Tuesday 18 January 2011

All White

Hello! Here I am at last - I had intended to write a post a bit sooner today, but this morning I stitched a project and this afternoon I spent idling around with an old college friend so ...here I finally am! I wanted to write about white because although I adore colour, and mixing colours, I also love the plain, cool, peacefulness of pure white.... and the pop of other colours against it. (The little white bear here is from my Cross Stitch Keepsakes book).
I love lots of plain white china to eat and drink from, to contrast with the bright floral and spotty mugs, jugs and teapots I also love. These big white cups and saucers are a bit like cafe ones....
    This is a teeny little vintage coffee cup from a set my mother in law gave me - and kept for special times.
 Everything looks nice in a white bowl - especially  these white mini eggs - one of them is cracked so I'll just have to eat it...
             I love this little white birdie on the alarm clock - so perfect and perky and  well, bird-like!
I absolutely love paintings in white frames and I absolutely love Janet Bell's colourful pictures - this one is Harbour By Day, the first one of Janet's I bought years ago, and it is hanging in my studio above the mantlepiece which has a changing collection of bright things I collect - against a white wall. You can find Janet Bell's Gallery here.
And finally I must have some white flowers, mustn't I? I often have a vase of lilies in the hall - they brighten up the corner and scent the air as you go in and out, as well as wafting scent up the stairs....
Thank you for visiting me here and for your sweet comments, I do so enjoy hearing from you. Have a lovely week, enjoy the lengthening days and the spring promise in the air...see you soon. x


  1. If you asked me what my least favourite colour, it would be white.... I don't buy white clothes... but now you've pointed all these things out I realise I use it a lot! We have white walls, I love lilies, we have white china, and white furniture.... and I love your bear :)

  2. Another beautiful post! I love the freshness and simplicity of white. The little bear is gorgeous with his touch of pastel colour.

  3. Hello again, Helen!

    As always your post was so uplifting and fresh, I loved it. It has a real Easter-feel to it, Easter being my second favorite holiday just after Christmas!

    There's an award for you in my blog, too!


  4. I too love the simplicity and calmness of white, but I have to admit that when I think about it, I haven't got that much of it around... everything I buy nowawdays seems to be either covered in polka dots or flowers! x

  5. What a lovely post, so fresh and bright.
    I love your bear, it's so sweet.

  6. I love white too, I particulary love white shirts and have quite a few!
    Your little bear is so sweet. :)
    As for the white mini eggs, oh Helen more chocolate, now I want some!!!!
    Vivienne x

  7. Hi Helen! How lovely post again! I love white and it's my most favorite colour with blue...even all the colours are so important to me. That bear is very qute! White dishes are so beautiful and like you said, everything looks nice in white bowl!
    Thank you for those amazing flowers to give us joy!
    xxx Teje

  8. Hello Helen, Your post is beautiful as always. I too love color on white, there is so much you can do with white. I love your stitching on the bear, so sweet.

    Thank you too, for the lovely sentiment regarding my health. Although a bit tired I am doing well.

    Hugs, Dani

  9. so lovely. for me it's white roses xxxx

  10. Snow white! Very Scandinavian...beautiful. Do you mind if I name your bear the Snow Bear? He just looks like a Snow Bear to me...LOL!

  11. That little bear is a real sweetie Helen. I like the simplicity and freshness of white but I do like some simple colours with it to stop it being too clinical! I think that some of the most magical pictures of white we all saw recently was all the snow! (Glad it's gone now though)
    Jane x

  12. So many lovely posts recently and I've been too busy to keep up with them :( I would love a big cup of coffee in your serene white house! You take such beautiful photo's - do you just point and shoot or are you all set up to take magazine quality pic's? Thank you for a bit of calm today :) Claire x

  13. Your blog is such a delight helen!!!! just been ooohing and ahhing through your posts, so much creativity and prettyness. I've got tete a tete and an amarylis growing, I've popped them inot Cornishware bowls on my mantel, they make me so happy....but I miss my hyacinths, must go search them out at the supermarket. Funny thing i also just found my white wooden bird house gathering dust on a shelf and have moved that to the mantel too (it's identical to one I see in your pics)..had toyed with the idea of painting it, but I admit to liking it's whiteness.

    lots of love to you

  14. Hi Helen,
    What a lovely calming post, I too love white and seeing it like that makes me want to change my house!! That though would take a long time as it is bursting with colour!!!
    I love your little bear from your book and the white bird is great!!
    I thought the project you did for this months CB was lovely, sorry I didn't comment on the actual post, I am a bit behind on my blog reading!! The part about Spring promise in the air, I wish it would hurry up, it's been so cold today!
    Happy making Helen,
    Andrea x

  15. somehow missed this pretty white post.
    i dod do love the bear :o)


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.