Thursday 20 January 2011

Sew Flowery

 Hello and welcome to everyone dropping in here to see me today! What a bright and sunny day it's been here - an amazing amount of sunshine has been flooding in and I realised how little we've had lately because it seemed so bright, I'm not used to it...We're looking at a little sewing theme pincushion here - I was just experimenting with the idea and may yet add more to it. It's already in use, though. I just love pincushions, can't have too many, and I have to have them in almost every room...
The cute little scissors are actually a button from Duttons For Buttons, the wonderful button emporium in York (no website, so I can't link to it) - I could have spent hours and hours selecting from the hundreds of brown boxes of amazing buttons they had in stock and did spend quite a bit of time choosing just a few.
These are the brightest flowers I've ever put in the little blackboard planter, I think! Quite dazzling too in the spring sunshine. I love the way that primulas often look as if they've had a white outline painted round the edges of each petal - so pretty. I love all the colours, but at the moment the bright pink are my favourites.
And speaking of favourites: I was very thrilled this week to receive this sweet little award from the lovely Mia at HandmadebyMia. Thank you so much, dear Mia!!!
This award is to encourage visitors to crafty blogs with less than 300 followers, who sell their work online, to spread the word and get their name known more widely. I am intending to pass it on, but so far each blog I was about to mention has just received it from another blog friend!! So I will have to think a little bit longer before I choose who to give it to...I'll do so soon!!!
I hope you are all enjoying your week and that you have a bright and beautiful weekend. Thanks for visiting me and for your sweet comments - I love to read them all!! Back soon. xxx


  1. What beautiful things you always have to show us, I think I should make some more pincushions, the blog you linked to looks like a good read... when I have a bit more time! S :)

  2. We've had the sunshine Helen but I'm afraid it has been very cold!
    Love your sweet little pin cushion and the little scissors are just so cute. :)
    I love to see the primula in the shops, can't wait to get some in my window boxes as I'm afraid the severe weather we had at Christmas killed off all my pansies and cyclamen!
    Have a lovely evening!
    Vivienne x

  3. cute pin cushions! is the website ..shops in harrogate and leeds too...sooo tempting...
    my sickly men (cyclamen) are past it too, so a pretty primula purchase will be order for the weekend!

  4. What a beautiful cushion. You do some amazing work and it is all so pristine! Love it. You are a great inspiration. x

  5. Love the little pincushion. Love too the pink primulas and seen in the sunshine well...! We too have had sunshine and how welcome it was.


  6. cute pin cushion - love your colours once again!

  7. We visited Dutton's in York too Helen, what an amazing shop it is. I bought a wonderful Dutton's bag which you can stitch buttons have reminded me I have still not done that! I have never been very good with the needle and thread, unlike you...lovely work as always.Lovely to see some sunshine too.
    Jane x

  8. Hi Helen, thanks for popping by my blog and for your lovely comment, I know what you mean about pincushions, this one is lovely, and the Primula's are gorgeous - can't wait until Spring comes along! Sarah x

  9. Sweet Helen, I just am smitten with your site. Always something to view which you have created, understand why you deserve the award. I too love pin cushions yours are so colorful and spring like. We have snow again, sadly.

    Does anyone make an award for the most injuries? LoL!

    Thank you for being so creative and colorful. Hugs, Dani

  10. Hi Helen, I love your pincushion. The button is fabulous and I can't imagine a whole store of buttons, I would go crazy! Congratulations on your award, you truly deserve it! Thank you for your nice comment on my blog. Have a wonderful weekend. I'm still hoping for alot of healing to be happening. xoRobin❤

  11. I like the extra embellishments on the pincushion with the dinky scissors! The bright pink flowers certainly add a zing to the grey, overcast day we're having down here! x

  12. Seems sunshine is in short supply this year and is being rationed out..I'm glad you got your ration today! Those primulas are beautifully bright in their pink skirts aren't they...they really brighten up the winter. I love your take on them on the pin wonder you have pin cushions in almost every room..they are little works of art.

  13. Hello Helen

    Isn't it lovely to have some sunshine? Yorkshire is also under bright blue skies and its wonderful after so much dull, dreary weather.
    I love your new pincushion, the button shop you mention is a great one isn't it? I used to live in York and be absolutely amazed at all the choice they had!! The cheery primroses are beautiful, a sure sign spring can't be too far off.

    Have a lovely friday,
    Love Julia x x x

  14. Hi Helen,

    What a gorgeous pin cushion, and the primulas are stunning! Such a gorgeous bright sun-shiny pink to brighten up the day!

    You have a beautiful blog and it's such a lovely place to come and visit!

    Have a super weekend!

    Vanessa xxxxxxxx

  15. Your pictures are just so beautiful as always, Helen! What a lovely pincushion but the flowers just made my day! Thank you for sharing!

    And the award was so easy to pass to you, your blog is on of my absolute favorites!

    Happy weekend!


  16. Gorgeous bright colours, just what we all needed thanks :-)

  17. lovely colours, so cheering after all the fog.
    the pincushion is sooo pretty, it looks like spring already on your blog.

  18. Dear Helen, you make always so beautiful things! This sweet pincushion is so lovely with qute details!
    Thank you for bright spring flowers!
    xxx Teje

  19. Hello Helen, I love our pincushion, so sweet.
    I think I might pop out this weekend to buy some primroses, the 'garden' needs a bit of colour.

  20. Hello Helen!

    Thank you so much for visiting my little blog, it's lovely to meet you! Might I say what a gorgeous blog you have. So wonderfully colourful. I love your makes, the doll's quilt is quite beautiful. Each year I like to have a dabble with a new craft, patchworking is this year's goal! So I shall be trotting back to you for further inspiration! :-)

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

    Heather x

  21. Beautiful garden...and the pictures are even better. Love the soft colours. I have just started sharing my work through my blog.U r blog is very inspiring.U could visit me at love to hav u visiting me there ....happy making the world a beautiful place

  22. That was such a pretty post Helen. Love the painting and the tissue paper it came in too. have a lovely day x


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.