балабанчук said...

Oh, my! This is all so cute and very Springtimey))))) Thank you!

Наталия Балабанчук said...

And I am your follower both here, in the blog, and on FB:)

Sharon said...

What a lovely giveaway. I love your sugar bunny, so adorable and I love the Peter Rabbit mug. This year I started collecting Beatrix Potter Peter Rabbit figurines for my 3 1/2 year old Granddaughter. So far I have Peter, Mrs. Twiggy-Winkle and Old Woman in the Shoe. I love your blog Helen and I look forward every week to see what you are sewing or crafting.

Thimbleanna said...

What a sweet little giveaway -- everything is just beautiful. And 150 years! It hardly seems possible. I've been saving some Peter Rabbit baby sets (that I bought when we lived in Germany 35 years ago) for someday grandchildren. This is the year -- it will be so fun to give a set to the new babe in the 150th year!

Thimbleanna said...

And, of course, I'm a follower -- I LOVE your blog!

Kimberley said...

oh my goodness - what a divine giveaway. That will add some spring into the air down under as we head into autumn.

thewarmfireplace said...

Such a cute little bunny, it is such a wonderful time of the year.

Jenni said...

Such lovely items - thank you so much for a beautiful giveaway

emily13 said...

The mugs are so lovely, great for presents

Unknown said...

I know what you mean about feeling excited with sowing your vegetable seeds :-) I have done all mine the past few days its been such a gorgeous few days weather wise really makes us feel like spring has sprung :-) Enjoy doing yours Helen. lovely give away to. Have a lovely week, dee x

Margarida said...

Dear Helen, I appreciate your work so much. I love visiting your blog for such wonderful photos with their colors and beauty in the crafts or whatever you share with us. Thank you for such inspiration. Hugs from Portugal.

Sal said...

What a lovely idea, how kind you are! xxx

Alchamillamolly said...

Another gorgeous post as usual Helen. I have two new grandchildren arriving this summer so all of these lovely goodies would be well received!! Roll on Spring I say - It is dismal here in North Yorkshire today but I have my crocheting and knitting session this afternoon so the day will brighten!!

debbie gilbert said...

What a wonderful prize - absolutely love the bunny and the other gifts are perfect for easter

marmarel said...

Lovely gifts and I'm happy to read that it's open for everyone in the world! :-) I become already happy to look at it!
Greetings from Marijke

Jacky H said...

Hi Helen what a lovely give away.
These would make lovely presents for anyone.
Now I'm retired I will have time to make all these lovely things from your book.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful spring time feeling to your post. I still have the Peter Rabbit dishes that my children received as babies (quite a few years ago ;) )
the cup and saucer didn't make it through the move to the US, so a mug would be a fantastic addition....thanks for the chance to win a little bit of the UK.

Angie said...

count me in please, thanks for the giveaway :)

Patti said...

Your blog is not only perfection, but you are as sweet as they come! Thank you for the darling giveaway. I follow you on Bloglovin, and I subscribe.

Ruth_Marianna said...

What a delightful giveaway. I am glad to have a chance to win.

Ruth_Marianna said...

I have signed up to receive you emails.

Chrysalis said...

What a lovely giveaway, Helen. I love when your name or blog pops up on my tablet. I always know there's a treat of a post there. Happy Easter to you and yours xx

Chrysalis said...

Me again - having a second try for your fab Easter giveaway. I follow the blog and your Fb posts - love 'em!!! 😉😊😚 (Chrysalis of Teddy Wares and Flutterbies blog) xx

Peapod said...

Your bunny is so cute, so kind of you to offer her as a prize. I also have a white Easter tree covered in dangling eggs, looking forward to getting it out on display this weekend.

Peapod said...

I follow you on Bloglovin where I'm working my way back through your older posts.
Happy Easter Julie

DH said...

Hi Helen, I follow your blog and I follow you on Facebook. I always look forward to your cheery posts. Dawn

moonray said...

What an AMAZING giveaway!! Thank you for the chance and HAPPY EASTER!

moonray said...

Oops..forgot to say that I also follow your beautiful page on facebook (Laura Jeffs) and I've shared your page too :-) xx

Madelief said...

Another beautiful post Helen and so sweet of you to do a giveaway! I enjoyed seeing your photo's of Hilltop. I will be visiting in June this year and looking forward to it very much!

Have a lovely time in the garden. Enjoy the sunshine!

Madelief x

Unknown said...

Just love the half size handmade sugar bunny. The chance of owning such a wonderful one-off special Easter gift alongside your other wonderful treats is an amazing opportunity. Happy Easter Helen and all your blog readers. x

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