Monday 2 February 2015


 The past week has been cold here, very cold, and windy too, and just the kind of weather that i prefer to be indoors...............perfect days for homely things ............
.............this adorable little banner was a giveaway gift from the kind and clever carol cook who has a lovely blog called art and sand ......if you don't already know it, do go and visit as you will love it......
 ............for her giveaway prizes carol offered to make a banner with any word of your choosing.....i was one of the lucky winners and chose looks lovely in several different places around the house :)..............thank you carol x...............
 .............i picked a few small cherry blossom twigs to have in the sewing room........the little cherry tree in our front garden has blossom for about three quarters of the year and is very delicate and pretty............
 ...............a little more sewing with my new pam kitty garden fabrics from lakehouse drygoods.......i bought a pack of chrysanthemum paper pieces a while ago and was looking forward to using them............i will be making this little flower into something sweet and will show you soon.....
 ...............this week i have had tulips in two colours, pink ones and red ones.......
                                 .............home for me has to have some fresh flowers.............
 ..............there are lots of bulbs growing too, including some daffodils in a pot on my studio window is my desk on a bright, sunny cold morning as i begin work................
 .............other homely things i have been doing are working on a quilt, working on my crochet blanket, reading novels and old books about old quilts............and baking simple these smartie topped little cakes i made for charlie and daisy (and me) for when i collected them from school.......
 ............i made some heart shaped scones at the weekend for some lovely friends who came for afternoon tea..........i am getting in the valentine mood already now it is february, and making lots of things heart shaped.......

 .............below is my home sweet home sampler in this month's the world of cross stitching magazine, celebrating the season with a spring time house and garden with topiary trees, a garden bench to sit and dream on and plenty of flowers especially tulips :).........
 .............there are lots of quilts out here at the moment, for much needed extra cosiness.....i love to swap around the quilts and have different ones to look at all the time.......i am busy working on the evening star quilt this week and it is growing slowly but surely.......i am quite a slooow quilt maker compared to some speedy stitchers, but i do enjoy the process and taking my time.............i shall also be painting some hearts and sewing some too in the next few cosy days...........
.............thank you for visiting me here in my little blogspace, dear readers, and thank you for taking the time to leave me such kind comments........i wish you all a happy february, with lots of crafty inspirations and homely times..............back soon xxxxxxxxxooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxx


Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Thank you for another beautiful post with beautiful pictures.
The polka dot lunch box...My mother made me a red with white polka dot dress when I was in first grade. I'm wearing it in the class photo. Reading your blog raises up wonderful memories.
Happy Heart Scones!

Brenda Pruitt said...

I envy you your beautiful collection of quilts! Every time I see that you've posted on my sidebar, I know that I am in for a colorful and crafty treat. Oh, how I wish we could buy Greengate here in the states! Wonder why we can't?

Ana Love Craft said...

Hello dear Helen! Another lovely post! All around you is a sweet!I love the shaped heart scones. I also love fresh flowers at home although they are not from my garden, I buy them every week on the market :)
Hope you have a wonderful week!
Hugs and love from Portugal,
Ana Love Craft

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Everything looks so springy! Makes you forget the cold weather

Christine B said...

Hello Helen! Thank you for another lovely blog post! You have reminded me that I have some chrysanthemum papers tucked away somewhere in my sewing room and I want to find them now and make something with them!! Have a lovely week! :) xx

Teje Karjalainen said...

Dear Helen, just what i needed when having a coffee brake - your beautiful and cute post! Lovely makings and it sounds to be really cosy at your home! I wish you wonderful February! x Teje

Unknown said...

Love your new flower piece! And your real flowers, too :) If you have time, would like if you shared titles of novels you're reading, I'm on a reading binge for 2015 :)

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Thank you for a post full of beautiful pictures and inspiration. I had no idea you could EPP a dresden shape! I look forward to seeing what it becomes. Looking at all your pictures makes me want to bake and sew! xxx

Ingrid Orens said...

Everytime you publish a new post, I forget about the cold and wet winter that is still very omnipresent here...
Love your colours & cosiness, it's just what we all need to see these dreary days !!!

Jill at emeraldcottage said...

I love you photos. The baking looks good too. Please can I come and live in your house. Thank you.
Jill ;)

lilac and old roses said...

I love the photographs and you have given me lots of ideas for craft projects at work. Thank you! Jane x

Jo@awholeplotoflove said...

Lovely happy post. Very spring like! You wouldn't think it's cold outside after looking at you photos.

eclectichomelife said...

I love everything about this post. Home and homely is the best. Your sewing looks great. The cakes adorable and the heart scones genius x

Madelief said...

It's grey and cold in Rotterdam as well Helen. A colourful post like yours is just what I need! Your sampler for the magazine looks lovely and so is your start quilt!

Wishing you a bit of sunlight this week!

Madelief x

Lee said...

I LOVE your blog,always cheers me up and inspires me.Bet all those cakes have gone now hee hee,like the heart shape scones what a good idea.Beautiful quilts too.I used to teach cross stitch and bought every magazine I could and books too.Happy Week,keep snugly.xx

scrappyjacky said...

Such a lovely colourful post....and I love your scones....I think I'll have to make some heart shaped ones.

Gracie Saylor said...

It is a joy for me to catch up with your posts, Helen! It is especially good to see Rhys and at least some of the wonderful things you have made for him. I'm so glad you are close enough to enjoy snuggling him. Your latest stash of material is delightful and instructive...I so appreciate your gift for combining colors. I love the cushion you made from Janet's tea towel! I bought a pack of her cards and have had a hard time parting with any of them because I enjoy viewing them so much :) Thank you for your good wishes for my daughter. She is healing well from her hip surgery and headed out to physical therapy this afternoon. Progress! xx

Thimbleanna said...

I looooove that little smartie cake picture -- it's making me hungry!

I'm a slow quilter too, but I don't see much point of rushing through it -- it's nice to have the finished quilt, but after so many years you end up with so many quilts -- so it's best to enjoy the process along the way.

And darn! I wish I'd see your post yesterday -- I made scones for my parents and they would have been so much better if they'd bee heart shaped!

mynestofyarnandbuttons said...

So many beautiful photos in your post today Lovely Helen. I so love homey things and the lovely homey feeling. Love the sweet bunting, so perfect for your home or studio. Love your jug for the sherry blossom twig and the red polka dot case, great photo shot! Baking is the best this time of year and your creations looks delightful, I'm sure the kids liked the smarties. Gorgeous x-stitich, love the bench.
Take care and enjoy this cosy time, xoRobin

20 North Ora said...

Lovely things! Love the sweet bunting - aren't blogging buddies the best and most talented? Hoping I can find the book with the ccs pattern. Love to do ccs. Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Lovely homely post Helen....beautiful flowers, home baking and pretty patchwork, just the tonic for these chilly days.
Have a lovely week,
V x

Art and Sand said...

Thanks for the shout out.

I love all of your beautiful quilts on display. I need to get busy making some quilts!

Pat's Patch said...

Love all your cheery indoor photos. Love the flower and your baking looks very tasty. Love Pat

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Oh gosh, Helen, your creativity and eye for beautiful design never ceases to amaze me! Lovely post, as always, and thanks for the link to Carol's blog. That banner she made for you is just darling.

Sherri said...

Everything is so beautiful and inspiring!

Those pitchers...LOVE!

Cindy said...

Your posts always look like spring to me and that is much needed right now! Thank you for all the pretties. I have some hyacinths that are finishing up and now I want some tulips:)

DH said...

I love your blog! It is always so bright and cheerful! Thank you! Dawn

Jane said...

Being indoors is definately a good idea in this cold weather Helen. You are surrounded by so many pretty things. I bet Charlie and Daisy loved those little cakes. Enjoy being homely and keep snug xx

PamKittyMorning said...

Oh every picture is a treat! Love all your projects and mmm little heart shaped goodies. Thanks for using the Pam Kitty Garden fabric, your blocks are wonderful.

vintage grey said...

Beautiful flower!! I will have to order some of those paper pieces. So sweet!! Your quilts are so pretty and colorful! Hope the weather warms up for you! xo Heather

Lorrie said...

What a lovely gathering of homeliness of the very best kind. Bright and pretty and cozy. Wishing you a wonderful week.

koralee said...

Hi sweet friend...sorry I have not been around is so busy with teaching and now my little grandson take up a lot of my time and I am in heaven spending as much time as I can with him. You have been busy those little teacakes. Hugs for today and always. xoxox

Teresa Kasner said...

It looks like your winter crafting has produced some beautiful things. I bet Daisy and Charlie think you're the best grandmother ever! Enjoy your crafty times. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Elderberry-Rob said...

How lovely to have cherry blossom on hand when it is so bleak and flowerless outside! Your home looks beautiful.

Sigrun said...

While I'm drinking my morning coffee I see your wonderful things and your home. The new doyly is realy beautiful!


barbara said...

Hello Helen
I'm inspired by your beautiful finished quilts, am going to my quilting morning this Saturday and taking all my little left over bits of Liberty to share
might make some Smartie cakes this weekend too!
Barbara x

Annerose said...

Hallo Helen,
das sieht ja sehr gemütlich aus in deinem Nähzimmer. Ich schaue immer sehr gerne bei dir vorbei. Deine Arbeiten haben so schöne Stoffe und Farben und ich fühle mich sehr wohl bei dir.
Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Zeit und lass es dir gut gehen.Liebe Grüße Annerose
PS: Ich habe am Sonntag einen Hasen aus deinem Buch genäht, er bekommt jetzt noch einen Pullover dann werde ich ihn fotografieren und ein Bild in meinen Blog bringen.

Miss said...

When it is very cold but with a beautiful sun, it is the perfect moment to be at the desk!
Everything is here to create a good area.
Tea and biscuits, flowers, and fabrics...and friends!!
have a good week Helen.

handmade by amalia said...

These photos can brighten any winter's day - they are so bright and beautiful once and all. The little market basket is a darling, but those scones are just cruel :-)

Jennifer Hays said...

You're definitely making the most of your winter indoor time. Congratulations on the magazine feature! Your sampler looks beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Another wonderful post with fantastic pictures! Love the heart shaped cute! I have to wait a while for WOXS mag to reach I'll have to start stalking the postman!

Amy at love made my home said...

Your banner is beautiful isn't it, what a lovely thing to receive. The cherry blossoms really are a lovely sight too aren't they, so springlike and perfect! xx

cristina said...

Helen! I love your quilts !!!! and tulips are so beautiful color ... wonderful! The garland is also very beautiful, you're lucky! I hope you enjoy the cold days and their creations! a big hug!

Ladybird Diaries said...

Your posts are always an absolute joy Helen! Your quilts are so beautiful and you have inspired me to buy a few little primrose plants or are they called primula? I'm not sure! But anyway, i am inspired to buy a few and pop them in pretty cups like you have done here.
Marianne x

KC'sCourt! said...

You always inspire me by the beautiful colours. The biscuits look yummy too
Julie xxxxxx

Simone said...

I have enjoyed visiting your home Helen as I always do. Lots of lovely eye candy! x

Deepi's World said...

Your blog is such a cheerful visiting your page.

forgetmenotsblue said...

Pretty banner and such lovely colourful photos as always. Perfect for a little bit of cheering on a grey day :) xx

Gillian said...

Your little banner is lovely. And great to win it in a giveaway. It's very cold here too though no snow right now.

Josie said...

What a great post on a cold winter's day, a real burst of colour! Thank you xx

Jane said...

It's cold here too Helen, I've been sitting by the log burner surrounding myself with yarn at every opportunity! Love your heart-shaped scones and your quilts are beautiful. Have a lovely weekend and keep warm!
Jane xx

Things and Thoughts said...

You are such a productive woman Helen!You create so much beauty around you,you make people happy.And your taste is infallible my dear...A feast for the eyes every visit to your blog.
Happy weekend

susan said...

Helen, everything you do is a thing of beauty. Your posts are always such a pleasure to read and your photos are just beautiful.

Heldasland said...

Helen, I adore your posts .Everything around you looks so adorable. I love your quilt stash

Winwick Mum said...

Oh, what lovely homely pictures you've taken! I do like your new little flower and your lovely prize banner; it goes particularly well with the farmers' market basket. I would never have thought of making heart-shaped scones, but why not? In fact, when you think about it, they should always be heart-shaped because doesn't everybody love a scone, especially when it's warm from the oven? xx

Kim said...

First time here, Helen and certainly not my last...what a wonderful, colorful site you have! You have just lifted my snow weary spirit! :) Thanks!

sweetbriardreams said...

Just popped over from Brenda's Cozy Little House and so glad I did. Now a follower and you will brightening up my blog roll! xx

My Little Home and Garden said...

I once commented on a pretty heart garland that Carol made and she emailed to say she wanted to send it to me. She makes such pretty things.

Your projects are looking wonderful, whether of the stitching or baking variety, Helen. I must buy fresh flowers; they can be a little reward for the snow shoveling that has gone on the past few days.

Have a lovely week of homely pursuits.


Sam I Am...... said...

I didn't know you won Carol's drawing! Congratulations! I love your EPP flower. I have never seen one like that. Your cross stitch sampler is lovely. Scones and cupcakes and cherry blossoms? Oh my! You have it all!

Mia said...

Hello Helen,

I love the light in these images, so full of spring (even it might be cold outside)! And all the little treasures at your home...thank you for sharing!

Stay warm and cozy!
