Tuesday 23 August 2011

A Quilt for Daisy

 This is the quilt I made for my grandbaby Daisy's first birthday.....I used lots of pretty colours for her as you can see, with large daisy like flowers appliqued in the centre...and a few butterflies here and there too....
 ....here it is being sewn...after using bondaweb to fix the flower petals in place I sewed round them with blanket stitch in matching thread...I love this method of applique and it means it is quite robust when being used....and I do love the quilts I make to be used a lot....
 .....hanging up with the flowery nine patch quilt top on my small quilt hanger (it's actually a shabby chic victorian towel rail someone gave us)...I like to look at the finished quilt tops for a while and it reminds me to actually get on  and quilt them ....if i put them away somewhere it's easy to forget about them....
 ....folded up and tied with ribbon ready to give to the little chickadee herself.....
                                                   ......we showed it to her and unrolled it...
                                                     ...and she snuggled right in to it :)....
...now it's at my daughter's house and soon it will be on Daisy's little bed when she moves from her cot...

Thanks for popping in to see me today and for keeping in touch with your lovely comments and emails...it's a strange mix of summer and autumn here...with ripening fruits, warm sunny days, then chilly grey and cloudy ones and that autumn nip in the air...
.....this week I am stitching the flowery nine patch, and making a patchwork cushion, as well as sewing work projects...I have lots of new things to show you too so will be back very soon.... enjoy your week till next time  xxxxxxxx


  1. Lovely, lovely! Daisy clearly appreciates the finer things in life - so nice to have her whole-hearted enthusiasm clear to see! You have reminded me that I have two quilts awaiting quilting...

  2. aahh that is just gorgeous and what a gorgeous name she has too (my first girl's middle name is daisy - such a lovely name). One day, one day I will be be able to make one of those gorgeous quilts. x

  3. Helen what a perfect present for your darling grandbaby...I am sure she will grow up and realise what an heirloom she has there...beautiful. Your quilting is so wonderful to look at and the colours so "Helen"-I love it. It's tipping with rain here in Surrey (typical for my day off) so I am *whisper* starting some Christmas cards-LOL.
    Hope the sun returns soon, we should have a few more weeks of summer left.
    Jane x

  4. Helen that is such a beautiful little girl quilt, i'm sure she'll keep it as a treasure for life :)
    Karen x

  5. What a pretty quilt, perfect for a baby girl called Daisy, Have a lovely week, sewing and enjoying the summer whilst it lasts :)
    Sue Xxx

  6. Hi Helen, Love this quilt and I can see Daisy does too! Your colors and motifs of daisies and butterflies are just perfect. You definitely make me want to quilt again. Oh no, another project, but first I must finish some WIP!!!!!! Have a lovely day. xoRobin❤

  7. Completely beautiful Helen. I adore popping over here for a visit, as your makes and pictures always brighten my day so much....especially today, as it is wet, grey and cold here! A dose of gorgeousness was just what I needed! Thank you!!!!!


  8. Daisy is a lucky girl (and so is her mum too!) the quilt is a beautiful family heirloom, well done Helen!
    Heather x

  9. How lovely - it will surely become an heirloom.

  10. That is one beautiful quilt! I think I'd like one just like it!
    Certainly looks very 'snuggly'.
    I have a few quilts that my Sis has made, all very cosy and snuggly, perfect for a chilly afternoon, napping on the sofa with a cat or two for extra warmth LOL

    Have a lovely week,

    Sandie xx

  11. such a gorrrrgeous girly and beautiful quilt- love the name daisy ;0)xxxx treasured through the generations x

  12. Gorgeous Helen and obviously appreciated by Daisy too!! :)
    You really can't go wrong with daisy flowers and butterflies, can you!!! The applique is so pretty!
    Vivienne x

  13. Very pretty quilt. It is so beautiful
    Julie xxxxx

  14. It's a beautiful quilt and I am sure it will be cherished for many years.x

  15. It's beautiful Helen, you are so inspiring me to make a patchwork quilt... need to finish my crochet blanket first tho! I love the pretty colours you've used, all pastels and soft florals, it's a real girly quilt. She will love it, you can tell she does already! xxx

  16. Daisy and her quilt are both so adorable! Her new "big girl" bed is going to be so pretty :)

  17. Great to see Daisy's delight with her "big girl" birthday gift. I can imagine that years from now that quilt will be used by another generation. It is truly lovely, and clearly made with love.


  18. Dear Helen,

    Daisy (what a beautiful name) is a very lucky toddler.

    I have always loved your colour schemes - one of the things which drew me to your blog AND to buy one of your books - and this is beautifully put into place on this quilt.

    Bondaweb; I never knew about it but I will seek it out as I can see how it would be useful.

  19. What a beautiful quilt ~ the colours are gorgeous & I just love butterflies!!!!!

  20. That's the most adorable little quilt for the most beautiful little princess. A perfect job, Helen!

    Happy and sunny week!


  21. Beautiful work as always. I love the applique and to see it being loved already is such a bonus. I know it will be adored for years to come.

  22. Dear Helen, that is the most beautiful quilt for a baby girl! I'm just beginning a baby quilt for a girl and I do wish I would have so sweet and lovely fabrics! I love your stitched details!
    xxx Teje

  23. It is gorgeous, she looks very taken with it :) xxx

  24. Awwwwwwwwww... love the pretty quilt and love Daisy too. You're so lucky to have her near. My daughter's house sold and they are moving 2,000 miles away in just a few weeks. My heart is breaking.. my 2 little granddaughters will be near me rarely from now on. :-(

  25. Love the quilt for your granddaughter! It is very pretty! How pretty her little bed will be.
    Mandy :)

  26. Hi Helen, I was in Waterstones yesterday and saw a book of yours. It was beautiful and although i don't cross stitch, it made me want to. Such beautiful photo's as well. Do you do those at home. Anyway i was really excited to see it and get a look through. :) Have a good week

  27. Hi Helen..sometimes pictures do tell a thousand words and Daisy snuggling into the quilt you have made for her does just that! That is just the kind of reaction that keep the creative juices flowing don't you think?

  28. Hello Helen,
    Daisy is such a pretty name and you have created a beautiful quilt for a beautiful and very lucky little girl!

    Our weather is exactly as you describe too, as if it can't quite decide to be summer or autumn. x

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Beautiful quilt ,love the flowers with blanket stitch.

  31. Dear Helen,

    Daisy is lucky to have you as her grandmother. The quilt looks lovely! Do you know....my name is Daisy too :-) Madelief means Daisy in English!

    Happy evening,

    Madelief x

  32. Ciao Helen i tuoi lavori sono bellissimi ,mi piacciono i colori e le stoffe che usi,ti segu da tempo e amo molto i tuoi libri con spiegazioni semplici e il punto croce.Wonderful! Susa ma non so l'inglese, sorry:))) Patty

  33. I've just found your blog and I love it - it's all just so beautiful! This quilt is absolutely gorgeous - such pretty colours. And it looks like Daisy thinks so too! :)

  34. Oh my goodness...how pretty is this...you inspire me. xox

  35. Hi helen , what a gorgeous quilt , the colours are so pretty , i love your posts and seing your latest creations , very inspiring x

  36. Hi helen , what a gorgeous quilt , the colours are so pretty , i love your posts and seing your latest creations , very inspiring x

  37. The quilt is beautiful! Daisy is a very lucky little girl! Cx

  38. What a treasure you've given her! A real heirloom piece Helen, she'll treasure it forever, it's such a nice thought isn't it. She obviously loves it, it's gorgeous. Vanessa xxx

  39. so pretty and heartwarming ...

  40. It's so beautiful! I love your choice of fabrics.


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