Saturday 18 December 2010

Sweet Things and Snow

 This is the Gingerbread House that Sarah and Charlie built at my house the other day. I bought the kit for them to do, and my job was to make cups of tea, mind Daisy and provide the icing sugar. It was sweet to watch the creation of this little house and the 3 year old's decoration choices, the whoosh of an avalanche of hundreds and thousands, and the obvious fascination of Hansel and Gretel and the Wicked Witch...
 Today all has been quiet at our house and I've been cooking almost the whole time. Tomorrow we have friends coming, so I was cooking for them  and also making freezer meals for over the holiday. And I made these Snowy Rocky Road bars...they look a bit like the world outside here today - dusted and topped with icing sugar......
 These are a treat I bought during a quick shopping spree - they are called Jazzies - who knew, not me, that these had a name and that is what it is - jazzies. I have always loved the look of these - I remember being bought them as a child, they were sold in those days in a white paper bag - and I think I just called them 'white chocolate buttons with hundreds and thousands on top' so I'm glad to finally find out that these have a proper name!
 Here is some of the snow through one of my kitchen windows today, just like icing, I think. The little snow globe idea is from Mia and is just one of her lovely Christmas projects - she has lots more so do go and check out her festive blog if you haven't already - it's full of sweet and crafty things to make.
This is made using one of my favourite glass jars. The little reindeer was a gift from my daughter Rosie a few years ago, and the toadstools were some I couldn't resist buying and here they are coming in handy, just as I knew they would! The 'snow' is made with salt - ordinary table salt topped with rock salt for that extra crunchy sparkly top - like our road is today.
There was a huge snowfall here last night and the garden looks like a real winter wonderland. I'm looking forward to watching a film tonight, maybe stitching a bit of my quilt or doing some knitting too. I hope you are having a lovely weekend filled with lots of sweet things and good times. Stay warm and have fun. xx


  1. Dear Helen, you are so sweet today! I would love to taste your baking and cooking! Especially that chocolate looks too good!
    I feel like I'm near to you because of your kitchen window...I have similar 'candle light'!
    Love Teje

  2. That little reindeer scene is so cute too...I can just imagine all the aromas of your kitchen and the warmth of the oven making it a cosy place...far away from the snow outside!

  3. 'Jazzies'! Well I never knew that and I had them many times as a child!
    That little gingerbread house is adorable, well done Charlie!
    We have so much snow, I'm a bit tired of it now to be honest!
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
    Vivienne x

  4. I also knew them as "white chocolate buttons with hundreds and thousands on top" as well Helen, how much simpler is Jazzies!! Your gingerbread house is very sweet, too lovely to eat though now? We too have a huge layer of snow lying and it is SO cold. Enjoy keeping snug at home, it's so nearly Christmas now.
    Jane x

  5. Love that gingerbread house! Fantastic. A very sweet post. x

  6. Love the gingerbread house, my daughter wants to make one probably so she can stick loads of sweets on it! I love the little mushrooms as well:)

  7. Jazzies? I knew them as Snowies and the chocolate button ones as Jazzies...very melt in the mouth nevertheless!! Reindeer in salty snow scene! impressed..fab idea!!

  8. Beautiful pictures, Helen! I love the gingerbread house, and the snow globe with its reindeer is adorable!

    Only a few days to go - have a wonderful week coming, Helen!


  9. So heartwarming ... do you know I have the exact same candles, must retrieve them from the storage cage at the retirement village ... (it's a long story!) Thank you for inspiring us all, Helen.

  10. beautiful festive treats- such a joy it must be in your lovely home over christmas- can i come? hehe x
    merry christmas to u and your family xxxx

  11. That little gingerbread house is one of the best I have seen! I only found out that the chocolate buttons with hundreds and thousands on were called jazzies a few months back! There is a market stall near where I live that sell great big milk chocolate ones that are about half a centimetre thick. I bought 3 bags yesterday and a bag of regular white ones. I didn't want to run out of them over Christmas!!! x

  12. Oh gosh, the toad stools and reindeer are fabulous!

  13. Love the Snow Globe - going to make one today!


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