Monday 28 September 2015

Autumn Inspiration

 We are having perfect autumn weather here at the moment...........golden days with chilly cosy nights........bright blue sky, sunshine, berries, fruits, butterflies (in autumn colours) and mushrooms and toadstools to discover on our woodland walks.....
 .................and here are some of my autumn inspired makes......a pumpkin pillow......
 ............and some fabric pumpkins.....these are projects from my new book *modern vintage gifts*.....
........i am pleased to tell you that all the templates in the book are the actual size for working from so no need to enlarge them in a photocopier :) ..................
 .............. this little mushroom pillow below is also from the book............*modern vintage gifts* will soon be published and can be pre ordered now from amazon, all good book shops or at stitch craft create online here........ big box of projects arrived back from the publishers last week and i have been enjoying seeing them all again and arranging them in my home :) .........crafty wise as well as work commissions, i have been knitting my new moss stitch is a peek at it........i have finished the back and have got about half way up the front now.......
 ............and here are some of the crochet wristies i made last year during one of my crochet crushes....
 ..............they are just perfect to wear at the moment when a bit of extra warmth is needed......
 ..............i have begun a new blanket of big granny squares inspired by the colours on the back of my mini granny square cushion shown in my previous post.......... my kitchen there has been some crumble baking with apples from my daughter's tree.....
 ..............and on my quilt cupboard door there is a new patchwork heart....part of my project in the latest issue of crafts beautiful's the christmas issue this time so it is full of ideas for lovely festive makes to get ready for gifting this year............
 ................autumn colour is everywhere.............this is a view through one of our kitchen windows, with hydrangeas on the sill and a colourful creeper turning gorgeous russet shades on a sandstone wall outside...............
 ...............more little pumpkins......i am tempted to make some more in some of this year's favourite fabrics.........maybe tomorrow i will sew just a couple more .......
.................i hope you are enjoying some beautiful autumn days (or spring ones if you are reading this on the other side of the world) and wish you a wonderful week filled with crafty inspirations.....thank you so much for visiting me here dear readers and your kind comments which i always love to read.................happy autumn x...............back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooxxxx


Art and Sand said...

I love all your fall colors and projects. And, that colorful clock is great!

Susan said...

Your posts never fail to lift my spirits. I was feeling a bit gloomy and under the weather this morning, but after seeing your cute colorful handiwork, I can't help but smile.Your new granny blanket has such lovely pastel colors. It's going to be beautiful. I adore your pumpkin pillow and fabric pumpkins. I can't wait until your book comes out (I have longer to wait as I live in the US). I'm pleased to know that all patterns are full-size. Yippee. There's a project featured on the sneak peak site and I'm keeping my fingers crossed, hoping it's in your new book. Have a wonderful week. :)

Анна Созинова said...

Чудесные работы и уютные фотографии! Особенно подушка с мухомором! На нашем краюшке земли еще по-летнему тепло и осенних красок очень не хватает!

Kay said...

I was so happy to read that the patterns are full size in the book, it is so incredibly annoying having to alter sizes to make a pattern work. x

homemade@myplace said...

love that vichy pumpkin!!!
happy week, xxxx Ale

Cindy said...

Can't wait to get my hands on your newest book! The pumpkins are so cute! I'm glad you are having good weather. We are too. Perfect fall days. Take care, Cindy

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Oh I love your autumn makes Helen, the pumpkins are super cute!!
Your new blanket is going to be so beautiful with the big granny squares and your sweater looks very cosy indeed!
The weather has been great lately, it certainly adds to the the vibrant colours of this season.
Have a lovely sunny autumn week,
V x


Coming to your blog is my little happy place. Darling pumpkins!
Happy Fall!

janice15 said...

I just love them all the sweet pumpkins the patchquilt heart lovely fresh breath of air, thank you... Happy Autumn with love Janice

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

All of your projects are always so lovely. I especially like the fabrics and colors you chose for the mushroom pillow. I wish I had half your creative energy. Have a great week. :)

Ali said...

Gorgeous makes I love your little pumpkins. That's very handy having the templates at the correct size :-) xx

Kate said...

Love your 'wristies', Helen - the colours are beautiful! Kudos to you for having full size patterns in your book. x

Robin Johnson said...

Oh those pretty pumpkins are just too cute!

Jo said...

Lots of pretty inspiration as usual, keep it coming! Love Jo

Florrie May51 said...

Loving all your new makes and your crochet blanket project is lovely...looking forward to the book coming out x

sweetbriardreams said...

Right Helen, I am going to buy your book. I LoVe your pumpkins and the fabric is divine. You are such an inspiration xx

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Happy Autumn! Lovely work.
I love wristies! They do add a bit of warmth in winter.

mynestofyarnandbuttons said...

How lovely everything is my dear Helen! Can't wait to get my book, xoRobin

By Neymes said...

Lindo Helen,LINDO!!! Boa semana amiga.Valéria.

Gracie Saylor said...

Our day today is just as you described your recent days, Helen. Many of our household are fighting colds and so we went out in the sunshine today for a good dose of vitamin D. My daughters made an apple crumble last week using granola and coconut oil for the topping which was yummy. It is always pleasing to see your cheery creations. I hope you have a happy creative week! xx

Kim said...

Helen, I love to see fall through your eyes, the colors are just fabulous!

Kim said...

Helen, I love to see fall through your eyes, the colors are just fabulous!

Teresa Kasner said...

Oh I love your fabric pumpkins! I made another crocheted one.. I bet you'd enjoy having a few of those around with your fabric ones. Mine come out about the size of an apple. I bet your big granny square project is going to be beautiful! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Betty said...

My favorite time of the year. Love the pillows and the little pumpkins. They are so cute.

Winkel's Crazy Ideas said...

Really love your pumpkins!! One can never have too many pumpkins :). Pam in Norway xx

Jane said...

What beautiful autumn makes Helen....your new book is full of creative treats and I love your pumpkins. I'm so glad the weather is lovely at home....We're enjoying hot sunny days on the beach here in Rhodes. It's our last day today so home soon xx

Cream Linen said...

Your cushions and pumpkins are just fantastic. I love, love, love them
and I wish I had one or two!!!!

Thank you for the inspiration!

Teje said...

Thank you Helen for a lovely moment! Greetings from sunny Finland! x Teje

cristina said...

Helen, I love your fabric pumpkins! and I love your wrist! thanks for sharing such beauty! I'm always happy when I visit your blog! a hug from Catalonia!

Sharon - creativity and family said...

Such beautiful makes and so much gorgeous colour. The weather here in South East England is amazing too, I love the crisp mornings of Autumn. x

Janet said...

Those pumpkins are so cute. I can't wait to get a copy of your beautiful book.

Happy Homebird said...

I am pumpkin mad so love these, they are unbelievably cute! I'd have a row of these on my mantelpiece.

KC'sCourt! said...

Love those pumpkins
Julie xxxxxxx

flowers on my table said...

Very seasonal Helen! Love the toadstool cushion cover! I am very pleased your templates are in actual size, it is so much more convenient. I must get my book ordered. Love everything as always. Much love, Linda xx

Stins said...

Thanks dear Helen, your pictures make me so happy!
Those pillows are great, I love the one with the toadstool especially ...
Lots of love from Mirjam.

Carole Williamson said...

Well Helen here I am sat with a mug of coffee to read your lovely blog. As someone else said it is uplifting and inspirational too. I love your coloured wrist warmers, I find them so useful in the autumn especially in the early morning if I'm going out. I have a knitted pair but I can't find them grrr!
Your cardi is a lovely shade of cream/beige & im looking forward to seeing it when it's finished. The weather is certainly lovely at the moment.
Take care

Love Carole from Rossendale xxxx

Gillian said...

You've made so many lovely things - as usual. I'm trying to use up my apples - apple crumble is delicious.

Simone said...

I love all the fabric pumpkins and the lovely toadstool cushion. So wonderful and happy to look at! x

Jennifer Hays said...

Your fall makes are adorable! I love the little stuffed pumpkins. How nice to have your projects back from the publisher; I never thought about that before, but it makes sense that you would have to send them to the publisher for them to be photographed and featured in the book. It must be so exciting to know they're going to be seen by so many. I hope you're having a good week so far, Helen.

claire said...

I love the mushroom pillow - hope the book launch goes well.

scrappyjacky said...

Autumn is definately here....I do love autumn colours.
The toadstool cushion is gorgeous.

Amy at love made my home said...

I love your fabric pumpkins, they are so perfect for autumn, and I really like the colours of them! xx

Ladybird Diaries said...

Beautiful post as always Helen. I really love your crocheted wrist warmers...I think I may need to make myself a pair of these soon!
Marianne X

Ella and Nesta said...

Looking forward to your new book! Those pumpkins are so pretty and I'm enjoying all your photos!

Oliva Ohlson said...

I have to check out your new book!!! The pumpkins are simply too cute for words...I want them!!!

Anonymous said...

You never fail to cheer me up with your wonderful blog posts, Helen! the colours and projects are just perfect for this time of year.

Ingrid Orens said...

Your mushroom cushion cover is so pretty !!
I'm looking forward to get my hands on your book !!

handmade by amalia said...

These fabric pumpkins are super cute, Helen. I do love autumn above all seasons.

Zwergenwelt said...

Dear Helen,
long time I was in break, but now I am reading your cute posting, so pretty are these pillows, I love them, so fine, also the fabric pumpkins, so sweet! Have a nice weekend, best wishes, cornelia

vintage grey said...

Such lovely autumn pretties!! Hope you are having a wonderful start to the season! xo Heather

Géraldine B. said...

Lovely pumpkins !! I love them !! Have a very nice day !

Linda said...

Everything is gorgeous! :)

Madelief said...

Dear Helen,

You are so talented! The strawberry stars blanket is lovely. Cheerful colours and a beautiful pattern. Love the pillows and the pumpkin you made too. Your creations always make me wish I had more time....

A Happy week!

Madelief x

Brenda Pruitt said...

You manage to put the prettiest fabrics together. I consider you a magician with fabric!

Thimbleanna said...

Isn't it exciting that autumn is finally here? Your little pumpkins are adorable!

Irene said...

Hi Helen, you are such a clever lady as your blog always inspires me - thank you!
Irene Jackson

Unknown said...

Another lovely blog, I would really love to win your book, all the items are lovely. Carolyn.