Monday 20 March 2017

Garden Notes

 Happy new week!............we have been full of the joys of spring here :)...........last week we had the sunniest and mildest days of the year so far........... was the perfect time to venture down to the bottom of the garden and creak open the potting shed door again...........time to get out the crochet pillows and blankets and soak up a bit of sunshine............
 ...........time to pick some posies of spring flowers and pop them in to lots of different containers....
 ................lots of daffodils, narcissus and jonquils are coming into flower here now..........
 ...............we even have a new garden inspired pincushion to use this week..............
 ...............made from sweet scraps of fabric from my basket of tiny all these fabrics so i keep every bit............ is my spring cutting garden with plenty of primroses, cowslips and tiny bulbs......
 .................i love having different places around the garden to sit and listen to the birds, look at the plants and flowers, and sew or read if the weather is warm enough............
 ..............the glass vase below (really a candle holder) is one of my favourites to hold hyacinths and short iris flowers........i have refilled this with the same floral combination to enjoy on my work table again this week.............
 ..............last week i showed you a bit of the flower wreath quilt with the sashing added..........
 ................below is a little peek at the work in progress is fun to create this and i am looking forward to putting it all together............ i am working on a magazine commission...........and i have my big trip quilt waiting for the next round of square patches to be added tonight............but first i am going to have a little wander in the garden to see if any flowers have opened since look into the pond to see the frog spawn and newts...........and to have a little potter in the potting shed....and i'd better water the greenhouse plants too.......spring time in the garden......i just love it :)............
................thank you for dropping by lovely readers and for leaving me such kind comments..........wishing you all a happy crafty week ahead............back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Carole Williamson20 March 2017 at 11:31

    What a lovely blog post,as always, Helen. We had a lovely couple of spring-like days last week too. But since Saturday morning it's blooming rained here in Lancashire and it's definitely too soggy for any gardening.
    Hope you have a good week.

    Love Carole in Rossendale xx

  2. Helen, this post definitely says spring has sprung - I love all the colour and the beautiful flowers. March weather has been unkind to us here and there are definitely no signs of spring - can't even smell it in the air.

  3. Doesn't your post sound wonderful! We are having a 'bit' more snow today, but my husband has been so kind as to keep the spring flowers coming for inside the house. Right now it is daffodils, and as I watch them slowly open up - it helps to even enjoy the snow falling again outside :)! Beautiful flowers and pin cushion and pillows - love your pics - especially your little Potting Shed sign!

  4. All that beautiful crochet matching all the pretty plants! I love that little patch of primroses and cowslips such a gorgeous combination of colours.
    It is lovely to have spring here again. :)
    Enjoy Helen,
    V x

  5. Your Spring flowers are always so pretty Helen. Wish we were having the same warm weather.... here it has been very windy and quite chilly over the weekend and now it has started raining as well! Good weather for stitching though! Have a lovely week! Christine x

  6. I love seeing all the spring flowers in your post, Helen....we had 2 feet of snow last week and although it's beginning to melt, there's no sign of spring being here any time soon. I love the fabrics and colours in your WIP it looks very cheerful! Enjoy the garden :)

  7. Helen,
    Spring is coming, as they keep telling us, but we had a cold, breezy weekend here. Today is warmer with thunder showers. Love all the spring colors in your lovely flowers, quilts and crochet.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Mickie, Indiana USA

  8. Schön sieht es bei dir aus. Und deine Decke wird wunderschön.
    Liebe Grüße Annerose

  9. Sunny days of spring fill us with energy and the need to get outdoors to soak in all that lovely sunshine. Another delightful post, Helen, filled with the liveliness and colour of this wonderful season. Happy Spring days to you!

  10. Your garden is a credit to you.
    I love your crotchet cushions.
    Looking forward to see your magazine project.
    Have a lovely week Helen.

  11. Lovely
    Even the scissors make me smile

  12. I just love the cheeriness of daffodils! I had one bloom so far. Really warm here!

  13. Yours are the posts that get me a little excited about Spring coming! It hasn't even begun here in central Oregon yet.... not a peeking out bulb or anything, but the lawns are starting to get a little greener. Maybe in another month I'll get outside and set things up... your sweet outdoor chairs and boxes and flowers make me want to set up a seating area too... but not quite yet! I have an area in our yard that could be a pond... so I'm hoping hubby and I can make that happen this summer! I do love the sound of trickling water. Your crochet cushions are inspiring me to make some for a new (old) garden bench that we got for free! Marilyn

  14. Oh your world is such a pastel Spring garden! I love it all. I'm so glad we can say goodbye to Winter and greet Spring! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  15. So clean fresh and pretty thank you for sharing xx

  16. I love your posts, your photos are always so bright and pretty just like your new quilt is looking xx

  17. We have had some glorious weather haven't we Helen.I'm glad you got down to the potting pretty all your blooms are. Have a lovely rest of the week despite it being a lot cooler. Happy Spring! xxx

  18. Helen, you are the person who makes the prettiest quilts I've ever seen! and in this place there is always spring! whether it is winter or if it is summer, autumn or spring, you always inspiring air of spring! I love too your crochet cushions! always all beautiful! thanks for sharing, dear Helen! Have a nice day!

  19. What pretty fabric for Spring creations! Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane

  20. I love popping in to get my pastel color fix - and you never disappoint!


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