Thursday 23 December 2010

Merry Christmas

 It's so close now you can almost hear the sleigh bells jingling....I've wrapped up nearly all the presents, just a toy hamster with special armour to wear (?) and a very small cycling helmet left to wrap which I'll do tonight. Tomorrow we'll be dropping off a few presents here and there to family and friends so I have to make sure they're all ready and labelled properly....
 I've ironed the snowy white tablecloth today, reflecting the snowy outdoors, a family heirloom from my lovely mother in law. Assembling the things, organising the food, trying to make the long stripy candles stand up properly in the tall glass candle holders....tea lights like the reindeer here are so much easier...
And knowing that tomorrow is Christmas Eve and my younger daughter will be home, we can start the festivites and the goodies in the Christmas corner can be opened and enjoyed (apart from the ones we've already been enjoying this week...)
 Such a magical time of year - I do love the Christmas atmosphere, the special feeling - not just about presents or delicious treats, but a kind of magic in the air, a time of stillness and beauty, of peace and joy - I know other adults who feel it too - the sense of wonder is not just confined to children....
So I wish you all a heartfelt Merry Christmas - thank you for reading my blog this year, for commenting with such sweet, thoughtful, witty and amusing comments and taking the time to do so - I treasure every one of them. I've also loved reading your blogs too, so full of life and fun, ideas, creativity, humour and joy. I hope you and your families have a wonderful Christmas and all your merry wishes come true. xxx


  1. How pretty and festive your home looks. All so colour co-ordinated too. Love it! Have a peaceful and happy holiday and may all those packages contain what was wished for!


  2. I too just love this time of year Helen. Your home looks perfectly ready for Christmas.I am nearly there! I too have really enjoyed reading your blog, it is always so cheerful and bright. Looking forward to the New Year and more colourful posts!
    Have a very Merry Christmas with your loved ones.
    Jane x

  3. Have a fantastic time, your colour scheme looks gorgeous! Love that Merry Christmas cross stitch door sign.

  4. I agree with your comments about the atmosphere of Christmas, not only for children but adults too...a sensing of holiness, awe, wonder and even a little miracle or two could that because we celebrate a real person, who's still here!!! I wonder! Merry Christmas!

  5. Happy Christmas Helen! I have enjoyed discovering your blog this month and look forward to joining you again next year! x

  6. Beautiful photos as always Helen, everything is so pretty and tastefully done!
    I hope you have a very happy Christmas with those you love and I so look forward to visiting you here in 2011 in this little treasure of a blog!
    Vivienne x

  7. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas.
    Much love x

  8. Merry Chrsitmas, Helen. :)

  9. Merry Christmas Helen! Thank you for this and all your lovely posts we have enjoyed this year! You have always so beautiful photos!
    xxx Teje

  10. A special thank you to you too Helen for all your beautiful creations and pictures and lovely ideas. It's all been so enjoyable and a treat to check up on each day. Merry Christmas to you and your family! xoRobin❤❉❤

  11. Wishing you and your family a Magical Christmas!
    Rachel x

  12. Merry Christmas and thanks for providing such wonderful inspiration and eye candy over the last year!

  13. Once again your beautiful pictures made me happy, Helen!

    We are celebrating here already, so I must run :) but still:

    Merry Christmas and happiest holidays to you and your family, Helen!


  14. Merry Christmas Helen. So glad to have found you this year - looking forward to more blogging fun next year. Have a lovely time with your family. Claire x


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.