Friday 8 June 2012

Raindrops on Roses

 Here is my little potting shed spied through the sweet pink roses just coming into bloom now and all the lush growth is due to rain rain and more well as some rays of sun now and then....... is certainly true to say that for a lot of this week it was better to be IN the potting shed  rather than in the garden outside it.........
 ........i kept these pretty petunias inside to protect the delicate papery petals from the blustery showers......
.........but when the sunshine did beam down on the roses they looked so beautiful and unfurled even more petals to the warmth and brightness........this is one of my favourites (i don't know the name of it)...........
.........this is another favourite too, it had a good pruning in the autumn so is less wild and vast than it used to be but still has such beautiful blooms with a delicious scent.............
 ..........among my favourite things this week was the arrival of a fabulous giveaway prize from sweet Koralee of Bluebird was the spring issue of Where Women Cook  and  Koralee's beautiful project below is featured in it ........i love the delicious colours and the delightful styling, just like all the gorgeous pictures Korlee uses on her wonderful blog.........i had heard of the magazine but had not had the pleasure of actually seeing it before......... is absolutely gorgeous, so filled with wonderful pictures which take your breath away, fascinating people and features, stunning homes and decor and just so much inspiring creativity....thank you so much Koralee for sharing this magazine with me, and for the lovely little bluebird card which i will treasure......and the sweet strawberry notecards which will be appearing on here soon too :).......i do love magazines, but this one is really special and i'm looking forward to reading it from cover to cover this weekend.......
 .....and i might be inspired to do a little cooking too.......i was actually hoping for some garden days this weekend, what with a million weeds appearing and the box hedging needing a good trim, and lots of deadheading of the early roses required...........(my lovely garden days block is from chipper nelly here).......
 .................but if it's too rainy and blustery as it is right now, then i will be happy with this............
........the rosy bag filled with colourful new yarn for new crochet exciting to be choosing lots of colours again and planning new combinations..........i can hardly wait ........the red, white and blue striped jubilee blanket is finished now and i love it and so do the family....i will photograph it very soon and it will be coming to the countryside with us on a little trip in a week or so.............
.........i will leave you with some  roses with actual raindrops on them, though am not sure if you can see them, they are there....i ran out to the rainy blowy garden today to pick these and rescue them from the elements.... i always love to have roses around the house....just one bloom can scent a whole room, so lovely.......
.....wishing you all a wonderful weekend, enjoy your days whatever the weather and thank you so much for visiting me here, i always love to see you..........back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Crafts @ Home said...

What beautiful roses, the cookery magazine looks like a good read, and a feast for the eyes as well, have a lovely weekend, whatever the weather :)
Sue Xxx

Tangled Sweetpea said...

Your potting shed looks beautiful there Helen nestled between your stunning roses, I bet the scent is heady in the air! The magazine looks right up my street, I've never heard of it before. Have a lovely weekend!
Victoria xx

Marigold Jam said...

Such a pretty post. Your potting shed bears absolutely no resemblance to ours and looks like somewhere to sit and muse out of the rain? Hope your weekend is good with enough sunshine to do some gardening but not so much you can't do any crafting with those lovely yarns.

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Gorgeous roses!! And yes there are raindrops a plenty at the minute, I have to say I wish they would go away!
You were very wise to keep your lovely petunias away from the rain.
That looks a beautiful magazine. :)
Have a lovely weekend Helen with fingers crossed some sunshine.
Vivienne x

Unknown said...

Your potting shed looks lovely and snug i love all your colours in the garden. Your flowers look beautiful. Enjoy your weekend and your magazine that looks like a lovely read. And your wool looks so inviting to. Enjoy, dee x

Jenny said...

Beautiful Helen, those roses are gorgeous and your potting shed looks like something out of 'The Secret Garden' - such a lovely little hideaway! Oooh your new yarn colours are very yummy too, can't wait to see what you are doing with them. Enjoy the weekend, it is forecast to be sunny here tomorrow (holding my breath as I want to get out in the garden too!) Jenny xx

Brenda Pruitt said...

Send that rain this a way!

catkin tales said...

your petunias and roses are lovely and what an enchanting potting shed! so sweet :)

wishing you a lovely weekend, with hopefully some good gardening weather xxx

mynestofyarnandbuttons said...

Hi Helen, Such a rosy post today. I love ALL the roses and the scent is just so sweet. I have a very good sense of smell!!! ; ) I hear you have had quite a bit of rain and winds from TV and the Jubilee celebration, so it is about time for your weather to improve! We actually have had the same and I'm getting swallowed up in weeds!! I need a whole weekend to get things under control.
Can't wait to see your new projects.
Take care, xoRobin❤

Anonymous said...

Love the pink roses, just so beautiful. What an awesome potting shed, I would love to have something like that, but alas neighborhood covenants. Hugs ~ Mary

fee @ chipper nelly said...

Oh I love Koralee's work - she's so talented. Great giveawau treat.

Lovely post as ever Helen - have I mentioned my potting shed envy?
fee x

Patty Marker said...

It is all so pretty. I wish we would get a day or two of rain but I don't think that will happen for a few months now. Your garden is so green and the roses are beautiful. Enjoy your time with your lovely yarns. Patty

cupcakejojo said...

Ahhhh lovely stuff! I think I should like to sit in your potting shed during the rain whilst enjoying a nice steaming hot cup of tea!! I've never heard of that magazine, I guess it must be certainly looks like a good one!!! Have a lovely weekend :)

Jo x x

My Little Home and Garden said...

I think one of the prettiest things around must be raindrops on roses! Congratulations on winning such a lovely prize.

Annie Cholewa said...

Can you believe we don't have any roses in our garden right now, and boy do I miss them. Yours are gorgeous, especially those in the last image, what a perfect pink!

mags said...

Love your old fashioned roses and pink is my favourite colour for roses. Looking forward to seeing what your lovely wool brigs!

Charlotte said...

Loving all of the beautiful colors!

debbie @ happy little cottage said...

Even though it may be rainy, you still have beauty all around you!! Love the bluebird card and cannot wait to see your finished blanket! Happy weekend!! xoxo Debbie

homemade@myplace said...

i love the colors of your post!!!
xxx Alessandra

koralee said...

Hi sweet friend....thank you so much for mentioning me in your lovely post. I am just so relieved you have the magazine in your hands to enjoy. We will see how long the next one takes! tee hee...will mail it out early this coming week.
Love to you for a wonderful weekend.
And I am loving your sweet little potting shed! xoxox

vintage grey said...

Hi Helen! Your potting shed is absolutely beautiful!! Love the pink watering can. Your flowers are gorgeous. The rain pays off with such prettiness surrounding you! Wishing you a lovely weekend! xo Heather

KC'sCourt! said...

Pretty roses. Can I come and play in you potting shed?
Julie xxxxxxxx

Teje Karjalainen said...

Dear Helen, for me summer rain sounds nice, because we don't have rain for months. I still hope that you have lots of sunshine this summer! I would love to sit in your cosy 'garden room', knitting and listening the drops of rain and watching all those beautiful flowers! Happy weekend! x Teje

driftwood said...

such a lovely post Helen. the roses blooming is my favourite time of year in the garden, especially adorned with jewels of sparkling raindrops. x

bellaboo said...

How lovely to have a potting shed!
You were wise to keep your petunia's inside,mine have been battered by the winds.Lets hope we have a little bit of sunshine this weekend. :0)

Country Rabbit said...

such a beautiful post xxxx

Natalia Glazacheva said...

Hi, Helen! Thanks for sharing with us so lovely photographs :o) Love the UJ cushion & bunting, your beautiful roses, colourful yarns, sweet birdie and teacup, your glass bottles & jug. All looks so delicate and fresh. I`m delighted. Lucky you have such a sweet prize from Koralee :o)
Have a sweet weekend

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Your garden and potting shed are so pretty. It is hard to have plants that thrive in our climate -- succulents do best, of course. Everything requires watering a couple of times a day. Sure would love to see a good rain shower right about now. That magazine looks wonderful. Never, ever would I be able to find it on this side of the world. Enjoy it! And have fun whatever you do, inside or out. Best wishes, Tammy

Cindy said...

Love your pretty roses! Mine are blooming now too and I can't get enough of strolling through the gardens. But we need rain badly and have to drag the hose around. Hate that!

Roberta said...

Il tuo blog è fresco,allegro e colorato,bellissimo!

Paula said...

Sweet Helen, Your garden is beautiful! I love the pink roses! Your potting shed is beautiful too and you have it decorated so pretty! I am glad you have enjoyed some sun with the rain. Your little jug of roses is cheerful and the magazine is wonderful! Koralee is a sweetheart and very talented too! I enjoyed all of your pretty and cheerful photos! Have fun crocheting and enjoy your gorgeous roses! Have a wonderful weekend dearest! Much love, Paula xo

Simone said...

If I had that potting shed I think I would be inside it all the time! The magazine looks a great read - I would be taking it in the potting shed with me! Beautiful pink roses. Have a lovely weekend Helen.x

Crafted by Carly said...

If all potting sheds looked like this (so, so pretty and NO big, hairy spiders), I'm sure I'd become a very keen gardener! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I love your potting shed! I am hoping to do something similar with min this year, as soon as I get it cleared out!

harmony and rosie said...

Oh I so want to be in and around your potting shed right now and those roses are perfectly pink.
Lucky you winning Koralee's prize, it looks gorgeous.
Hoping you get some good gardening weather tomorrow x

Susan Freeman said...

Helen ~ this post is a feast for the eyes! I love all the pretty roses. It has been rainy and blustery here too. I loved your Sew British post too. What darling fabrics!
Enjoy your weekend!!

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

Ali said...

Oooh can I come and live in your potting shed??? Gorgeous - beautiful photos - that magazine looks fab xx Enjoy xx

Poppins Creations said...

What beautiful photographs. That bag of wool is just calling to be jumped in and crafted with! I just started learning crochet, and I'm having so much fun doing granny squares. Hopefully I can do enough to finish a blanket.

I love all the Union Jack bunting and cushion.
I'm having a Jubilee Giveaway over on my blog if you would like to enter, or share with anyone you know who might like it.

Hope you are having a lovely weekend.

Hannah x

Missy said...

Oooh love your shed! So fresh and pretty. And I feel your excitement about starting a new crochet project. For me half the joy is choosing the wool and buying it and deciding on colours. Happy Hooking!
Thanks for lovely comment over at mine and Happy Sunday!

Linda O said...

Your shed looks lovely through the roses, and so pretty inside, a perfect place to read your new magazine!!
I love your roses, we have some in our garden and they do smell wonderful, don't they??
Your bag of coloured yard looks tempting and just waiting to be used, I'm definitely going to try again!! to master crochet, the colours are just so pretty, could I ask what yarn it is??
Hope you're having a great weekend.
Love Linda O xxx

Lynne said...

Beautiful photographs, Helen. The sun is shining brightly here in West Norfolk this Sunday morning, but the sky isn't really clear, there are threatening clouds up there. Sigh.

You have prompted me that we have no petunias yet, -a must do next week, a trip to the nursery to stock up, I think. But we have had lots of raindrops on our roses!

Jane said...

Hi Helen, I am glad you have the shelter of your potting shed. I do like the bunting you have up in there. What a great magazine you shared. Keep showing all those lovely photos, I so enjoy visiting you here. Happy Sunday
Jane x

Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures! Love the title of your post - you've got me singing that song now! ;)
Your roses look gorgeous.

Julie Whitmore Pottery said...

A pink watering can! What a cheerful place to plant and plot you shed is.
I agree with you about the roses, and I do think they love the water, despite the wild winds. Yours are a testament to that~

Madelief said...

Dear Helen,

I know about those weeds :-)! We must have had the same weather the last week...rain and more rain.

What a lovely potting shed you have. It must be a joy to sit there on a rainy day and enjoy the garden.

Lucky you for winning Koralee's giveaway It looks like a beautiful book.

Happy new week!

Madelief x

MelMel said...

Hello Helen.....lovely potting shed, what a joyful place to spend time!xxx

Coco Rose Diaries said...

It's always such a joy Helen to stop by here! Your posts are always so full of colour and beauty. Totally uplifting! My garden has been taking a complete battering recently and everything is looking quite sorry for itself. I hope one day I too will have a garden looking as beautiful as yours....but until then I shall keep popping by and getting my 'fix' from your posts!!!!!

I hope you are well

Take care

Vanessa xxxxxxxxx

gillyflower said...

lovely roses, even in the rain they are still beautiful.
Congrats on winning a lovely giveaway - looks a great magazine, lucky you!
Loving the sweet little jubilee pin cushions in your last post.

Hope the weather clears up soon, but in the meantime happy sewing!
Gill xx

Paula said...

Oh my goodness, your blog is absolutely GORGEOUS! HOW cute is your potting shed - I crave one like that badly! Settling down for a jolly long read!
Best Wishes.
Paula xx

Jenny said...

Hi Helen, just popping in to say thank you for putting my pic on your sidebar, it does fit in very well with all your pretty flower pictures doesn't it! Hope you are having a good week despite the rather rubbishy June weather - I'm trying hard to stay upbeat and busy here though easier said than done! Thanks again :) Jenny xxx

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Hello Helen...Such a pretty picture of your little white potting shed amongst those beautiful pink roses....I think you may be in there this week too Helen...there isn't mush sign of the sun is there?
Koralee's magazine looks such a wonderful read. I do love her inspirational blog full of so much prettiness...
Hope you are having a happy week and fingers crossed for just a little sunshine,
Susan x

Fleur Cotton said...

Beautiful roses Helen, looking forward to seeing your next project with all those balls of wool.

Have a 'rosy' week.
Fleur xx

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Oh the roses are so beautiful. Love the colors!!

Julie said...

Hi Helen..
Loved the roses and raindrops the most.. but a beautiful site over all. Enjoyed visiting you today!
Julie's Cross Stitch