Monday 24 April 2017

Bluebell Time

 I have been inspired by the colour blue this week............loving all the bluebells popping up in our garden and in the fields and woodlands around our home where we walk with our little dog......
 ............there are lots of bluebells at the bottom of our garden and quite a few new clumps have appeared in other parts of the garden including in the cutting patch below........
 ............i've always loved picking bluebells since childhood and putting them in different vases, jugs or even jam jars which look so relaxed and artless but just as beautiful.......
 ..............some exciting new fabrics have arrived here this week....tilda circus collection is here and i am looking forward to sewing with it soon.......i love just looking at the neatly folded and ribbon tied bundle for a while first........... my latest english paper pieced project (the big trip around the world quilt) is finished apart from adding a simple border (pictures coming soon of this)....i needed to begin another one as i like to have some hand sewing ready to do in the evenings............
 ............this time it is going to be hexie flowers......lots of blue ones.............
 .................with centres of pale pinks or whites............very happy to have a new hand sewing project again now............nicely portable too to take out into the garden for some spring sunshine sewing........ of my oldest friends came to visit recently and gave me a present.....this lovely knitted tea cosy she'd made....she is a great knitter and often makes me lovely shawls for birthdays and christmas gifts just happened to match in with my blue crush too :).............
 ..............i began a little bit of crochet when i was between hand sewing projects........i decided to make some pretty circles that will eventually turn into squares for a flowers in the snow pattern which is one of my very favourites........
 ..............crochet circles in bluebell shades.....lots of bluebells are pink and apparently the blue of bluebells is actually officially classed as purple according to a recent radio documentary about colour....i know that when i paint bluebells i always add a bit of pink to the blue to try and capture the shade.......
 ...............i love this time of year and had a lovely day yesterday in the garden sewing, planting up posts, pottering in the greenhouse and generally enjoying the p has put up the new arbour can glimpse a bit of it in the photo below......and we have re planted the bed next to it with lots of lavender, hollyhocks, foxgloves, mallows and euphorbias.........hoping the snails don't eat the hollyhocks but we shall see........
...............thank you for visiting me here dear readers and for leaving such kind comments......wishing you a happy sunny week ahead with lots of crafty inspirations...........back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. I enjoyed my visit on your post today. �� Lovely colors and such talent!

  2. Love your blues! Natalie

  3. Lovely blues! You always have wonderful photos! Have a good week!

  4. Oh I love all the blues this week Helen!!!
    I too love flowers in jam jars, it takes me back to primary school days when the flowers in the class room would always be in jam jars. :)
    Beautiful hexies, crochet and knitting and of course bluebells!
    have a lovely week,
    V x

  5. Hi Helen! Most adorable blue post! Even I use so much and many colours, blue is my most favourite! And blue like yours, lightful and cute! I miss crocehting, have to make something small. x Teje

  6. Helen,
    Blue and white are a favorite color combination of mine too, and your blue and white quilt inspired me to make one of my own. I can't wait to see what you do with the Tilda circus collection, but like you, I enjoy admiring the bundle for a while before cutting into it. The blue bells are a promise of more good things to come from your garden posts. Also looking forward to seeing more of the blue hexie flowers and the crochet squares. What can I say, I love each and every creation coming our way from all your many talents.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Mickie, Indiana USA

  7. Prayers for the hollyhocks. They aren't easy to keep looking spiffy.
    The blues are charming, with so many flowers those shades this time of year poking through the new greens.
    Alas, here in Vermont we are a few weeks behind on spring blooms.

  8. Always such lovely fabrics.

    That first photo, which you posted on Instagram, was the motivation for one of my recent IG posts. I loved the look of the pitcher of flowers with the vases so I copied the look. I have two of my quilts sitting on the top of an old stool with a vintage sugar bowl full of flowers.

    Have a lovely day.

  9. Don't the bluebells look gorgeous. I love the colour blue it's so fresh. Thanks for a lovely read it's my monday afternoon treat.

  10. I loved the blues in the folded quilt in the first photo. Were they Tilda fabrics, I wonder?

  11. What a great blue post! Love your colour choices and the bluebells are just gorgeous....whether they are blue or purple! Love your new tea cosy too, what a lovely gift.

  12. Beautiful post... I love the colour blue and bluebells are some of my favourite flowers.... we have many woods with them in locally and it is beautiful to see and smell them... my dogs like walking among them too! Have a wonderful week! Christine x

  13. Bluebells! I admire yours very much and wonder where we might have bluebells near us...perhaps we can plant some. Your new material and projects are lovely, Helen, and your report of sunshine across the pond gives me hope. It has poured rain here all day and our wild cherry tree is releasing a shower of pretty white blossoms...not horrible, but sunshine does sound so nice! I hope you have a happy productive week xxxxx

  14. I love your blue post! And I also love your bluebells. I have Virginia bluebells, which are different. I like them too but I need to get some English ones. I hope I can find seeds!

  15. Blue has always been my favourite colour so this post really resonated with me. Lovely projects on the go, lovely fabrics, and oh, those bluebells. Ours are barely beginning to open and I'm looking forward to the day when I can pick a bouquet for the house. Your garden sounds delightful.

  16. Everything sure is looking so bright and beautiful in your corner of the world. You always coordinate everything around you so beautifully. All your projects are really so lovely. I try to find beauty here but mostly feel like I live in a dust bowl.

  17. I love Bluebells. They grow wild in my garden.

    Julie xxxxxxxxxxxx

  18. Such a nice present, your knitted tea cosy!! Lovely fabrics from Tilda and nice pics all together!
    Greetings from Marijke

  19. Your talent knows no bounds, Helen! I'm delighted, my hollyhocks came back for the third season, they should have a nice bloom this year, I hope! Here's praying the slugs leave yours alone!

  20. I love bluebells and would love to get a hold of that Tilda fabric but I've tried before and it's not really sold in the U.S. I am going to try again even if I have to order overseas....a bluebell quilt with that still my beating heart! I love hexies and yours are going to make a gorgeous quilt too! Your crochet blanket to match/coordinate is lovely. You are so talented...I can only try and emulate you! LOL! I admit it...I'm a copycat! LOL! Have a great week my friend!

  21. P.S. Your friend's tea cozy is beautiful too....I do knit! I can copy that too!

  22. I LOVE the pinks, blues, lavenders and aquas you're using in your circles for the flowers in the snow blanket! It's going to be stunning! We're cozy in our caravan by the sea here in Oregon this week for my birthday trip. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  23. The new Tilda colours look refreshing, your tea cosy is delightful! love tea sets and all the trappings that go with them and you can never have too many bluebells :)

  24. Hi Helen, That tea cozy is so dear! Loving all the blues and the sweet circle crochets. You are one busy lady always! Bluebells are so beautiful in your world, thank you for sharing, xoxoxoRobin

  25. So many beautiful things to vie for your attention this time of year. So much loveliness to surround yourself with.

  26. I am loving all the blues Helen! x

  27. Oh BLUE! I love blue -- it's always been my favorite color. Your photos are so beautiful and a feast for the eyes. I wish I could see the beautiful bluebells blooming in England -- I never seem to be there at bluebell time though! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

  28. All beautiful and Blue. The bluebells are out at dad's farm at the moment. Jo x

  29. I`m enjoying.I love your blue post!!
    Just finished a top with blue fabrics.

  30. All your beautiful quilts, it is inspiring me to learn to sew. :)


  31. I am eager to see their new crochet circles blanket, Helen! I love your hexies of flowers and stars! it's always a pleasure to visit your world! Thank you for your comments on my blog, you are great artist, to me is an honor! million thanks, Helen!


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.