Friday 6 August 2021

Summer Hearts and Flowers

Happy august dear blog is my much loved heartstrings quilt having its turn to be photographed on the garden washing line between the trees......(we plan to add little videos of all the quilts blowing on the line to our etsy shop pictures).....
.......the backing of this quilt is a big blue and white floral print.......
.........and here is my new blue garden trug.....lovely to use and until it rained today i've been doing lots of gardening this week.....
..........crumpled quilt shots are my fave.......below are the cornflowers growing so prettily.....
.........the beehive in the background is a compost bin and it works well (though slowly)....
.........a posy of cornflowers always reminds me of childhood.......
.........i loved the shapes and the colours then...and still do...... day last week was world embroidery day, so i photographed some of my embroidered pincushions for it......(btw the heartstrings quilt pattern and all these pincushions patterns are in my etsy shop link in sidebar)........
.........a quilt stack on my sewing table, with my fun cath kidston fish and chips mug.......
..........some new patchwork in progress now......vintage style....
..........and another lovely cath kidston mug which was a birthday gift from my lovely daughter sarah....

 ...........thank you for joining me here for a little visit.......and for your sweet great to hear from you wherever you are, and lovely to hear about your flowers and crafts too....wishing you all a happy week ahead with sunny days, flowers and crafty times......take care lovelies.....back soon xxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. When I opened your blog and saw that pretty heart quilt, a smile curved my mouth - just couldn't help it. So sweet. I love cornflowers, too. Have a wonderful weekend, Helen.

  2. Your little posy of cornflowers is so lovely, such pretty colours!! 💗 🤍 💙
    I think videos of your quilts blowing in the breeze will be beautiful, your heartstring quilt is gorgeous, the backing fabric is stunning and I always love your vintage pieces. :)
    Happy weekend my dear,
    V x

  3. Beautiful flowers - love those colours! Every time I see your heart quilt, I want to stop and make one too. Lovely, lovely! Enjoy a wonderful weekend, Helen!

  4. Oh, I just love seeing your pretty little quilts!! You always have beautiful flower eye candy, too. Thank you. 😊

  5. Love to visit your blog it makes me feel happy so now I call you my Happy blog .
    Lifts my sprit with the beautiful sewing and flowers .
    Have a wonderful weekend .

  6. Another beautiful post Helen.... always so inspiring! The cornflowers are stunning another flower that I also love. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Hugs Christine xx

  7. You must be so proud of your garden its stunning .
    I love the colours of your quilt they look antique. I wish I had the patient's to do cross stitch.
    Have a lovely week Helen.

  8. I have had your blog post open since yesterday morning! Yes, always busy here, however, looking at your pictures always makes me so happy.
    Your hearts quilt is so adorable. I love that special look hanging on the line.
    and your gardens, and precious flowers! they are perfect!
    This year, I have stayed out of my beautiful gardens, they have had to tend themselves. First reason is the mosquitoes are epic bad. They bite through my clothing. Once I wore a rain coat and put drier sheets around my neck, just so I could go in the back yard to strap up my 6' tall sunflower. It was hot hahaha
    Reason two, my daddy is 97 and boywow he is exhausting now. I love him.
    So, less garden attention, and when I am home, I sew like a mad girl! try to eat healthy, and watch britbox with hubbs (while sewing)
    Enjoy August, Helen


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.