Friday 2 September 2011

Something Blue

 There are lots of blue things to look at here today, I am very fond of this colour and not only am I knitting with blue wool at the moment but I'm also sewing with blue fabrics like the ones above....
 ...this is some of the blue and white pottery I bought with my birthday money...I love the postmark motif (as I have mentioned before many times)...the above picture shows some scrap paper that I'd used to print rubber stamps on for a project before applying them to fabric so they wouldn't be too inky...I noticed the paper would match the china rather well....
                                            ...the blue knitting is coming along quite quickly... 
 ...lots of blue things in my kitchen...the little hen egg cup is a vintage one found on a stall at a charity garden party a few years ago..... hydrangeas from our garden...the flower heads grow so huge sometimes, and I love to have them in big bunches in the house for their gorgeous colour....
 ....the postcard box that I got for xmas with hyacinths in is now looking pretty displaying some white cyclamen...these are destined for the garden as they are outdoor ones, but I thought I'd just enjoy them indoors for a few days first...
 ...the sweet peas are still flowering here I'm glad to say....I water them a lot, and pick the new flowers daily, and am so enjoying them still...I'll never tire of their sweet perfume and bright colour..
 ...besides working, knitting, and sewing this week I've also been sorting out my studio because it will be having new flooring soon and everything will have to be moved out....this means I'm clearing it bit by bit, so I can keep working in there till the last moment....tidying up a week or so ago made me realise that it was time for a huge sort out anyway, including the bookshelves and cupboards and mysterious boxes filled with who knows what crafty things....
...this is a new cushion for my studio (when it's been re-floored and generally spruced up)... I thought it would be a good experiment to combine rubber stamping and postcard images with applique and patchwork ..I really enjoyed making this it gave me lots of new ideas too....

We have had such lovely weather this week, with warm sunshine and blue sky, making the fruits and berries glow in contrast...such a nice surprise, I even left my cardigan off....looking forward to the weekend now, with family time and gardening, some quilting and of course some blue knitting.... thank you for visiting me here and for your lovely comments...wishing you a wonderful weekend of beautiful autumn days (or spring ones if you live on the other side of the world)...back soon xxxxx


  1. What a beautiful blue post, fantastic blue and white pottery and crafty bits that are just so wonderful, I have a new hydrangea plant in a pot indoors at the moment, I love there big flowers, I was told I could keep it indoors before transferring it outside, although I never seem to have that much luck with them. Have a happy weekend with lots of quilting :)
    Sue Xxx

  2. How pretty it all looks. I am just about to go and pull up our sweet peas as they are finished and looking very tatty now but I have loved having a lottle posy on my table every day for many weeks. We brought blue hydrangeas from France but althoughy they are happily flowering here they are pink sadly. Blue skies here too - it's such a bonus isn't it? Have a good weekend.

  3. I want to live in your house Helen! It always looks so beautiful and cosy and lovely - love all the shades of blue you've photographed today especially of your new birthday china. I had/have a couple of pieces of blue and white burleigh a little similar (I say had as I broke one of my favourite plates a while back - tho have kept the broken pieces for if I ever do any mosaic!!) and I do love it! Hope you have a sunny weekend where you are - weather is still glorious down here - in fact just popped out in flipflops and a t-shirt, so it must be warm :) Jenny x

  4. Love love love these shades of blue! Absolutely stunning!


  5. Your posts are always so colourful , i love those shades of blue, enjoy your weekend , were having a relaxing one too before the start of school , rushing about, homework(or me nagging them to do their homework,mores the case!)after school activities , looking for lost uniforms,ahh joy!!!!!

  6. Beautiful blues! Such a fresh colour palette. Blue skies here today too! Have a lovely weekend Helen. x

  7. So much gorgeous blue!

    I'm another one with a thing about post mark motifs ... funnily enough I'm working with them too at the moment :)

    Happy studio sorting ... hard work I'm sure but it will no doubt all be lovely when it's been spruced up :D

  8. Lovely 'blueness'. Love the sweetpea photo. You are so right you never can tire of them. Need to sort out my room . I have 'lost' a few things and I'm sure they are in there somewhere.

  9. What a heavenly post...these are what I call warm blues...they just make you feel happy!!!

  10. Good Morning Helen,
    So enjoyed your blue post. Oh, how I love that shade of blue too. Your birthday purchases are so lovely and I love the postage stamps. The paper sample, I thought was a there's an idea!! The pillow (cushion) is so pretty and will be great for your new spruced up area. We are enjoying some fallish weather after our hurricane. But I do have to say I pray for some more warm air. Have a fabulous weekend with family and down time. xoRobin❤

  11. Helen, your postmarking theme truly has unlimited possibilities. It's fun to see the motif appearing in various media. Happy exploring to you!

    I'm another blue and white fan, and very much admire the way in which you add just enough accent colors to make the blues sing beautifully.

    Best wishes!

  12. Helen, reading and viewing your posts always makes me feel happy. It brings a smile to see how you find the beauty in life and choose to share it with others. Have a wonderful day!

  13. Oh Helen, I could just gaze for hours. I think that's why I don't get any crafting done! Your blues are wonderful and the pillow is so pretty. I like the rubber stamp technique. Will it wash okay? Patty

  14. My favorite color has always been blue, so I love all your blue things. Just wondering, who is the maker of your blue flowered dishes, or are they antique? Just lovely!

  15. Beautiful blue post Helen, just my cup of tea!
    I love blue hydrangeas, they're definitely my favourites. It's time to get the cylamen in to the window boxes, isn't it, so there is something pretty to look out at on the dark days!
    All your blue china is gorgeous!
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Vivienne x

  16. Loving your blue and white post. I have lots of blue in my house. What a coincidence - I have just been browsing through the latest copy of Your Home magazine where there is an article on the postmark crockery! So so lovely! Your cushion is just great!
    Mandy x

  17. Loving your blue and white post. I have lots of blue in my house. What a coincidence - I have just been browsing through the latest copy of Your Home magazine where there is an article on the postmark crockery! So so lovely! Your cushion is just great!
    Mandy x

  18. Blue is a colour I hardly ever use & have very little of it around the house but seeing your "blue post" has inspired me to think again!!!!! Beautiful ~ I love the colour of your yarn! x

  19. Blue and white is such a lovely combination! I love the stamped fabric on your cushion, what a great idea!!
    Enjoy the warm weather and the weekend!

  20. Love all your blue things just gorgeous! The cushion you made is just so pretty.

    I have over the past few weeks been thinking about soups and crumbles, crunchy leaved walks and new boots! But summer has rushed back to us for the past few days at least so the soup is on hold for a little while longer at least.

    Oooh I do love a good sort out, hope the flooring goes in smoothly and you find lots of "lost" forgotten treasures.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    MBB x

  21. Dear Helen, I'm happy to hear that you have lovely weather! I whish it lasts long!
    Your blue post is beautiful - my most favourite colour always!
    I love your new pillow, too! That rubber stamping looks interesting - I would like to try!
    xxx Teje

  22. Dear Helen,

    I enjoyed looking at your 'blue's', because it is one of my favourite colours around the house. You have a beautiful collection of pottery. The little jug looks very pretty. So does you new cushion for your studio!

    Have a lovely weekend. It's sunny in Holland as well :-)! Hurray!

    Lieve groet, Madelief x

  23. Lovely blues, Helen and lovely post too. Have a happy weekend!

  24. Hello Helen,
    A beautiful post as always. I hate to be the barer of bad tidings, but i think it`s going to be rather wet this weekend here in the North West. But on the upside a good time for crafting!
    Love Carole from Rossendale xxx

  25. Blue and white china is my favourite - I have been collecting it for years, but it is not so easy to find now!

    Pomona x

  26. lovely post. Gorgeous Blue STUFF - JUST LOVE IT

  27. Hello Elena,
    occasionally up to see you and your
    Blog enchants me every time,
    is a real delight for the eyes!
    Congratulations, you are very good
    a hug
    Suzy x

  28. ooh... :0 I need to know where your postmark jug came from! It's gorgeous. Will you leave it in my comments or email?

    Thank you for visiting and leaving such a lovely comment earlier this week. I was having a blue day myself and you really cheered me up. Thank you Claire xxx

  29. Hi your blue things are very pretty love the blue cushion.Love Jill xx

  30. I love blue too! Your fabric and knitting and pretty dishes seem to be a match made in heaven.

  31. As you well know Helen I am totally a blue girl and I am delighted to see so much of it featured in this post. I was intrigued to see the cushion you make using rubber stamped images, great idea. Hope you are enjoying a sunny weekend, the weather has been splendid hasn't it?
    Jane x

  32. Thank you for your comment on my blog.
    That is so kind of you.
    I am really glad I found yours earlier this summer as it has made me
    take up cross stitching again.
    Something I did a lot when my kids
    were small but then it has sort of
    been forgotten among my other crafts.
    Even though I am nowhere near your skills I have realized that it is a craft that for me is really relaxing.
    So thanks for all the inspiration and I will keep on following your blog.

  33. Love the blue theme of your post. Reading your blog is like turning the pages of a favorite magazine, but I think I've said this before.. but I still mean it. :-)
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  34. LOVE the blue and white china, I have a THING for it too! Always so fresh and Happy!! Sorting out some of your older cross stitch patterns as I am wanting something lighter to take on my trip....only 4 more sleeps!
    Gill x

  35. Lots of Blue - but oh so pretty

  36. Hello Helen. I have just caught up on your last four posts! Lovely to see all the pretty things you make and I am looking forward to seeing how your knitting progresses - choosing a new knitting project myself in readiness for the cool days, so all inspiration welcome! x

  37. I LOVE IT ALL, Helen!


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Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.