Tuesday 7 December 2010

Merry Hearts

 Hello! I hope you like the title of my post today! Here are some of my merry felt hearts. I made these quite a few years ago, inspired by the shaker shop which had some wonderful decorations that year. I made a set for our tree, and then I liked making them so much I kept on making them and gave them as an extra with most presents, tucked inside as a surprise. I even gave one to an acquaintance who probably wondered what it was!!
 I loved stitching and embroidering the felt, and some day I will do lots of things made from it when I have more time. The little feather trees were made with a tiny applique fabric pot. It was one of the most fun decorations I've made! The next picture shows one heart hanging on the kitchen cupboard, but soon I'll show you them all hanging on our tree!
 Today I got a lot done - some designing, some thinking about designing (which also counts as work of course, in my job), some cleaning and tidying, and some present wrapping and not just tiny easy ones too! I would show you the growing pile but it's too dark now, so maybe tomorrow? And here are a few more quick and easy gift tags made from scraps - I love it when nothing goes to waste and you get some little handmade extras too...
So I have a very merry heart today and I do hope you do too! It may be freezing outside, but it's lovely to be cosy indoors and busy crafting. I've also been knitting a bit today and sewing a sweet cuddly creature which I will be showing you very soon... Keep warm and snug, and thank you for popping by and for your sweet comments.Back soon. xx


  1. Those hearts are so lovely - it would be hard not to have a merry heart when looking at that little collection! Keep cosy and keep crafting - I love seeing what you have made.


  2. Oh Helen, your merry hearts are beautiful!I love working with felt too!The tags are so pretty hanging on the little line!
    Rachel x

  3. ohh i love those little felty hearts, very gorgeous!

  4. Oh Helen so beautiful Merry Hearts! You have so lovely imagination for sweet decorations! Waiting to see your Christmas tree! Have a lovely time with Merry Christmas creations!
    xxx Teje

  5. Goodness Helen, you have got a lot done today!
    I love your hearts they're ever so pretty, the little trees are so cute! :)
    Vivienne x

  6. Oh, how I love those felt Merry Hearts! Love all the details and the delicate stitches. They look so fun to make. I can see why you couldn't stop! xo Robin
    Thanks for popping in to my nest and leaving such sweet comments❤

  7. "a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance (face)" proverbs 15:13...you have brought a smile to my face with your merry hearts...thanks.

  8. They are so lovely! So many sweet little details.

  9. these are lovely. embroidered felt always works so nicely i feel. they would make great teacher gifts.
    hope you are keeping warm Helen,
    with love
    ginny x

  10. Lovely, lovely hearts!

    I love your red-white themed Christmas things so much, and how clever it's to use ll the bits and pieces to gift tags.

    Yours post made me smile again, Helen, thank you!


  11. Fantastic hearts! So pretty!
    As always, your post brightened my day. Thank you! :)

  12. These are beautiful hearts Helen, such delicate stitching and details..love them!
    Have a great Thursday,
    Jane x

  13. Oh wow - your little feather tree hearts are just beautiful! I adore the red wreath on your door too (I chose it for the 'decorate' mosaic I made this morning).Thankyou so so much for joining in Helen.


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.