Monday 13 March 2017

In the Studio

 This week i will be spending a lot of time in my studio working on a (top secret for now) garden inspired i thought i'd show a few pictures taken in here.......the one above shows the grey painted printer's tray that we found at treacle market recently.......i am using it as a display shelf for cards, vintage finds and ephemera as well as flower posies......
 .................desk views...........painting spring flowers in my tiny daily sketchpad........
 ................adding a new flower to an older painting.............
 ..............and finding more flowers to be inspired by every day...............
 .............before i moved into working in the stitching industry i used to work in the greetings card industry and paint flowers all day long.....i find painting is as absorbing and soothing as stitching.....
 ..............i love this time of year and being able to pick some pretty pastel spring flowers from the garden...........we are working on our garden at the moment, re doing a border and mr p is putting up a new arbour on our sun downer spot....looking forward to summer evenings there later in the year.....
 ..............i am working on several works in progress quilts too this week..........below is the flower wreath quilt which is being added to daily here and there, and now has hyacinth pink sashing......
 ............when the new fabric arrives i will be designing the applique twining floral border which i am a bit excited about :).............
 .............the hyacinths in the glass vase below are on my table as i type this and their scent is just wonderful..............
 ...............the little iris all came into flower among some long grasses....they always give me a nice surprise each year..............
 ...........each day i go for a walk with molly the dog and seek out the blossom trees..........
 ..................back to my studio now and on with the more picture of the printer's tray shelf before i go....(the picture is a postcard of a gorgeous lucy boston quilt)...........
............thank you for visiting me here dear readers and for your kind comments too........wishing you a wonderful week ahead filled with happy crafty days.............back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Do you know what....... I thought I would get the water-colour paintbox out and paint, you have now inspired me to do just that

    Julie xxxxxx

  2. Your flower paintings are so beautiful Helen......such a talent!!!
    I love the little Paris print too, your printers tray makes a lovely display place for pretties.
    It's very springlike here today...definitely gardening time. :)
    Have a great week,
    V x

  3. Thanks to your blog post I've had a taste of spring and enjoyed it immensely!

  4. What a gift - to be able to paint like that :)! I think that is why I love sewing blocks and quilt tops so much - it is like painting, but with fabric :)! Loved all your spring pics - we are getting more snow this week - but spring will come here too again!!

  5. Gorgeous post! More of your beautiful paintings please Helen! You certainly have many skills and talent. x

  6. I think SPRING is finally here at last.
    Your paintings are beautiful no wonder you have loads of inspiration for your sewing. It's nice to be able to mix things up abit.

  7. Lovely Helen. The flowers, the sewing and oh my the painting!

  8. Helen,
    Oh my, what I would give to have an ounce of your talent for so many different crafts. I have been tempted to try watercolor painting and have paints and brushes at the ready, but have not jumped in yet. I love the flower wreath quilt. The pink sashing just sets it off perfectly. Can't wait to see the border fabric.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Mickie, Indiana USA

  9. Several years ago I did painting also with watercolours. I love the soft colours of it. You flowers are so beautiful and the new quilt gorgeous.
    Have a nice creative week Helen.

  10. I love your soft floral paintings. And I think the pink strips make your applique pop. I just love it. Thank you for another happy post.

  11. Oh wie schön richtig frühlingshaft.
    Liebe Grüße Annerose

  12. Your paintings are so pretty, Helen. You're good at so many things! I love your flower wreath quilt, the appliques are so intricate. Very pretty for springtime too. Hope you have a good week ahead!

  13. Your painted flowers are just beautiful!!!. I love your quilt,too. Have a good week! Tina

  14. Your painted flowers are just beautiful!!!. I love your quilt,too. Have a good week! Tina

  15. I love that quilt. I am hand batting a quilt at the moment and I am experimenting with circles. I like circles in squares. Always a joy to come over here. Jo x

  16. Happy spring Helen! Lots of beautiness in your studio! Flowers painted with watercolours are the cutest! Also your sewing projects have spring breeze! x Teje

  17. Thank you for the wonderful breath of Spring, Helen
    Your flowers and paintings are beautiful.

  18. Whenever I see your name in my email inbox I smile and my heart does a little flip-flop as I know whatever you have created to share with us will be poignantly sweet and dear. Your heart shows in all you do and WE LOVE IT!!! Blessings!!!

  19. Such beautiful flowers, I love your watercolours. Looking forward to seeing you new top secret project xx

  20. I think it's so cool that you were a greeting card artist! I'm impressed! But I'm sure you're happier doing your own thing in your own home studio. I think you're awesome. Love the quilt and most especially the beautiful watercolor flowers you painted. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  21. Just gorgeous xxx such a creative area x

  22. I love all the springlike and pastel colors!
    You are very skilled at painting flowers! Now we know you had lots of practice.
    Isn't it fun to plan the garden? I like a blank slate and this year I am trying new things.
    Thank you for an inspiring post, Helen!

  23. Your paintings of flowers are just beautiful! I'm so envious... how fun to paint all the lovely flowers you are seeing there this time of year. We have nothing yet as far as color or flowers. Our wild irises come around May or June here I think. I love anything wild but not too much here in dry central Oregon. Your pastels always cheer me up and your quilt is just adorable. How fun to be planning your garden arbor too! I'm looking out at our winter garden area and it is such a mess.. don't know how long it'll take us to get it back to where it was last summer... well one thing I know... alot of work! Enjoy those flowers. Marilyn

  24. Love your beautiful paintings Helen... you are very talented! The flower wreath quilt is gorgeous.... can't wait to see it finished! Have a lovely week! Christine x

  25. How talented you are to be able to paint flowers like that! And the quilt is so pretty! I would love to see more of your garden. Could you show it sometime? Have a great week!

  26. How pretty your watercolors are, fresh and sweet. Another talent of yours! I used to dabble and flowers and fairies were my inspiration. I'm looking forward to seeing the progress of your quilt. You are definitely feeling spring!

    I wish we were close to some planting, even a bit of cleanup of the garden. It's snowing quite heavily now in Chicago and we may have blizzards in Boston and New York as the storms head east. Funny, we haven't had snow in 2 months and after a bit of warm sunny weather, here it is! Well, we certainly are used to dramatic changes in the weather here!!

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. I love when you visit, my friend!

    Jane x

  27. Helen, how beautifully calm and pretty your paintings are. Xx

  28. How wonderful to be painting flowers all day Helen....the best of jobs eh! Your flowers from your gorgeous garden are just the best inspiration. Have a sunny got off to a good start yesterday xxx

  29. Hi Helen your work is so beautiful .you have a wonderful talent xx

  30. I'm wondering what the top secret project intriguing. Your watercolour paintings are just beautiful.

  31. You are just soooo Talented Helen.The flower painting is just sooo Beautiful and delicate.Love the sewing as always.I used to work for Paper House Greeting Cards many years ago.Huggles xx

  32. Being surrounded by such lovely things certainly inspires one to create beautiful things. Always refreshing to see what you are up to. I have so many projects I'd like to work on and most of the time feel like I'm accomplishing a whole lot of nothing. Really must focus. :)

  33. A garden inspired project sounds exciting, looking forward to the reveal :-)

  34. I can truly say that yours is the blog I most look forward to receiving. Your colour choice is lovely, and I feel happy just looking at what you create, even if I don't ever get around to doing things as often as I would like to.



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