Tuesday 17 May 2011

Pottering and Planting

The garden is enjoying the rain today, and I can't complain either because the plants needed lots to drink after the last few weeks...but here are some sunny garden pictures from a few days ago...I planted a new clematis beside the potting shed (I hope it likes it there..)
 ...picked some flowers in shades of blue and purple, lots of lavender for scent as well as colour...
...the last bluebells, some periwinkle and some gorgeous purple columbines or aquiligias (or dancing dollies as some are known to call them)...the pictures below are images I took while pottering around...or working quite hard, however you care to look at it....the beehive composter is one I planned to repaint at the weekend but didn't as it rained....
 One of the things I love about gardening is the way things plant themselves...I found a foxglove growing in the front garden, under the cherry tree which would not be a good place for it to stay...too squashed... but I let it grow bigger for a while (to make sure it really was a foxglove and not one of those weeds I often mix it up with)....and then I transplanted it to a nice place for it in the back garden...
 ..here it is on its way between the front and back garden, pausing for a picture in front of the tiny old shed which has been there since victorian days, very dark and gloomy inside, but quite rustic outside especially with ivy growing round it...
 ...here is the transplanted foxglove in its new home...I'm looking forward to it flowering there next to the box edging which I trimmed soon after I took this picture...
It's such a lovely time of year in the garden whatever the weather, there's always something to enjoy and something new to see. I'm loving all the flower and garden pictures on other people's blogs too. Thank you for visiting mine and for leaving such lovely comments. (Also thank to all those who have emailed me, I'll try to reply as soon as I can.) Have a wonderful week and see you soon! xxxx


  1. Aquilegias are georgeous..I think I love all the colour combos they come in..they are so old fashioned but unusually shaped aren't they! I have never seen a beehive composter before.

  2. Oh Helen such beautiful pictures...you really have the most beautiful garden! I am totally envious of the beehive composter, I have had one on my wish list for a very long time!!!!

    It is overcast here, but no rain, we need it here quite badly!

    Have a super day and wonderful rest of a week!

    Vanessa xxx

  3. What lovely pictures!

    I love your potting shed it looks so fresh and bright. A nice place to enjoy nature and a cuppa?

    We have got our garden together for the first time in few years this year. I am so loving pottering about init faffing about with the plants, painting pots and taking lots of pictures too!

    Thank you for such inspiration and dreamy images.

    MBB x

  4. What lovely photos, your garden is beautiful it should be in a magazine! I love the bee hive composter, much nicer than the plastic bin type ones. Hannah x

  5. gorgeous photos! I have come over all inspired to get out and plant blue flowers!

    BH x

  6. Your clematis and periwinkle and columbine look so beautiful together. Your garden is so lovely. This is such good advice for anyone who gardens... if your'e not sure what it is, let it grow until you can identify it. I have done that so many times myself. And I cringe when I find out neighbors have chopped down a beautiful plant, because they thought it was weedy.

  7. Beautiful flowers,
    Julie xxxxxx

  8. Hello Helen:
    What a very pretty garden you have. It is a wonderful combination of informality with its burgeoning borders and formality of structure with the Box hedging. Absolutely perfect.

    Although we appreciate the need for Box to be clipped to retain its shape and keep it within bounds, we do rather like it shaggy.

    We love the knicker pink container which was the temporary home for the Foxglove. This is such a good colour in the garden where it can be relied upon to catch the eye and make a statement wherever it is placed.

    We have found you quite by chance and shall return!

  9. This is my favorite time in the garden. Yours is looking very pretty. I can see I need to add some more shades of lavender to mine. It is so soft and romantic!

  10. You have such pretty colorful photos on your blog, that it's sheer joy to click over to visit!

  11. We used to call aquiligias 'Grannies Bonnets'- I wonder if they have any other names?
    I too have a rogue foxglove but mine is probably a weed but I'll give it a bit longer to find out!
    Thank you for the delightful colours.

  12. Lovely photos -your garden must be very pretty! Abby x

  13. Lucky you Helen, we still have no rain here and I must admits even the grass is not looking very happy. Our forecast is suggesting it is going to warm up again from the weekend. Your plants are so pretty and isn't it wonderful how Mother Nature self seeds..no messing around with seed boxes! Have a great week pottering when your rain stops,
    Jane x

  14. Lots of my favourite flowers in such pretty shades here Helen...I do love clematis..it really brightens up a shady spot doesn't it?
    I have several new plants waiting to find their place at the moment...but there has been just a bit too much rain around here in the last few days!....not that I am complaining...everywhere is vibrantly green...so lovely...
    Susan x

  15. Hello Helen, pretty pretty pretty garden and flowers. I have some new photos to put up on my blog a bit later, must go out and get a few more pix. This is my first Spring reading many blogs and I'm adoring seeing all the gardens and flowers around the world. :-)

    Teresa :-)

  16. delightful posty, beautiful garden images- i love being outside at this time of year the smells, the new shoots, the sweet flowers and bird songs- a lovely place to be- enjoy xxxx

  17. What beautiful and inspiring photographs, thank you for sharing. I love mooching round the National Trust gardens so many lovely delights to see! x

  18. Lovely to see you enjoying your garden now that the builder's mess and noise has gone.
    Beautiful blues, so nice to cut your own for a vase.
    We're glad for the rain here too today.
    Becky x

  19. You have the prettiest garden.

  20. What beautiful pictures Helen, I love the muted blue tones of the flowers.


  21. I live for gardening in the summer here in Alaska....the season is too short! Just starting up our season...the tulips are opening...it's going to take us a while before we catch up with your garden!
    Chris :o)

  22. Lovely photo's your garden is looking lovely. I love this time of year there is so much pretty color everywhere. Enjoy the rest of your week, dee x

  23. Such gorgeous photo's...so love your garden x

  24. I love all of the different shades of blue there Helen, and your garden looks beautiful, like a real retreat.

    Love Julia x

  25. Granny's bonnets is what we call aquilegias round here!
    Your garden is looking lovely - ours is sadly in need of rain.

    Pomona x

  26. Your garden is just delightful, so cottagey and just the type of garden I aspire to having. I agree with coco rose the beehive composter is fab.Love Linda x

  27. So beautiful, Helen!

    We have had constant rain for days now, but this morning sun shines, yippee! I am wishing you sunny and bright days (and it's weekend again too, too)!


  28. My beehive composter needs a repaint too.
    Might get round to it this coming weekend.
    Weather outside my window looks very promising today. Gardening Here I come with a little time to sit
    craft. Your garden looks lovely.

  29. I have about five of those very pink garden buckets - we use them for everything! As laundry baskets, to bake bread in... sometimes one even makes it out to the garden!

  30. Your garden is looking beautiful Helen - i love all the blue and mauve flowers.
    i find foxgloves self seed here too, i have a few in the veg plot that need moving!
    Thanks for visiting and for your supportive comment!
    Gill xx

  31. That is the most exquisite posy I have seen - well -ever. It reminds me of Sevres plates. Those colours are just so beautiful.

    I'm intrigued by the coffee lady baking bread in a plastic trug!


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.