Tuesday 3 April 2018

Easter Time

 We have had such a lovely easter weekend with all our dearies here...........
 ..........we had time to play with the little ones, cuddle the baby (a lot) and eat plenty of chocolate...
 ...............even though the weather was not at all spring like most of the time we could still see the spring flowers braving the cold............
............and enjoy the colourful easter decorations......as a designer spring colours have always appealed to me and easter decorations are probably my favourite to create....... my goosey pattern is in the latest issue of crafts beautiful magazine......
 ................lolly the bunny put on her easter dress again............
 .............and posed next to the pretty daffodils on easter day.............
 ..............the teeny tiny bunny was tucked up in a seed tray beneath a teeny tiny postage stamp quilt which was made from first romance fabrics from moda  designed by my blog friend kristyne of the blog pretty by hand.........people often ask about the very tiny bunny pattern....it is the same sugar bunny pattern as the one in my book pretty patchwork gifts, just without enlarging the pattern....you can enlarge or reduce the pattern in a photocopier and make bunnies of any size you like............
 ............the rain held off for our egg hunt and it was so much fun to see the children searching for them after my daughters hid them all around the garden..........
 ...........lots of chocolate was then consumed, and a buffet tea for us all......
 ..........with homemade cakes and easter bunny toppers of course......love my little vintage easter mug below which was such a sweet gift x.............
..............thank you for dropping in to my little blog space dear readers and thank you so much for the kind comments you leave......wishing you a wonderful week ahead.......back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Pretty Easter pictures. Love the bunny

    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. Your Easter looked wonderful Helen!!
    I love your geese and Lolly looks very pretty in her dress and of course who doesn't love a bunny in a bed!!
    So glad you had lots of fun (and chocolate ) with your family! :)
    V x

  3. What a wonderful colourful Easter you have had xx Thank you for shring all the prettiness xxx

  4. What a lovely Easter you had with your family. Such pretty things to docorate you home with.
    Especially as the weather has been so unpredictable.
    Thank you for a lovely blog.

  5. Family, fun and chocolate....what could be better? Glad the bunnies enjoyed the Easter celebrations too, even if you did tire them out :)

  6. I love Lolly's Easter dress! It would be so fun to have a little bunny to dress for all of the holiday occasions! How very sweet. I have two of your books so will have to go take a look. Wish I had some granddaughters to spoil with bunnies! Glad you had a wonderful Easter with family.. and your garden looks wonderful! :-) Marilyn

  7. Lovely bunnies and eggs, the little ones visiting your house must have had complete Easter overload with all those beautiful colours and the tea with cake toppers, egg hunt, ducks, bunnies! This is such a bleak time of year but your posts are just bursting with colour and inspiration, thank you :)

  8. Oh Helen, it looks like a picture perfect Easter at your house! I'm so glad you got to spend time with your darling grandchildren. Our boys are getting so big at 9 and 10 now. Kids grow up so fast. Love all your colorful flowers in the garden and your crafty delights inside the house. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  9. What beautiful patterns you design. Love how you dress and decorate your little bunnies, and now geese. We are starting to hear birds chirping in the trees - oh how I have missed that over the winter months. Love your beautiful flower pics - signs of spring are so welcoming!

  10. Buona Pasqua a te e alla tua famiglia. Sempre belle le tue creazioni e le tue fotografie.

  11. Glad you had a good break with family Helen. I am binding my quilt, can't wait to show you it with all of your little samples in it too. Jo x

  12. Helen,
    Such a lovely Easter post with all your sweet decorations and flowers, and I love the cute Easter mug.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Mickie, Indiana USA

  13. Such a sweet post, Helen, I adore Lolly the bunny.

  14. What a wonderful colourful Easter you have had xx Thank you for shring all the prettiness xxx


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