Friday 18 June 2021

June Days

Hello again dear blog's been a beautiful sunny week here.......
........with lots of garden days.......this is one of the vintage charm quilts i made last year......
.......with its rosy appliqués and some gorgeous garden roses....... little potting shed is surrounded by flowers.......
.........and i love this candy pink rose so much.......
...........there are lots of frothy flowers to pick at the moment.......
.........this bucketful was for my studio.......the magenta roses have such a gorgeous scent......
..........this week's quilt stacks.......
..........on a walk down a cool leafy road near our home we spied these beautiful rhododendrons......
..........when i was an art student i loved to paint rhododendrons.....the centres fascinated me.... more garden bench picture.......then i might go outside and sit on it......i love stitching in the garden....and reading and daydreaming too.........
..........thanks to everyone who drops in to see me here in my little blog space.......and a warm virtual hug for your sweet comments too........wishing you a happy sunny flowery week with time for crafting......and maybe daydreaming.......take care lovelies........back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Lovely quilts. The rock roses are beautiful. Happy June!

  2. Just wanted to say--I love all your photos--of quilts and flowers and such and enjoy your blog space--
    hugs, di

  3. Such lovely garden images with your beautiful quilt! I think this has been a good year for roses.
    Such a pretty walk too with the rhododendrons. :)
    Wishing you a happy weekend my friend,
    V x

  4. It is such a joy to see your gorgeous flowers. I always think of England as full of gardens. Our summers are too hot for many of the things you grow and we have deer that love roses, so they are not in our yard. But seeing your roses and other flowers is a treat. Of course, I also love your quilts and your stitchings. Carol in Texas

  5. Sweet and inspiring photos dear Helen🌸🌹🌼🍄🌸
    Happy impending Summer☀️☀️☀️🌞🔥
    Your sewing is always beautiful

  6. Your pictures are downright fabulous. You must live in a most beautiful place.

  7. Such a beautiful spot to stitch and sit and daydream, Helen! Love your pretty quilt and lovely, lovely flowers. Enjoy your weekend, dear friend!

  8. What a beautiful post of all the things I love .
    Thank you love your blog .
    Enjoy your Sunday.

  9. Thank you for your regular updates. I love your quilts, your garden, your roses & flowers. Thanks for letting us drop by ⚘

  10. The fabric choices are charming! I hope you will share the name of some of the fabrics you use. I’m doing a search for the fruit prints. I have seen some lovely ones on Etsy. One day I hope to smell sweet peas just like I hope to return to England. Susan Branch is going in May of 22 but since I am single I was hesitant to go as the group goes their separate ways once the ship arrives in England. But I’m sure travel agents could plan a tour for me right!?!! 😀 I hope your summer is all you would like it to be!


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.