Monday 29 August 2011

Casting On

 We are wearing our cardigans again here, and searching in the cupboards for our autumn knits....and last week I ordered some wool ready to cast on a new woolly garment....
 ...the last cosy wool knitting I did was earlier this year when I made this for my younger daughter's birthday. It's the Beth jacket by Kim Hargreaves from her book Amber....'s made with Rowan Big wool and  it certainly is BiG and so are the needles...rather HuGe actually and when I first began knitting it was more like grappling and quite a different experience from the usual  knitting one...but it did make a lovely garment with a lovely textured look.... now the season is on the turn and autumn is bringing us it's treats and treasures as well as damp chills and nights closing in, and I needed to have some new wool and some knitting on my needles again.....
 ....I bought this wool/cotton blend...I love all the Amy Butler colours but the blue is the one I liked best this time....
 ....the pattern is a Sirdar cardigan I've knitted before and I hope when it is finished that Dolly will model it for well as a parcel of lovely wool arriving this week another surprise parcel came for me...I won a giveaway at Fin and Gabs and Andrea sent me a gorgeous collection of treats...
 ...the parcel was beautifully wrapped with a gorgeous little black and white heart charm...Andrea is a talented designer who creates all kinds of lovely stationery designs, including bespoke ones, for her shop Andrea Willis Designs, and for Crafts Beautiful magazine too....I was thrilled to find one of her pretty covered notebooks in the parcel specially personalised for me!! are all the treats in the giveaway parcel...I love everything...thank you so much, Andrea! Do go and visit her bright and colourful blog and shop...she has some gorgeous designs .....
I love this little birdie ....when I'm knitting I often make plans and think things through, dream of things I'm going to make and things I want to do...I'm planning to do a bit of knitting and dreaming this bank holiday afternoon, after a busy click knit knit...
I hope you have a happy week ahead with time to follow your dreams whatever they may be....thanks for dropping by to my little space today, I love your visits.....back soon xxxxxx


  1. Hello lovely Helen!....I am not officially back in blogland until me girls leave for university but couldn't resist a few visits to some favourite places!
    Your Giveaway parcel was full of so many must have been such a joy to open...I must visit Andrea's blog next...
    I have some of this Belle Organic really is such a beautiful shade of blue and I am sure you will create something very special with it...
    Hope you have a wonderful Bank Holiday Monday,
    'Happy clicking'
    Susan x

  2. What a gorgeous giveaway parcel, how lucky you must feel! And what would any autumnn day be - and the grey skies, cool breezes and falling leaves certainly say it's autumn where I am - without some knitting on the needles :)

  3. Lovely little bird hanging as well as the other pretty items. Lucky you! This time of year one's thoughts do turn to knitting don't they? Love that blue yarn you have there.

  4. Morning Helen, Happy bank holiday Monday! Hope the sun is shining for you.
    What a wonderful parcel to win, I am going to have a look at Andreas blog now!
    Yes we are certainly getting that "autumnal" feeling in the air now.
    I will be following "My Dream" next week when I visit my Daughter in Brisbane....can't wait!!!!!
    Love Gill x

  5. What a lovely bundle of goodies you received from Andrea - I especially love the notebook and the 'Home Sweet Home' plaque. Little bunny at the top made me smile in her cosy cardi! I've been doing some knitting too (which I hadn't done for years), so will look forward to seeing the blue cardigan. Wish my knitting was as even as yours!

  6. What lovely pretty goodies.

  7. That blue wool is fab, all I have to do is learn to knit.....Just have to stick to to loomed wooly hats and skinny pom pom scarfs!
    Karen x

  8. Oooh Helen I'm in love with your new yarn, such a beautiful colour, I'm looking forward to seeing the finished garment!
    Your daughter's jacket is gorgeous too.
    What a great giveaway to win, I love the card of buttons!
    Enjoy your knitty afternoon. :)Vivienne x

  9. Hi Helen, Yes I think you are right "fall" is in the air. Those apples look delightful and I'm sure would make a tasty Apple Betty! Love all your knitting. The bulky sweater jacket is so nice and I'm know your daughter will love it. Daisy's sweater can't help but be beautiful, especially with the little girl wearing it and the lushes color!! Have a fun day clicking those needles. xoRobin❤

  10. What a great give away to receive! Love that blue yarn, makes me want to buy some:)

  11. Good Morning. :o)
    Congratulations on your win.
    What charming treats you have there.
    Your cardigan is going to be gorgeous.
    What a beautiful shade of blue.
    Have a nice week.
    Sincerely, Trish

  12. Hi Helen,

    How lucky you are to win such charming goodies!
    The Amy Butler yarn is lovely, especially that shade of blue! Enjoy your holiday!

  13. This post of yours gets me excited about Fall cozies my friend...all I want to do is curl up in a cuddly sweater! Hugs to you.

  14. "click click knit knit": those words cast happiness ... if you will excuse the pun!

    Yes, I agree that Amy Butler blue is very pure and vibrant. I am curious to know which pattern you knitted up for yourself with the cilantro green; do you remember?

    Enjoy the onset of autumn, Helen and have a joyful week.

  15. I have just found your blog and what a pretty one it is too.I read a few previous entries and was interested in your janet bell purchase.Beaumaris is one of our favourite places and we have a number of janet bell prints.

  16. That Amy Butler blue is such a beautiful summery colour isn't it? Almost makes up for the grey skies outside! Lucky you to have won Andrea's giveaway (must have missed that one whilst I was away!) everything is lovely, especially the personalised notebook. Hope you are enjoying a bit of peace and quiet this afternoon to get on with your knitting! We've been out all day but just about to settle down to make a granny square or two... hehe! xxx

  17. oh that birdie is adorable.
    certainly weather to inspire wooly cardigans here...... xxx

  18. Such a wonderful shade of blue you have found for your knitting, Helen! Nothing makes autumn more bearable ;) than a new (self knit if possible) cardigan! Cannot wait to see yours finished!

    Have a wonderful and creative week!


  19. Lovely shade of blue for your knitting project. What pretty gifts you won!
    Yes, a definite nip in the air here too. Definately time to search out the cardies!
    Happy week.
    Mandy :)

  20. Oh Helen, love your yarn and that gorgeous sweater. And wow, did you get spoiled with the giveaway! I have 3 pay-it-forward gifts to make.. gives me some ideas!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  21. Dear Helen,

    The giveaway you received looks lovely. I like the heart square buttons! The cardigan you made for your daughter looks beautiful too. I wish I had the time for making things like that. I am still working on my granny square plaid. Hopefully I will finish it this year :-)

    Love the colours of your new wool. Looking forward to see how your new cardigan will look like.

    Have a lovely evening,

    Madelief x

  22. Dear Helen, everything look so beautiful! I just love the pink jacket your bunny is wearing and of course your daghters grey is very special! I would love to have that and autumn weather! Lovely blue yarn and what a present full of goodies!
    I have always been knitting (only lately less because living here with the hot sun) and it's a perfect time to think and make plans, new desings and ideas!
    Have a wonderful week!
    xxx Teje

  23. Gorgeous bunny and knitted creations there. Oh and isn't Andrea the sweetest, she sent me some of her gorgeous cards a while back, I really must blog about them as they are so lovely (in fact too lovely as I find it hard to part with them :-)). x

  24. hi there , its very cold here feels like winter is creeping up on us allready , nearly put the heating on today but resisted , put a jumper on instead, lovely wool too

    i installed avast 5 free antivirus on my netbook and when i tried to update it it said last encounted error: this license is expired or invaild.

  26. What lovely cardigans - even Miss Bunny is snug!Don't you just love that wool - Dolly must be looking forward to her first modelling assignment.Lucky you to receive such a fab gift - I've never won anything in my life! Off to make apple chutney before I'm tempted to pick up any needles/hooks.

  27. Your grey cardigan looks amazing! Its such a skill to be able to knit clothes :)

  28. I knitted with Big Wool on no 12 needles and I know what you mean! But it knitted up so quickly. I think I'd finished in a week. The Beth jacket looks lovely - hope she was pleased.

  29. Hi Helen,
    What a lovely post, but then again your posts are always lovely. I, too, am knitting a winter jacket/cardi. I managed to renew your book "Simple Sewn Gifts" from my local library. I just love it. sit there reading it and saying to myself " i wish i could make that". Its my birthday soon & my mother-in-law usually sends me some money so i`m going to treat myself to your book. Thanks for a lovely blog.

    Love Carole from Rossendale xxxx

  30. Lots of lovely things here Helen!
    Love the beautiful grey chunky cardi you made for your duaghter - lucky her!
    Super giveaway goodies too.
    The blue wool is a lovely shade, look forwrad to seeing the cardi when its finished.
    happy knitting!
    Gill xx

  31. Congratulations Helen on winning such a lovely giveaway! I love the little bird and I am sure you will find a goood use for those sweet buttons. The jacket you knitted for your daughter is really gorgeous, so textured. Thankyou for visiting me, so sorry I am only getting back to you now. I am glad you had a bit of a laugh at the funny photos. I have been catching up with your earlier posts that I missed. Daisy's quilt is so special, she obviously thought so too! I love the cushion with the flowers attached, the 3d effect is really charming. Dolly is lovely too. I look forward to seeing what she's going to model. So sad about the Elizabeth Bradley shop. Enjoy your knitting this week. Oh and I forgot to say the breakfast set is really cute too. Lots of love to you, Linda x

  32. Congrats on your win Helen, what a lovely parcel of goodies you received. Today has been so dismal it was more like winter, lets hope we see a little more sun before the nights lengthen. Always good to see you lovely wools and knitting, have fun,
    Jane x

  33. Hope you had time to make lots of progress on your knitting - I definitely find that I knit more in winter than summer - I am never sure why!

    Pomona x

  34. Lots of loveliness to enjoy! The colour of the wool is VERY pretty! Cx

  35. I love when you talk about knitting! Such pretty yarn. I have a gray yarn tucked away to knit another tea leaves cardigarn for me when I go on vacation in late October by the sea.


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