Friday 2 February 2024

Happy February

Happy February everyone!........after what seemed like a very looooong january we are happy to be in valentine's month now.......and beginning with some hearts of course.......
..........the three patchwork hearts shown here are all made from one of my favourite fabrics....fruit label by atsuko matsuyama in the blue colour way..........gorgeous berries and cherries, text and pattern in beautiful colours........
........not much extra decoration needed for these.......maybe a little blue bow and a piece of blue and white striped baker's twine for hanging...........
............they make sweet gifts.....and could be given in a matching drawstring bag which is also good for storage.........the patterns for the patchwork hearts and the dottie drawstring bag are in my etsy shop link in sidebar.........
...........and some more new hearts this week too.........this is my new candy hearts cushion (pattern in my etsy shop as before).......
..........the pink hearts are appliquéd on plain white fabric, and then hand quilted in echoes round the hearts until the whole background is stitched giving a lovely texture..........
...........i've been meaning to make this cushion for a long time and am glad it's now a reality and not just an idea in my head ;)........loved doing the echoes hand quilting too.......very peaceful work on winter days....
............our wintry walks have resumed now the storms have is a very wintry tree at the edge of the estuary in the late afternoon sun........
...........and here are some winter birds perching among the bare branches and reminding me of the little cross stitched birds on my old samplers..........
.............the kitchen pots are thriving and the flowers look so bright and cheerful .......... more blue heart picture.......lots more hearts to come i expect........

 ............thank you so much for popping in here to see me dear readers.........thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment.....that is so appreciated :) ..........wishing you a wonderful new month and happy crafty times ahead.................take care lovelies....................peace and love..........back soon xxxxxxxxxx


  1. Your new cushion is stunning Helen and I adore those little blue hearts!
    Like you I enjoy filling the house with little primroses at this time of year.
    Enjoy your walks ... such a notable stretch in the evenings now too. :)
    Happy February lovely,
    V x

  2. Wow - your plants are flowering so beautifully. And I love all of your sweet hearts!

  3. Beautiful Hearts and Pillows , have fun hugs June.

  4. The fabrics you've chosen for the hearts have a good romantic vibe. They are lovely. The two colored string gives them a nostaligic look.
    Happy February!


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.