Wednesday 5 August 2020

Sweet Peas

 Happy august dear i am with a whole lot of colourful sweet peas from our garden......i wish i could bring their gorgeous scent here too..........
 ..........i love my new birthday jug...the foxglove design from susie watson that hubby gave me.....
 .........we were late this year getting and planting our sweet peas and they were late flowering too....
 .............but now they have made up for it and we are enjoying a nice bunch every other day....
 ..........sweet pea and other flower colours often inspire my this little log cabin quilt....
 ....and this floral pincushion with applique roses and lilac fabric.......... these words (from a lakehouse fabric).....the seeds you sow...
 .............another birthday present here too.....a pretty candy pink and white striped cornishware mug....
 ...........sweet peas are one the most evocative summer scents for me......
 ............i've been growing them for many years yet they still bring me the same delight each time...
 ...........rainy purple sweet peas......
 ..............just for a change big daisies and clematis in the cottage garden :)........and below more sweet peas in the garden.....i've since removed all the twining tendrils (as reminded by gardener's world) and they are growing even better...
........thank you for popping in here lovely readers and for your kind comments......wishing you a happy week ahead with sweet flowers and sunny days......stay safe and keep well lovelies.......back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. These will be my virtual sunny days and sweet flowers as we hunker down for lockdown 2! Your sweet peas are really, really beautiful!

  2. I love sweet peas too, definitely the scent of summer, my mother grew them so they go right back to my childhood ... sadly at the moment I can see from my kitchen window that I have some ready for picking but the rain is coming down like stair-rods and I can't get out!!
    Beautiful stitching as always.
    Have a lovely rest of the week,
    V x

  3. I will have to trust you on the aroma of sweet peas. I tried to grow them one of the summers in my near past and they did not thrive. But yours definitely are happy in your garden. I also love the pitcher and tried to find one actually but had no luck. Enjoy your garden. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. Very sweet flowers and quilted things, Helen
    Enjoy these lazy days of summer

  5. Oh, I love sweet peas, but with our hot summers they must be grown in late winter and early spring. I love your photos though. We once lived across from a couple who had sweet peas every year. He would dig a trench abound plant them inlate winter, gradually filling in the trench as they grew. His French was beautiful, full of blooms. I have never been disciplined enough to do that. But I love seeing yours! I assume your English climate allows you to grow them as a summer flower. That is lovely.

    I enjoy your blog, just a recent subscriber. Your pieces are charming.

  6. Sweetpeas are a beautiful flower, always a smile maker.

  7. Your sweet peas are always so beautiful Helen! They are a favourite of mine but I don't have them in my garden at the moment. Have a lovely day! Christine xx

  8. Beautiful Sweet Peas! Love all the lovely colours they come in. Your birthday gifts are so sweet - and will bring continued joy. Wishing you a blessed day, Helen.

  9. Another beautiful post.
    Sweet peas are wonderful ,I pick my ones every day and more keep coming.
    Love your birthday jugs .

  10. They are so beautiful, enjoy.


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