Saturday 14 May 2011

Home Sweet Home

 Hello to everyone after yesterday's blogger blip when strange things happened and treasured comments disappeared...all seems to be back to normal again now....and things are also getting back to normal in my own home sweet home too after all the weeks of having builders here, replacing the roof and doing a few other repairs while the scaffolding was up...the work is finished and next week the scaffolding will come down....home will seem truly sweet again....
 I'll be able to potter about in my usual way without encountering 'the men' here and there all the time...go picking flowers, painting the beehive composter and even sit on the terrace with a cup of that would be nice....
 Home is where my heart is - it's always been a part of my work too, as the things I explore in design work I try out in my home and vice versa, it's where my studio and office are, where I craft, draw, sew and write, and the house itself has often inspired my design ideas. I like to think of the people who used to live here..we did a bit of house history research when we first moved in - my favourite previous occupant must surely be Lucy Moon who lived here in the early 1900's with her husband, three little boys and - according to the census - 'three resident servants'.....I love to imagine her swishing about in her long skirts, the lovely Lucy Moon.....
I stitched this little sampler here a few years ago for my Home Sweet Home cross stitch book...the flowers were picked last week, I just loved the pink and lime green colour combinations....
...and this is the latest wool for my next cardigan...I love the colour so much I had to have it....
.....currently on the needles is this little pink cardi for Daisy Dot....
 I'm loving the summer colours and the newly opening summer flowers...looking forward to lots of gardening this weekend, potting, planting, painting the beehive composters and enjoying a bbq with the family...
I hope you have a wonderful weekend, enjoying your time whatever you are doing...wishing you flowers, sunshine and the happiest of days....thank you for visiting me me here in my (hopefully blip free) bit of blogland, and thank you for the sweet comments, they make me smile...back soon xxxxxx


  1. Hi Helen, that roof took ages to replace but I'm sure that you will value it's new strength and beauty from here on in! I love the fabric you've used on your sweet heart that yellow is so sunny and the new wool for yourself is georgeous too and your flowers are divine.

  2. I love the idea of work being done around the house - I just hate the invasion of it happening.

    Glad it's all finished now though.

    Have a lovely weekend,

    Nina x

  3. Helen, what a relief the building work is finished and you can reclaim your lovely home.

    Such pretty flowers, they're gorgeous. I love too the colour of your new wool. I don't know if it's just me, but there seems to be a dirth of primrose yellow wool around.

    Have a super weekend.


  4. Hi Helen, so pleased the building work is all finished now... all the little things in your home always look so lovely, and I love that little hanging heart. Enjoy your weekend in the garden! Sarah x

  5. Lovely fresh colours! I think Lucy Moon is a wonderful name - it conjures up the most wonderfully ethereal images ...

    Pomona x

  6. What a pretty display of springtime yumminess. The little heart is so sweet and I love the cheerful fabric. Have fun in the garden.

  7. Awww very sweet and pretty post. Hope things get back to normal for you soon. x

  8. Isn't Lucy Moon a great name? I think you should make a little 'Lucy Moon' rag doll!!! Hearts, stitching,flowers and family all make up a wonderful blog post! x

  9. Dear Helen, I love your post, your sweet personality just shines through! I love your new wool - on my screen it looks like a very pale yellow green.. does it have green in it or is it all yellow? Hugs, Teresa

  10. Hi Helen! Sound exiting to have a home with a long history! Both of the yarns are so inviting summer colours! Enjoy knitting with your beautiful flowers!
    xxx Teje

  11. Hi Helen,

    It must be nice indeed having the house to yourself again. We have painters around at the moment, so I know exactly what you mean. However, they do make the doors and windows look beautiful again.

    Love the little bouquet you made and your stichwork.

    So romantic to know who lived in your house all those years ago. Our house dates back to 1937, but I really have no idea who lived here before us.

    Happy weekend!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  12. Here's to happy summer with new roof! Lovely colors, full of sunshine.

    Have a wonderful weekend, and I wish the blogger hiccups are all over now!


  13. Blogger really did have a little stomping session didn't it Helen! It's good to see all is back to normal and that your house is also nearly back to normal. I too love my home, it's not as old as yours (1930s) I love being here and it gives me lots of inspiration. Lovely flowers in your post; home really is where the heart is. Enjoy the rest of the weekend,
    Jane x

  14. There is no place like 'Home Sweet Home' place of so much inspiration and of my favourite colour pretty!
    Wishing you a lovely weekend,
    Susan x

  15. Lovely post, as ever - always such lovely, fresh pictures. Gorgeous flowers, and the wool is a fab colour. We had building work done last year and the builders were lovely - but I was so glad when they finished, for all the reasons you say! Abby x

  16. We looked back in our deeds for our house and it was owned by Mr Green and Mr King :-) obviously something to do with a pub :-)

    I bet you are so glad to have your home back again, it is like getting your freedom back in a strange way.

  17. I could just do with three resident servants, the lucky Lucy Moon. Have a lovely weekend with your family, Helen, I'm so pleased you can reclaim your home now. x

  18. You must be so relieved to have the house back to yourself,hope you are enjoying the peace and quiet! Your home always looks so lovely and light and the little heart is so pertty! Have a lovely rest of your weekend xxx

  19. Hi Helen,Home is definatly where my heart is,glad your getting back to normal.xx

  20. Hi Helen, I've just found ur blog, I have stitched some of your designs they are very pretty. Blogger has been playing me up too! I love your flowers! Fliss xxx

  21. To visit your blog is always such a great pleasure for me. So wonderful little projects, so nice colors and cute fabrics. Wonderful!

  22. Hi Helen, I've just found ur blog, I have stitched some of your designs they are very pretty. Blogger has been playing me up too! I love your flowers! Fliss xxx

  23. A beautiful and inspiring post, as ever. You must be very disciplined to work at home and be so productive. I am so easily distracted, of course having 2 little ones is quite a distraction!
    Glad your building work is done and you can enjoy some peace and quiet once more.
    Becky x

  24. Oh I adore all your sweet images today...that little heart is so adorable! Love your mugs as well.

    Happy new week to you my friend. xo

  25. Your posts are always so pretty. I love the yellow heart, great colour.

  26. I am sure you are very relieved to get things back to normal. I love your little sampler and the posy is just heavenly. Love the doll's quilt in your previous post too. Thankyou for leaving lovely comments on my blog Helen, so sorry I am only getting back to you now. It sounds as if things were a little hairy whilst I've been away from blogland! Love Linda x

  27. Hello,

    I found you through A Mermaid's purse and its wonderful here!
    love you pinks and bouquets in small vessels, and stitched hearts.

  28. Now I need to have some of that wool! ;) you can now reclaim your garden back, have fun.

    Lou xxx

  29. Beautiful sampler - such chalky pastel colours :)


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.