Thursday 9 December 2010

Sew Merry

 Here are some pictures of  the Christmas tree I put up yesterday in our sitting room. The room is mainly cream and white with touches of red in quilts and cushions, so for the last few years I've decorated the tree in red and white. I hung the merry hearts on, and clipped on the cute new toadstool ornament I got in York.
 And then I had an idea which I just had to make right more merry heart was needed this year...
 ...a red and white toadstool  merry heart was something my tree needed. I got out the felt and threads, and I used bondaweb to fix the toadstool  in place before sewing round it with blanket stitch. I used French knots for the spots, and backstitched some little ferns and stars as I had done on the other merry hearts. And then I sewed it round with red blanket stitch and filled it with polyester toy filling and it was done...
                                                        I hung it on the tree and here it is.
                        And here are some of the presents I wrapped the other day to go under it.
So does this mean I'm all organised? ..Oh noooo - I've still got loads of things I need to do but I keep getting side tracked by craftyness all the time! I hope you are enjoying your week, keeping cosy and having some crafty times too.Thank you for visiting me and for all your lovely comments, I really love reading them. Sending you all heaps of merry wishes. xx


  1. Big sigh - my favourite (Christmas) colour and white and a toadstool as well - big, big sighs.

    Nina x

  2. Hi Helen, love the toadstool merry heart. It may be my favorite but I love them all. Thanks for sharing. Your tree looks beautiful. I will be knitting ALL day and smiling!!!!! Happy Merry rest of the week. xo Robin❤

  3. It looks really beautiful, all of it :)

  4. I love your new merry heart Helen, the toadstool is so sweet!
    Your tree looks really great and you are definitely more organised that me because you have wrapping paper around you presents!!
    Have a lovely evening.
    Vivienne x

  5. Your tree looks so pretty! Love the new merry heart! The little toadstool is so cute!
    Rachel x

  6. You are right, that little New York toadstool definitely needed a companion and what better than a merry heart!

  7. What a pretty tree Helen, such a beautiful new toadstall heart too, your stitching is exquisite. I saw your "Make Me I'm yours book" in a book shop's really fab..I have made hints to Father Christmas (even though I don't sew) it is such a festive treat!
    Enjoy your tree, ours is being decorated this Saturday..can't wait.
    Jane x

  8. Your tree decorations are gorgeous Helen! And your tree looks fab, very impressed. Love Vanessa xxx

  9. What a fantastic tree! I love your homemade decorations.

  10. Hi Helen, what a merry heart you made! I thought I have finished my tree but I think it needs defenetely one 'Toadstool' heart!
    I had programmed my self to iron all the evening...but perhaps it can still wait...thank you for inspiration!
    Your tree looks really beautiful and those white-red packets so sweet!
    xxx Teje

  11. Everything matches so beautifully, Helen. Lovely how you were inspired and immediately started crafting. Your toadstool is quite pretty!

  12. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a lovely comment.I have just been looking through yours and admiring all the beautiful things you have made.You are a fan of red and white as well I see! your tree looks absolutely lovely.
    Hope you are having a good week.

  13. I LOVE the mushroom and the wrapping and the star garland and...everything!


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.