Monday, 22 December 2014

Merry Christmas

 After a lovely and very busy weekend visiting friends and family i am at home today.........
 ............finding some quiet time to wrap the last gifts.............keeping it sweet and simple this year......
 .................helped by the fact that my elder daughter and her hb are cooking christmas dinner for us all at their home this year :)............this is so lucky for me especially as our big table has almost vanished under projects for my next book..............i have been working very hard on it and on magazine commissions whose deadlines seem to suddenly creep forward unexpectedly at the moment.....
 .................we are enjoying delicious (waitrose) mince pies this week, cosy fire light and all the twinkling fairy lights as well as the candle light, and some gorgeous scented wreaths and pomanders.... some of my favourite things............
 ...............opening christmas cards, picking greenery and berries from the garden.......
 .................finding a cute little angel to hang on the white tree.......(from gisela graham)......
.............a few toys getting settled for christmas ..........a bunny snuggled up under a cosy quilt, listening for the sleigh bells and waiting for santa................
 ...........daisy asked if she could play with the sleigh ride rabbits and did so very carefully, talking to them all the the end they each had their folded cuffs turned down and had swapped scarves :)............
 ...............i have one or two more jobs to do, and then it will be nice to relax for a couple of days.....
 ............i will still be crafting over the holiday of course, doing some crochet, knitting and a bit of new and colourful paper pieced patchwork which i will show you next time.......
..............a big thank you to everyone who visits me here in my crafty blogspace throughout the is always wonderful to see you and a real treat to enjoy your sweet comments.......wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays...........sending love to you all.................back soon xxxxxxxxooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. I love visiting your blog - it gives me so much pleasure and I thank you for that.
    Merry Christmas and enjoy not having to host dinner this year! ^^

  2. Lovely post. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas. Suzy x

  3. Ich wünsche Dir und Deinen Lieben ein schönes, besinnliches Weihnachtsfest und lasst es Euch gut gehen.
    Liebe Grüße Annerose

  4. merry xmas to you too Helen and happy crafting xx

  5. All of your pretty handmade creations are so perfect for the holidays! Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family! Hugs from Florida, Diane

  6. Hello dear Helen! Another sweet post with lovely photos!I absolutely love the one of sweet bunny in her bed! I'm curious about your new book :) It's always a pleasure read your posts, thanks so much for that.
    Merry Christmas and enjoy all moments!

  7. So gorgeous as always thanks for sharing with us have a Merry Christmas xxx

  8. Lovely photos - enjoy Christmas with your family.

  9. Your blog always lifts my spirits. I too thank you for that. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  10. I hope you and yours have a lovely and relaxing Christmas.


  11. How sweet that the bunny has his stocking hung up Helen. Daisy must love playing with all your gorgeous creations. How lovely to be entertained this am still waiting..LOL. Merry Christmas to you and your family xx

  12. Happy Holidays to you too and thank you for another year of colourful inspiration.
    I'm looking forward to your new book having made several things from your other publications.

  13. Merry Christmas Helen. Your post us lovely and cosy! Cant wait to see what you have in store for us next year. X

  14. Buon Natale anche a te e famiglia. Mi piace molto il tuo blog sempre così colorato e allo stesso tempo semplice. Ciao.

  15. Have a simply lovely Christmas, Helen. xx

  16. Such a beautiful post Helen! Love all the Christmas red and touches of light blue. Such a lovely combination.

    What a joy it must be to just sit at the Christmas table and not do anything. Hope you and your family will have a lovely time!

    Good luck on the book!

    Merry Christmas!

    Madelief x

  17. Merry Christmas Helen! Here's to a colorful and crafty 2015!! xoxo

  18. Your handmades are so very pretty with a signature style that is all your own. Thank you for blogging, it's like a little gift I open when I visit.
    Merry Christmas joy to you and yours !

  19. Merry Christmas for you and your family, Helen !!
    Your house looks soooo incredibly cosy and christmassy, I love it !
    Have a fantastic Christmas Eve at your daughters' house ! Me too I will be cooking for my parents - For me, as their daughter, it is a way to say thanks to them for everything they have done for me in my life. No better time than Christmas to do so ! And I have a feeling your daughter has that same objective...

  20. Hello Helen! It looks like your holiday is coming along just perfect and sweet. I'm hoping for you a day full of love and joy. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉
    *M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
    ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉

  21. Hi Helen and thank you for this happy Christmas post and for all the beautiful posts during the year! Your photos are always so cute and inspiring! I'm looking for to see your NEW book and to start one more great blogging year with you. Thank you for your sweet comments. I wish you wonderful Christmas time and Happy NEW Year! x Teje

  22. wishing you and your family a truly magical and happy Christmas Helen xxx

  23. Dear Helen, Merry Christmas to you and your family.
    It's been a fun year of reading your blog.
    Best wishes always, Anne and family xx

  24. Merry Christmas Helen, these photos are so inviting!
    Eye candy : )

  25. Sending you Christmas Wishes Helen. Keep up the good work love your pics.

  26. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Helen. I love these inspiring holiday images, your home is decorated so beautifully for the season.

  27. Great pictures :) Hope you have a lovely Christmas!

  28. The warm fireplace22 December 2014 at 22:59

    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, look forward to your posts every week.

  29. Lovely photos as always, thank you for sharing them. Merry Christmas to you too! Marie xx

  30. My best wishes for you and your family and friends. Have a nice time with your lovely crafts! Merry Christmas, Helen!

  31. Merry Christmas, Helen!

  32. Another sweet blog from you Helen and I love it as usual! Every time I get one of your posts, I feel like I have to put it away somewhere, and then come back to it again to savor it bit by bit. I don't like to rush when savoring your blog post! Everything is so sweet, and those reds and pinks and bright colors just bring such delight. Thank you for sharing all of your lovelies and your book Simple Sewn Gifts is on my wish list! Merry Christmas to you too.

  33. Visting you is always a delight. Merry Christmas my friend!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  34. Such beautiful pictures. A happy and blessed Christmas to you and you family.

  35. MERRY CHRISTMAS, Helen !!!!
    I hope you are having a most wonderful relaxing time with the people you love. I will also leave Athens for some days and I'm really looking forward to it. We all need some time to relax and laze around.
    Warm wishes,

  36. Hi Helen! What gorgeous photos, as always! They alone would put anybody into a festive Christmas mood! :)

    It's a pleasure to visit your blog, and I look forward to continuing next year!!!

    Happy Christmas!
    Ingrid xx

  37. Happy Christmas Helen. Take time for yourself to have a rest. I look forward to seeing all your crafty makes next year. x

  38. Happy, merry, magical Christmas dear Helen!

  39. Hello Helen! What a lovely post! Can't wait for your new book! Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :) xx

  40. Thank you Helen for your lovely blog - it always cheers and inspires me. Happy Christmas and 2015!

  41. Dear Helen
    Happiest Christmas wishes to you and your loved ones ...
    my cousin is hosting the family party tonight, Christmas Eve, so there is time to gently enjoy the rare pleasure of being at home :)
    See you next year
    love from Barbara x
    ps adore your red tea cups

  42. It always fills me with joy seeing your blog and all the gorgeous projects you've made. And you photograph everything so beautifully, thank you and merry Christmas I hope Santa brings you everything you deserve xx

  43. Ooh, such a lovely festive post!! Merry Christmas to you and your family dear Helen and best wishes for a wonderful 2015!
    Susan x
    P.S Love your sleigh ride rabbits x

  44. Wishing you a blessed and joyous Christmas Helen! xo Heather

  45. Merry Christmas to you, Helen and I hope you have a wonderful relaxing holiday season other than doing things you enjoy. I'm alone but it is fine with me and to tell the truth I am so tired lately I would be poor company and I can't even imagine entertaining. Am I at the age where I need a nap in the afternoon? I hope not but boy I could have used one today! LOL!
    Even as tired as I am you still inspire me! Maybe, like you, I need to play with something that doesn't have a deadline. That might be refreshing. I feel good though that all the gifts made it to their destinations on time finally. Have a great one's so amazing how I grow to care so much for people I have never met. Esepcially the very special ones like you.

  46. Wishing you Helen and all your family and of course your lovely little bunnies a very Happy Christmas, have fun!
    V xxx

  47. Here's wishing you a very Merry Christmas, Helen, one as bright and happy as the posts and projects you share.


  48. Everything looks so beautiful Helen! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! xoRobin

  49. I wish you nice days and a happy new year! Cozy Christmas decorations and nice to have a Christmas dinner with your daughter!
    Greetings from Marijke

  50. Lovely Christmas time ! Lovely post !Best wishes for you and your family ! See you soon !

  51. Thank you for all your inspiration. Merry Christmas!

  52. I hope you had a lovely Christmas Helen, how nice that your daughter was cooking on the Day so you could just enjoy it all! Wishing you the very best for 2015, Happy New Year to you and your family, and I hope you meet all your deadlines!
    Gill xx

  53. The photos are so nice and cheerful, just lovely! My favorite is the one of the wrapped presents on the red chair, so inviting
    I hope you all had a great holiday

  54. Hello dear Helen,

    I wish your Christmas was wonderful! Thank you for a lovely blog-year 2014, your posts always make me smile :) and here's to a New Year, new book&magazine projects and lovely crafting!


  55. The mouse! The bed! The quilt!

    Oh, CUTE!


    Sheila :-)

  56. My daughters took over the major cooking assignments for Christmas, but I tried out a new green bean recipe I saw on Pinterest: searing the green beans in olive oil, adding garlic, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper and garnishing with pomegranate seeds. It looked pretty and tasted great! When I was a child, my mom used our dining room table for many of her wonderful creative pursuits, so I can appreciate your relief at not having to clear your table for Christmas dinner : ) I wish I could have heard Daisy's conversation with the sleigh ride doubt precious. xx

  57. Your blog always lifts my spirits. I too thank you for that. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
    happy wheels
    super mario bros

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Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.