Friday, 21 October 2011

Happy Weekend

 This week seems to have gone by exceptionally quickly, with lots to do....but still time to make this little doily cone and fill it with snippets of flowers, leaves and berries......
 ....some little bits from the garden and some tiny heads of cut can put a tiny jar with water inside the doily cone and the flowers last quite a few days........
I think the week went by so fast for me because a rather cute and interesting little design project came my way (which i look forward to sharing with you soon) so i was quite engrossed doing that as well as my planned commissions... know how time flies when you are busy making things .....and now i am looking forward to the weekend and spending time with the family......
     well as looking for some buttons to finish off my cornflower cardi........
           ..........and looking for a nice one of these ready to make our pumpkin lantern next week......
 ..........and maybe sorting out these lovely old mending thread cards someone gave me....not sure if i'll sew with them, but i love the cards themselves, speaking of bygone days when everything was neatly darned and mended .......
........and i'll also be sewing just a little too as i finally finish off the great autumn mushroom craze i've been having........what will you be doing this weekend, i wonder?........thanks for popping in to see me here....i wish you all a sunny and happy weekend....Back soon xxxxxx


KaPaworld said...

Great idea the one with the flowers!! Beautifull

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Oh Helen that little cone of flowers is so pretty, what a clever idea!
Your cardigan is beautiful, that is a lovely shade of blue.
It's hard to believe we're at pumpkin time already!!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Vivienne x

debbie @ happy little cottage said...

Happy Weekend Helen! Your flower cone is so lovely and I cannot wait to see what you are going to do with your mushroom craze!

Annie said...

Those cards of thread are lovely. And remind me of my Grandma Eva's sewing box. So much more thought was put into the packaging of simple things back then.

Julie Whitmore Pottery said...

Dear Helen,

I remember my grandma darning grandpa's socks, she used a beautiful old blown blue glass orb, which I now have. Those socks were darned again and again!
Your sweater is so pretty.

Frances said...

Oh Helen, you've reminded me that I do need to do a tiny darning bit on some of my favorite red socks. I an definitely not ready to cast them aside yet.

Have a grand weekend.

Teresa Kasner said...

Dear Helen, your cute little posie cone reminded me of May Day and how long long ago, kids would fill cones with flowers and hang them on the neighbors door and then ring the bell and run away and hide. Your sweater is gooooooorgeous!!

We're leaving tomorrow for a week at the beach in our 30' trailer.. to celebrate hubby's birthday! :-)

((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Naturally Carol said...

Hi Helen, I hope you're enjoying your sunny weekend as we speak. I am busy admiring your gorgeous cornflower blue cardi and the little posy cone, a delightful pair!

Babajeza said...

A lot of red in your post today. I love it. It's my favourite colour right now. :-)

Jenny said...

Hi Helen, your doily posy is lovely, what a good idea! The colour of your cardi is so pretty too, it reminds me of holidays, sunshine and the seaside! Hope you find the right buttons for it :) Wishing you a gorgeous weekend with lots of family and crafting! Jenny xx

Unknown said...

The flower posy looks so lovely you must have lots of lovely plants and flowers in your garden. Enjoy all your sewing projects. I really must start sewing and finishing off quilts i need to find that mojo. Have a lovely weekend, dee xx

carrad said...

Everything about this post is really lovely. The doily idea is fantastic! xxx

Pink Milk said...

Helen, your cone of flowers and berries is simply gorgeous, what a super idea.

I do love too the colour of your cardi. I can imagine choosing the buttons is one of the best bits!

I'm currently washing, ironing and labelling clothes for my daughter's first residential school trip next week. Little bit sad - she's never been away from me for more than a night before. :-(

Have a lovely weekend.


Mia said...

Beautiful, Helen! And I love that dotty sewing box with those mushrooms...A mushroom-graze is the best kind :)

Happy weekend!


sew said...

I have darning wool which will never be used but remains in my sewing box with the darning mushroom - how appropriate - mushrooms everwhere! I also have wooden cotton reels which fall into the same category!Love your flower cone - I keep empty spice jars for putting a few flowers into small spaces.This afternoon I'm going to make some little felt Halloween things for my granddaughter who, at just 16 weeks of age, won't care but it'll make me happy! Hope your button search is successful.

Pondside said...

What a cosy post for a fall morning. I don't think children learn to darn anymore, but I certainly remember having to darn socks.

bears footprints said...

I must say no matter what you do i just love, i really must get your sewn book, i have borrowed one from a dear friend but there is so many wonderful things in there to do and i cant really justify photocopying everything, keep up you lovely work and i must say love your mushrooms x helen x

Sewmancer said...

I spent a lot of last night deciding on buttons! Finally found the ones I wanted in my far too large stash for a newly minted pair of shorts

harmony and rosie said...

Happy weekend Helen, your cardi looks like it's going to be gorgeous when it's finished. Beautiful colour.
Kate x

My Little Home and Garden said...

Consider me inspired. I must get out my sewing basket and drop the hems on a couple of pairs of pants. Apparently the rest of the world isn't as tall as yours truly! :)

Madelief said...

Hi Helen,

The cornflower blue cardigan looks lovely. So does the cone. You are always so busy and full of ideas! We had a long walk on the beach today and come home revived :-) The sun really did us good!

Happy new week,

Madelief x

ALISON said...

Love the mushrooms and to say that your book arrived 2 days ago from Amazon...hope to start some xmas things so it will be very handy....ciao Alison

millefeuilles said...

Dearest Helen,

Come and see how your rabbit pattern has helped cheer me up! A wonderful pattern, thank you.

Kentish Keg-Meg said...

Hope you had a great weekend and managed to do what you wanted.

artesdejanine said...

Hi helen, im working on mushrooms also lollll ... i don t know wy it crasy but i m doing alot of them to my house lollll i will send you a photo :O)

Simone said...

I love the doiley cone! What a wonderful idea! x

Jane said...

Hi Helen, what a great idea for a posy and your pumpkin looks fab! I had a wonderful weekend as yet again the sun shone all weekend. I got all my bulbs and winter bedding planted so my garden is tidy now for winter.Even the lawn got its final cut. Enjoy the last of your mushroom fest and I look forward to seeing your finished cardi,
Jane x

Poppy said...

I love the little cone of flowers! And as for your cornflower cardi......BEAUTIFUL!

Lou xxx

gillyflower said...

Love the idea of the little cone with a posy inside - brilliant!
The cardi is looking lovely, what a beautiful colour!
Look forward to seeing your latest project Helen!
Gill xx

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Hello Helen!
Oh my...time really does fly...I reluctantly have to agree with you...there are never enough hours in my day even though I am making a real effort to be more organised and constructive!
Your doily posy is so pretty...I love it...and I knew that your beautifful yarn would create a lovely little cardigan... in my favourite shade of blue...
I am off on a hunt for the perfect pumpkin myself tomorrwow!
Hope you have a great week,
Susan x