Friday 26 August 2011

Green and Pink

 As late summer settles down on the garden the potting shed is almost smothered in green and pink as the mallow and cranesbill grow taller and taller. The day lilies and cosmos are flowering happily too, I must take some pictures of them before it's too late and the show is over.... flowers are blooming indoors too....I spent a little time when we were away learning how to make simple crochet flowers and then I decided to use just the vivid pink ones for a cushion....
 ...this was also a learning experience...finding out how to crochet the granny squares together...there are so many brilliant video tutorials on the internet for these techniques that I managed to pick it up and I love how neat the look is.... it is, the green and pink flower I've found out about crochet flowers I am thinking of lots of other projects to use them's wonderful to find a new inspiring craft to explore isn't it?
 ...this is my project for this month's Crafts Beautiful magazine...I made the breakfast set as a commission, but now I have it back I think I'll use it...we love leisurely weekend breakfasts with fresh coffee and toast and eggs (and a chipped CK mug too!)....
...and what or who is this?'s Dolly, my new tailor's dummy who I'm rather pleased with...I'm thinking she will help me display some of my knitting projects soon.... 
...lovely cream twisty wire, lots of places to hang up decorative things on and just the right size to model my cardi's...Dolly is definately here to stay and soon there will be knitting to show....

Thank you for your lovely comments on Daisy's quilt in my last post, I did so appreciate them. And thank you for popping in today to see me...wishing you all a wonderful late summer weekend (we are going to a neighbourhood party in a garden along the hoping the rain keeps away)...hope it's sunny where you are...back soon xxxxxx


  1. I love the combination of pink and green, both in nature and in crafts, I borrowed a dolly off a friend, she called it Matilda to display my work on in a shop, it looked fantastic... Your crochet is wonderful, have a lovely, long sunny weekend, It's pouring with rain here at the mo...
    Sue Xxx

  2. As always a lovely pretty post Helen. I fear that Dolly would be swamped in any of my knitting as she has a fabulous figure - what a waistline eh?!! Hope the rain stays off for your party - it's chilly and dismal here today and we'd need our warm cardis plus macs and wellies if we were at a garden party I fear!

  3. such lovely things as ever Helen, your crochet is gorgeous x

  4. I want a Dolly too!

    I like geen and pink too. Your pink flowers remind me of the wild roses in June, very pretty.
    I thought I was the only one who kept loved chipped mugs!

    Have a lovely weekend,

    Sandie xx

  5. Love your gorgous crochet cushion. I'm just learning crochet too and I am loving it!

    Leah x

  6. Hi Helen..I'm totally inspired by your cushion! Enjoy the last days of summer!

  7. Oooooohhhhh pretty cushion!! It's lovely Helen, you are whizzing along with the crochet now! I must pick mine back up, haven't touched it since I got back, need to get back into the momentum with it! Dolly is a lovely find too - I have always wanted a tailors dummy but as I don't make garments at all always thought it may just stand looking lonely in the corner! Glad that she will be well loved and used in your house :) Have a lovely weekend, hope the rain stays away for you (is currently tipping down here!) x

  8. Gorgeous cushion. Having just this week mastered the granny square I take my hat off to you :D

  9. Hi Helen! I love your latest craft project and that crochet cushion!
    They are really cute and sweet!
    Dolly is wonderful and so unique! Perfect for modelling and hanging beautiful decorations!
    Have fun in the party!
    xxx Teje

  10. The colours of the lovely items you make,makes me happy every time I visit your blog.

    Regards from Sweden.

  11. Helen, what a beautiful green and pink post. I love the crocheted flowers you mastered! Great job and the granny squares look so nicely sewn together. Aren't tutorials wonderful! I would love to make you a crochet hook. Please email me what size and colors you would like. My gmail account is on my profile page. Then I will email you back on specifics. Thank you. We are in the direct path of Hurricane Irene on Sunday......but I wish you a sunny weekend and neighborhood gathering.

  12. Helen, choosing to add those jolly pink flowers to your squares really gets that cushion to sparkle. The colors bounce off each other perfectly.

    That wire mannequin is a great find! I know it will help with many projects.

    Wishing you a fine weekend...over here, we are on a weekend Hurricane Irene watch, hoping that "she" will lose strength as she moves up the Atlantic coast.


  13. Green and pink is such a lovely combination in nature and in crafting. I can't wait to see your mannequin put into action! Have a lovely garden party!

  14. Oh...I love pink and green together. So pretty, Helen!

  15. You have the prettiest blog. :o) I always enjoy visiting. :o)
    Your crochet flowers are darling.
    I look forward to seeing what you create with more cute little crochet flowers.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Sincerely. Trish

  16. Your garden and the crocheted projects are both so beautiful.

  17. Your cushion is ever so pretty Helen but beware crocheting flowers is very addictive!
    I love Dolly, she will be a great model for you. :)
    Fingers crossed for a dry weekend, enjoy your party!
    Vivienne x

  18. As you know I am not a pink girl Helen but I do love green and pink, in fact that is the colour scheme of my bedroom! Your crochet has come on leaps and bounds, what a brilliant cushion your made. I am looking forward to seeing Dolly dressed up! Enjoy the bank holiday, lets hope the rain moves on!
    Jane x

  19. Another colourful, uplifting and enjoyable post. Thank you Helen. I love love love your crochet cushion! The colours are just perfect. You are sooooooo inspiring! Mandy :)

  20. Pink and green go together so well.. how can you argue with the decision of mother nature? Pink flowers on green stems with green leaves. Your posts are like the best pages of a magazine, so pretty and uplifting - with no pesky commercials! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  21. Lovely to meet Dolly, she is perfect! and your dear little flowers crocheted with the indispensable Clover crochet hook ...
    hope you have a lovely garden party, Helen.
    Barbara x

  22. Wishing you the happiest and sunniest weekend and wonderful party! And I am loving the greens and pinks together, just so delicious combo!

    Happy Saturday!


  23. I have fallen in love with Dolly ;-)

    Your cushion is delightful, Helen. Yes, it is amazing how with one simple motif - a crocheted flower - one can conjure up a dozen pretty projects. I wish we didn't need to sleep at night and could spend those quiet hours doing purely creative things!

    I agree with you; internet videos are invaluable for teaching new techniques. I have relied on YouTube for knitting tips for a few months now.

    If you are interested I am having a giveaway at the end of the weekend!

    Happy weekend,


  24. I love Dolly and wonder what she will be wearing when we next see her.
    I keep stopping what I should be doing to make a little flower - just how addictive is this crochet lark? Do you find your crochet hook with its 'handle' easier than an ordinary one? Sunshine & (heavy)showers here - hope you just have the sunshine.

  25. i love the crochet cushion , the colours are so pretty, i might have a go at making one for myself, thank you for the inspiration

  26. Dear Helen,

    Please forgive this shameless plug but I simply wished to tell you that I am hosting my first giveaway and I think it is something which might warm your heart.

    Thank you so much and have a lovely week with your crochet hook and yarn stash!

  27. Wow, that's a fabulous cushion. The green and pink combination is gorgeous.

  28. Love the tailor dummy - also acts as a feature too!

    Lesley - The Bathtime Team

  29. Love the tailor dummy. wondering do you make them for sale? I am rearranging my daughters room and she would love one. Preferrably in pink. I have seen some on line but the color was all wrong.


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.