Tuesday 17 March 2020

Little Green

 Here i am again dear readers with some spring greens and colourful flowers to hopefully bring a bit of cheer to our very uncertain world.......
 ..........this is the beginning of the little green cushion shown at the top......
 ............i used some squares of tilda apple butter fabrics left over from another project.....
 .........and added striped and floral borders....i was already sipping tea from the mug below when i realised it matched my sewing even though i hadn't deliberately chosen it :)......
 ...............i love these minty greens and found a nice sunny spot among the green leaves in the garden at the weekend to photograph my little green cushion and my little apples quilt......
 .............with a bunch of bright and cheerful homegrown daffodils too..............
 ...............being in the garden and hearing the birdsong, seeing the fresh new growth of greenery and flowers, bulbs and shoots was very comforting after reading all the scary news coverage ............
 .................below is a picture from a week or two ago showing the first daffodils i planted last year blooming against my white picket fence just how i had imagined them.....the garden is much more colourful now with new flowers opening every day......
 .............i love primroses in all colours..........
 ..............and a mixture of spring flowers growing together is just so pretty.....love muscari and hyacinths, cowslips and anemones.....well actually i love them all.....
 ..............and here are some little bunnies.....it's time to make some now ready for easter.....i might be making a new one too even though we have quite a burrow full here already.....patterns for the sugar bunny, the tiny bunny and the little apples quilt are in my etsy shop, link in bio.......
.........thank you lovely readers for visiting me here and for the kind comments you leave......it is a very difficult and anxious time in the world at the moment and all we can do is follow the advice for our safety, keep busy and as cheerful as we can, be cautious but not afraid....crafting is therapeutic and absorbing and good for the soul at any time but especially at times like this.........wishing you all well my lovelies...................back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Helen, you make such pretty things. Once again it was a delight to read your latest post and look at the gorgeous photographs

  2. Such a beautiful post and your garden is starting to look such a picture. Wishing you well Helen. Keep safe! Christine xx

  3. How very appropriate that you have a lovely 'green' post for St Patrick's Day Helen, I do love your new cushion!
    Your pretty cottage garden is looking great and I agree time spent in the garden is very soothing and a step away from the real world.
    You take good care of yourself lovely lady,
    V x
    P.S. I don't think there's such a thing as too may bunnies, is there? :)

  4. I enjoyed your green to celebrate the day. Such pretty things you create and I enjoyed your flowers, too. Our daffodils are doing well here. I have one on the little table by me and put a fresh one in every few days. I got this vintage vase you'd love, a brass daffodil bulb and brass leaves. I hope you and your family stays safe in this trying time.

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)


  5. Thanks for sharing photos of the pretty flowers around you and the beauty you are stitching, Helen. I love visiting you here. I have been enjoying some sunny days here at home and hope to craft more. I appreciated it when I recently read that someone referred to themselves as a "practicing" Christ-follower. The current circumstances in the world certainly challenge me to determine how to, positively practice my faith! xxxxxxxxxxx

  6. Love the colour of the pollow and the little rabbit is sweet

  7. Love the pale green pillow .
    You bring sunshine to our life's with your beautiful photos thank you.
    Your garden looks lovely, and yes we have to stay positive .
    We can all fill every our with our wonderful sewing and craft's .
    Now I need to give hubby some goals inside and in the garden , that will keep him busy , stay safe .

  8. Another gorgeous cushion, Helen! I always love the fabrics you choose.

  9. I too love the fabrics you choose! The green in the cushion is just so happy! And daffodils... I'm so jealous.. not a thing peeking up yet here in central Oregon.. well... my Iris plants are just beginning to send up some new leaves but that's about it. some trees have tiny tiny buds on them but we've had such cold weather at night, I'm afraid they're all going to freeze right off! I always love a visit to your pretty yard, white picket fence and the bunnies! Marilyn

  10. I must order some Tilda fabrics....they are simply too pretty for words. I love the pillow and your little bunnies! YOur garden is lovely and I was able to get some primroses this spring! First time ever! I was so happy! Stay well!


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.