Wednesday 19 August 2020

New Book

 Hello again lovely there is some exciting's the cover of my new book called home sweet home sewing.....17 new designs exploring my love of fabrics, patchwork and colour....
 .........and i thought it might be fun today to show some of my own pictures taken during the making of this is published by tuva who make very beautiful colourful and exciting books for crafters......this is the honey hives quilt photographed last summer on the picket fence in my cottage seems we had a lot of very tall cosmos growing there then :).....
 ..............the honey hives quilt uses patchwork and was long arm quilted for me beautifully by debbie holland of longarm and i also added some hand quilting to it too....
 ..........there are lots of smaller projects in this book too like the cherry pouch and the pretty drawstring bag below.....and here are the adorable cherry charms in use..........
 ..............for cross stitch fans i have included a cross stitch house sampler style cushion.....teamed with lovely tilda fabric ......
 ............i love close up pictures of fabrics and's one of the circle table topper up very very close ......
 ...........some toys were included too.....these are made from my little deer pattern.....
 ...........and i used simple patchwork and embroidery for this vintage style doll's quilt....
 .............and here are the sweet cherry handles on a little bag........ can probably tell it was a lot of fun making this book and i am delighted that it is now available for pre order on will be on sale in a few weeks in bookshops and elsewhere too.....hope you enjoyed this little peek behind the scenes of some of the selection of projects....there are also sewing notions, coasters, charms and decorations to be found inside the pages of home sweet home sewing.....
............thank you so much for dropping by to see me here dear's so lovely to hear from you and i really appreciate your kind comments......hope you are keeping safe and well my lovelies.....take care....back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Oh Helen what a wonderful book, I'm so looking forward to it!
    The projects are so beautiful ... I'm especially in love with the little deer, as you might expect! ;)
    Enjoy the rest of your week my friend,
    V x

  2. Looks a pretty book .
    Again a beautiful post .
    Enjoy your week .

  3. That looks gorgeous. I will certainly look out for it when I next put in a book order

  4. It looks wonderful,congratulations and greetings from Anna

  5. Your new book looks lovely with some beautiful projects. I will look out for it on Amazon.

  6. Hello dear Helen, *C*O*N*G*R*A*T*U*L*A*T*I*O*N*S*!* on finishing your gorgeous new book! I was quite taken with the cross-stitch pillow. Oh my. I will go have a gander on Amazon. I just love your designs and of course your color selections are so delightful. I hope you sell a lot of copies!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  7. Congrats on another beautiful book. I have two of yours already and LOVE them! Everything you make is so unique and so so pretty. It must be very exciting to see your work in print on those shiny pages! Marilyn

  8. When you wrote about working on a new book months ago I pre-ordered it on Amazon. I thought the order said I will not get it till October, so I especially enjoyed the pretty previews you showed today. Whenever it arrives I will enjoy viewing your beautiful work [again and again]! Hooray! xxxxxx

  9. Looks a fabulous book Helen and I can't wait to add it to my collection!! Christine xx

  10. Hi,Your book looks sooooo inspiring makes me have itchy fingers.the photography is really lovely too.Congratulations.x

  11. Oh, dear Helen, I hope your new book looks a real treasure trove of beautiful makes, cherry handles so pretty, so much your applique and cross-stitch I always love, you so much to look forward to... Congratulations, and lovely to see your work in print xoxo

  12. Congrats, it is beautiful. Well done!

  13. I have had your book on order for months, I'm looking forward to receiving it. The pictures are lovely. Joan McG.

  14. I'm so happy about your new book! I'll put it in my wishlist. I have your other books and treasure them. Thanks so much for letting us know ahead of time! Hugs, Diane


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.