Monday 21 August 2017

Flowery Wreaths: a Finished Quilt

 It's always nice to finish a project and then have someone crafty to share it with:) i am very happy to share the new flowery wreaths quilt here in my little space with my crafty friends today...
 ...........those of you who read my blog regularly will probably remember this quilt as a work in progress......below is one of the pictures i took as the applique shapes were being cut out to make the wreaths...........each one uses the same shapes but arranged a bit differently........
 ...............i liked making this and choosing the different backing fabric for each block....
 .............the shapes were applied using fusible web and then stitched round by hand with blanket stitch and matching thread........peaceful work perfect for the evenings........
 ............i chose a check backing and binding and plain kona cotton in pink for the sashing.....
 .............and it was longarm quilted for me by the lovely debbie holland here.......we are both loving twirls and curls at the moment and this one is our favourite sticky buns pattern.......
 .............all the family use the quilts i make and i love having them around the house....quilts often feature in my pictures as well as in actual quilt photo shoots..........
 .............this one has my little grand daughter daisy's name on it......she loves pink and has a real sense of joy in colour just like i have (and my daughters too)...... is lolly the bunny still wearing her sundress, but glad to have a cosy quilt nearby too.....
 ..............and here are a few real flowers..........always my inspiration and endless source of pleasure...
 ...........the sweetpea plants are still producing gorgeous blooms but i know their days are numbered now...better enjoy the scent and colour while we can.....
 ................a simple jug of flowers from the garden............happy to have cosmos and snapdragons flowering well too and to add them to my sweetpea posy............
..............thank you for dropping by dear readers and sharing some crafty times with me.......and for leaving me such sweet week i am taking a little blog break but will be back the week after that as usual............wishing you a wonderful time in the meantime with sunny days and plenty of happy crafty inspirations.....................back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Love your quilt Helen and sweet peas are one of my favourites - oddly, ours have just started blooming which is rather late but last year they didn't bloom until the end of August .... I guess the changing weather has them confused too. :)

  2. Beautiful! Do you know about Sarah Lizzy's blog? She lives in New Zealand or Australia and she makes lovely quilts, too. Have a nice bloggy break!

  3. Your colours and design cheered me up! Natalie

  4. So lovely....both quilt and sweet peas! Mine are almost at an end, but there is still a small picking every couple of days.

  5. Lovely colours really cheery. Sweet peas are my favourites as well. Mine stopped flowering a while ago. I love your rabbit she's certainly dressed for summer. Enjoy your blog break Helen.

  6. Sweet peas are such lovely flowers for clipping and making bouquets for the house. Mine are finished now, and it's on to the dahlias for blooms. Your flower wreath quilt is very pretty. Getting things finished is a good feeling.

  7. Your quilt is a stunning masterpiece, so beautiful, I can see why little Daisy has her name on it!
    I think little Lolly is very wise keeping a quilt close at hand too as today was definitely more a quilt than a sundress day for sure!!
    Your sweet peas are gorgeous, strangely I have had very few pink ones this year mostly purple.
    Enjoy your little break,
    V x

  8. Helen,
    Your flower wreath quilt is just as sweet as expected, and I love how it is quilted. The swirls compliment the wreaths perfectly. Daisy will love it, for sure.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Mickie, Indiana USA

  9. Love,love,love the pink quilt. Of course the cute bunny too!!!


  10. Such a pretty quilt Helen,no wonder your family love them so much. The sweet peas have been so good this year but yes I think their days are numbered. Enjoy your week off xxx

  11. Sweet peas and such a sweet quilt! I love the swirly quilting and the pretty pink sashing!

  12. Oh my.. that is surely the most amazing quilt ever! What a treasure of a gift for Daisy! Lucky girl! I enjoyed each and every photo, such pretty colors. You might just earn the Grandma of the Year Award! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  13. Wow! what a pretty quilt

    Julie xxxxxxxx

  14. Miss Lolly is adorable, and I love your wreath quilt. It's just beautiful, Helen. Thank you for sharing your creative talent with us. You always inspire. Sweet Peas are delightful. I must add them to my garden next year. My cosmo seed were planted late, but they about to bloom. So looking forward to cutting some and bringing them indoors. Have a wonderful rest of the week. xo

  15. Daisy's quilt is such a pretty pink. The butterflies in the centre of the wreathes are so sweet. Little Lolly looks perfectly at home, sitting on top outside the dolls house. Love your scented sweet peas. Have a well earned blog break Helen. Love Pat XOX

  16. So lovely! I realize I am always smiling as I read your posts, Helen! :)

  17. Such pretty details and lovely colour combinations too! The white background really sets everything off nicely!

  18. I love your quilt, Helen! Such pretty designs and colours. She swirl quilting compliments the design perfectly. Your sweetpeas are gorgeous....enjoy the colours and fragrance while they last :)

  19. Every time you make a new quilt I say it is my favorite but this time I really mean it! LOL! Lucky Daisy! You have outdone is SO precious. I have one question; when you fuse it and then hand stitch using the blanket stitch....does it fray after you wash it? I've done the same with wool which doesn't fray but was always afraid of cotton because of the fraying. is your best yet....IMHO! LOL! I love them all though! Hugs ~ Sam
    P.S. I also adore sweet peas!

  20. Wonderful colours Helen, I love it as always. Can I ask what is probably a really silly question? When you make a quilt with appliqué detail do you have it long arm quilted before you apply the appliqué ?
    I'm just constructing my first appliqué blocks quilt and would love to get it quilted professionally but wondered when I have this done?

  21. What a beautiful little quilt! I love the pretty little wreaths, the traditional setting, and the ... PINK! So Sweet!!!


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.