Monday 21 September 2015

Sweet September

 Here is the new mini granny squares cushion all finished and in use in my studio.......
 ..............and here is bea the garden bunny enjoying it too.............
 ..............i made the mini granny squares using lots of tiny leftover balls of yarn...........
...............and for the back i made a maxi granny square in some of the colours used in the front...... i am thinking a blanket made from maxi granny squares might be very nice to make :).....

 ...........the colours of stylecraft special dk are wonderful for crochet, mixing together to blend and to contrast, and each person can choose their own favourite colour palette.........
 ................i found some bellis daisies this week which was a nice surprise....i went to the garden centre to buy some tulip bulbs for the cutting garden and a pot of pretty daisies came home with me too.........
 ..............crochet in progress...........clover hook matching nicely.......
 ...............and now the little cushion is finished and i will be looking for my next crochet project later today.............
 ..............below is the buttoned edge.........buttons from my stash...........
 .............i have been knitting my new moss stitch sweater this week too and will show pictures of it soon............earlier this year i knitted a little striped hat for my new grandbaby are some pictures of it as a work in progress, and here too is cute baby rhys wearing it in a picture that my daughter sent me last week............he can put his own hat on now....and take it off again too ;)...... the moment i am working with some pretty new fabrics on a festive theme......these are from the little joys collection by elea lutz for penny rose fabrics......i think they are the sweetest christmas fabrics ever.......
..............thank you for visiting me here in my little blog space dear readers and for all your kind comments.............(you can also visit me on facebook now too if you would like to catch up with my crafty week there).............wishing you all a wonderful week and hope you are enjoying a sweet september...........back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Oh Helen...your little crochet pillow is simply is the sweet bunny! And aww! Your precious grandbaby looks so cute in his knitted beanie! You do create such've inspired me today!
    Have a delightful Monday...

  2. I don't know how to crochet Helen, but I would like to learn this winter. I have the supplies, I just need the time! Your projects are always lovely! Thank you for sharing your wonderful inspiration.

  3. So much cuteness! Rhys looks so sweet in the beautiful hat and so many lovely colours xx

  4. Awe I think little Bea looks very comfortable on your pretty new crochet cushion!!!
    How cute is little Rhys in his hat. :)
    I love bellis daisies!
    Wishing you a lovely new week Helen,
    V x

  5. Your colour choices are always perfect!! So cheery :-) - ooooh baby Rhys is too cute and he looks like he's having fun with his hat xxx

  6. Such a creative idea, Helen, to use the buttons on your cushion cover. Baby Rhys is adorable. :)

  7. You cushion is so pretty. I love the cheerful colors. I've been trying so hard to resist the Little Joys holiday fabric. It's just so sweet. I can't wait to see what you create with yours.

  8. Such a pretty cushion! I love those colors. Your grandson is adorable! Can't wait to see what you make with those fabrics:) Have a great week!

  9. Hello from Spain: I love your new mini granny squares cushion. Great creations. Lovely pics. Keep in touch

  10. The baby hat is so cute! Especially being modeled by Rhys.

  11. The picture of the pink yarn in the bowl with the crochet hook is perfect. Your colors always make me think of sweets and that pic looks like a bowl of ice cream.

  12. Your cushion is gorgeous, Helen! Oh, I love it. You did a beautiful job. I have a large-granny blanket on my project list too, hopefully to get around to next winter (or maybe this winter if I finish my current project early). I love the picture of your grandson with his hat. How funny. My babies never kept their hats on and it was really too bad because they were autumn babies and got skilled with removing their hats in the dead of winter, just when I really wanted them to keep their hats on! :)

  13. Rhys is the cutest little chap in his hat!!
    I've had a crochet afternoon but plan a sewing day tomorrow as I've been asked to make a few items for the beauty salon here in our village.
    I'm planning a crochet blanket too as I like to have something for Winter evenings that's not too taxing and doesn't involve looking at a pattern!
    Your blog continues to inspire and I look forward to your new book - I have made many things from your other publications.

  14. What a beautiful pillow and I think the giant granny square blanket would be beautiful! Lovely photographs of dear little Rhys with his hat... so cute! Beautiful fabrics too! Have a lovely week Helen! Christine x

  15. Dear Helen, your eye for color is unerring. Eye candy comes to mind! Your cushion is just gorgeous. You inspire me. I'm working on a "neutral" afghan and I'm jealous of the colors in yours! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  16. Such a lovely cushion & your grandchild looks super cute with his hat x

  17. Helen it is always a delight to come and visit here. The colour is always so fresh and the crafts are just wonderful. I'm going to look out for your book! Have a wonderful week xx

  18. I love the granny squares, they are so pretty. Your Grandbaby is so cute.

  19. It is great fun to see some of your latest makes and projects and Rhys adjusting his hat so sweetly, Helen :) The buttons on your pillow are both practical and pretty. I got five rows crocheted on my autumn shawl this past weekend and I ironed some leaves in waxed paper, then some of my granddaughters stuck the leaves to a window so that we could enjoy a leafy stain-glass effect. Have a Happy Week! xx

  20. Lovely to see your finished cheery colourful cushion. Bea bunny fits so well there. Rhys is just so cute trying on his stripey hat. All gorgeous XXX

  21. The cushion is delightful. A lovely sweet combination of colours. The fabrics look interesting, can't wait to see what you make with them.

  22. Darling little pillow and darling little grandson!

  23. Helen, this is a post that shows how one project can evolve into another, and where new inspiration might be found along the way.

    Your crocheted squares' colors are very subtle in their harmonies and contrasts. I do like those buttons, too. Just today, I cut some pearl buttons from an older cardigan (not handknit!) and added them to my button box. Isn't it grand to discover the right buttons for a particular project?

    That little baby hat is adorable. and Rhys clearly enjoys its possibilities as a plaything, too.

    Oooh...late September, and you've already found some festive fabric. Well done. The print designs are so charning, that I don't think you have shown them to us too early.


  24. You just have a natural knack for making beautiful color combinations. The pillow is lovely and I just adore the photo of Rhys with the striped hat being pulled off. So cute! Have a wonderful crafty week.

  25. the picture of your nephew is great!!!! love stripy hats!!!
    xxxxxx Ale

  26. gorgeous as always Helen. babies putting hats on and off could be one of the cutest things ever x

  27. Dear Helen Your posts and photographs are inspirational. Love the granny square cushion-so pretty! I agree-Stylecraft has some wonderful colours to choose from and blend so well together. The photo of Rhys with his hat is so cute! Have a lovely week xx

  28. I love your new cushion, Helen! if you make a granny blanket it will be a beautiful crochet set! it's nice and useful to take small pieces of wool to create beautiful projects like this! and the bunny, like all bunnies of your blog is so sweet and nice .... and I see that your next project will also be lovely ... you have a nice day, Helen!
    A hug from Catalonia!

  29. Your cushion is gorgeous Helen I love the large with the small squares and the colours are just beautiful together. I really laughed out loud at the photo of sweet Rhys with his hat...brilliant photo and a gorgeous boy hat. Let's hope it stays on some of the time. It's tipping with rain here but after the glorious weather of the weekend I can't really complain. Hugs xx

  30. Helen, I am always delighted to visit here. Your work makes my heart skip a beat. I fall in love with everything you make . This is such a restful blog, I don't mean you make me sleep , its just all the peaceful colours and beautiful presentation. I wish I could do what you do. Thank you for sharing.

  31. What a lovely way to use those little balls of yarn! xx

  32. Love, Love, Love that gorgeous cushion -- the colors are just gorgeous. Little Rhys looks adorable in his new hat -- so cute. And I can't wait to see what you do with Little Joys -- I have some of that fabric but no plans yet. (Oh, and if it's ok, I'll just visit with you here -- facebook and I don't like each other LOL!)

  33. Your grandbaby is so cute!!! Love his hat too!
    The colors on the pillow are so yummy looking...they remind me of creamy ice cream!!!

  34. I love that cushion and Bea looks so cuddly in her jumper! x

  35. I just love the pretty, fresh colors of the pillow and bunny, Helen. So pretty.

  36. Hi Helen, as sweet as September. I love your projects. I made a maxi granny blanket and it used up all my stash bits and pieces and I love it. Jo x

  37. Lovely projects Helen. Jo x

  38. Dear Helen,

    Congratulations on the birth of your grandson Rhys. Such a beautiful name! He looks very sweet on the photo. What a lovely hat you made him.

    The granny square pillow is beautiful too. Love the colourful buttons at the side.

    Have a good evening!

    Madelief x

  39. Rhys is adorable in his hat! I love the granny cushion cover, your bunny looks so cute sitting with it. x

  40. Ooh, Helen the colours in your crochet cushion are so pretty and it's perfect for little Bea too!
    How quickly baby Rhys is growing up...I love the pic of him playing with his hat...looking forward to seeing what you do with your lovely new fabrics! ;-)
    Hope you're having a happy, crafty week,
    Susan x

  41. Your mini granny square cushion makes me happy just looking at it. All those lovely colours. What a darling little grandson pulling off his hat.

  42. Helen, everything is gorgeous, and so heartwarming!

  43. Helen,

    The cushion is simply lovely! The colors are so vibrant yet soothing. I think you should definitely make a blanket with the squares (and send it straight to me!!!)).

    Thank you for your beautiful posts and sharing of your handiwork.

    Happy Weekend!

    Jane xx

  44. Hello Helen,

    ENjoying all of your September posts. I am new to crochet and am getting inspired.
    Your grandson is precious.

    Here's to more creative days.... I am looking forward to your book's release in America. (I am a librarian and will put in an order request.)

    Anne D.T.
    PlumCreek22 xxx

  45. I love your blog! Every time I am longing for some charm and happiness, I pop over to see you and I am happy once more.

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  46. dear Helen,
    all of your work is always pretty, fine and cute, the grannies are so wonderful, I love the Colors of them and the pretty Pictures make me happy!
    Have a good time, greetings from cornelia


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