Monday 4 July 2016

In the Studio

 This post is all about my studio as that is where i have been spending much of the past week.......long ago before i moved into creating fabric craft projects as my main work i used to paint flowers all day long...............and sometimes i still do......
 ..............i gathered lots of sweet little roses to enjoy and decided to paint some of the bright pink rosebuds........most of the time last week though i was drawing templates and diagrams and writing quilt patterns............ day it just poured with rain and the garden view from my studio window was a green blur..........the flowers scented the room and it was a pleasure to be in the cosy surroundings listening to the rain pattering outside............
 ................some little pictures around the old salt nautical clock......tubes of gouache.....and cath kidston boxes for storing paperwork......
 .................i recently had a huge magazine cull which was long over due and now my studio feels much clearer and tidier and nicer to be in...... beautiful iris on my desk here.......a lovely gift.......
 ..............such perfect flowers and i love that shade of blue.............
 ..............there always seem to be a few quilts here in my studio, these are piled on top of the basket where i keep lots of the small projects i made for magazines.............the horse is special and new (to me) and i love him :) ......
 ...................crochet isn't often done in the studio, more likely downstairs in the sitting room or kitchen, but sometimes the basket with the latest project does accompany me here in case i need a little crochet break from all the intensive drawing going on.....
 ..............this rose has such a sweet perfume as well as lovely smooth pink petals.....
 .............i have lots of pictures on the wall, many i have shown here before......but i don't think I've shown this little one, a postcard of a lucy boston quilt........i have a set of these postcards and love them.....i put them in little frames from ikea to be able to enjoy them all the time..... is another one propped up on the mantelpiece with a vintage  tea cup and a posy from the cutting patch...............
 ................i hope you liked this little peek into my studio today.....this week i will be mainly downstairs in the sewing room making a new quilt and maybe even sewing a bit in the garden too....and of course there will be crochet........
.............before i go i would like to wish all my friends in the usa a very happy july 4th......i will be celebrating with you as today is my birthday :)...........thank you to everyone who visits me here and special thanks to those who take time to leave a comment....i love to read them all........wishing you all a wonderful week...............back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxx 


Susan said...

I love to see pictures of your paintings. I love your style. I am also green with envy because I haven't a creative bone in my body, and painting or drawing flowers is my dream. I enjoyed seeing your studio and real flowers too. I hope you have a great week.

Jacky H said...

Hi Helen
thanks for the tour of your room.
Lots of inspiration there with flowers.
Happy Birthday

Mickie said...

Happy Birthday to you, Helen. I am sure you will have a wonderful day. Love the pictures of your studio. It looks like a perfect place to inspire your creative nature. Would love to see your sewing room as well. Always enjoy seeing what you are working on. I have always wanted to try watercolor painting and maybe I will one of these days. Lately I have been enjoying my studio and flower gardens as well.
Thank you for sharing.
Mickie, Indiana USA

PamKittyMorning said...

Happy Birthday Helen!

PamKittyMorning said...

Happy Birthday Helen!

sew said...

Birthday Greetings - hope it's a lovely one for you.

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Awe your studio looks like such a lovely place to be Helen, such an inspiring place.
I love your little illustrations pretty. :)
Another wet day here I'm afraid, I'm so sorry for my poor little roses out in the heavy rain. :(
Wishing you a very happy birthday, hope your day has been good and you have been very spoilt.
V x

Brenda Pruitt said...

I would like nothing more than a real peek into your studio, in person! Because I know it would delight me.

Jane said...

I love the idea of painting flowers all day, your little rosebuds are lovely. Lovely studio pictures too. Wishing you a very happy birthday Helen, I hope you're enjoying your day xx

Vintage Sheet Addict said...

A very lovely creative space you have there! :) xxx

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Helen! Love your work!

Frances said...

I wish you a very Happy Birthday, Helen. It is you who have given us a birthday gift with this tour of your studio.

Nice to see you've had your paintbrushes out! Flowers are irresistible at this time of the year...the perfect models.


Pattypan said...

Happy birthday and I love your painted roses. I am afraid I have two left hands when I get a paintbrush in them but it does not stop me admiring other peoples beautiful work. I love the crochet too - that is really my main hobby. Enjoy your day and I hope its everything you want it to be and more.



Lily said...

Happy Birthday, Helen :)
I've discovered your blog some time ago...pleasant surprise... And with it Crafts beautiful and many projects and inspirations. It changed me a little. And inspired a lot
I look forward to mondays
Thank you!

Fiona said...

Happy birthday Helen x

Gracie Saylor said...

Dear Helen, Happy Birthday! As we celebrate July 4th today I will be celebrating your birthday as well, my friend across the pond from me :) It is a special delight to get more glimpses of your studio and your lovely painting, too. Your creativity truly does inspire me. Did I ever tell you my mom's name, Ruth Helen Bradstreet? Like you, she was incredibly creative. Have a wonderful celebration of your life today and on through the days ahead xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

faith76 said...

What an absolutely beautiful studio and a very happy birthday to you xxx

Unknown said...

You are such a talented artist in so many different ways. I love seeing all the delightful things you create. Happy Birthday again, enjoy your day!


Marilyn McLeod @ Pink Paper Cottage said...

Happy Birthday to you Helen! Thank you for the sweet peek inside your studio... what a wonderful place to work (and play!)... and love the window looking outside.. and all of your fresh flowers inside! Those little postcard prints are the white frames. I too collect postcards and cards that I love the paintings on.. and frame them. I have a pile (somewhere) of cards I have meant to frame...will need to find them! And I love your white chair holding your handiwork... why do I like old wood white chairs? I know know.. the lovely horse keeps it company very delightfully. Every time I see one of your posts, I get inspired all over again to get busy with more crafting! Marilyn in Oregon

Amy at love made my home said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have had a great day!

20 North Ora said...

Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest people I have had the pleasure of meeting thru blogging. Hope you have a wonderful day. Love your studio and also your painting the flowers - so pretty.


pens and needles said...

Happy birthday, although it is nearly over for you by the time my wishes reach you! The visit to your studio was so inspiring. I, too, need to do a magazine (and everything!) purge. A rainy day is good for that ... soon ...

crazydazy said...

What a beautiful creative space to work. Happy Birthday.

crazydazy said...

What a beautiful creative space to work. Happy Birthday.

My Little Home and Garden said...

Happy Birthday, Helen! I hope you enjoyed your day. I loved taking a look around your studio and seeing many of the different ways you express your creativity. It's such a treat to see bits of your painting. There's a skill I'd like to have!


Teresa Kasner said...

*H*A*P*P*Y* * *B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y*!*!*!* dear Helen! How neat you share you special day with our exciting day here in the good 'ol USA! Love all the pretties in your studio.. you inspire me always.. and now I think I might walk outside and cut a rose for by my chair.

-:¦:-·:*'""*:·.-:¦:-·* HAPPY 4th of JULY! *·-:¦:-·:*'''''*:·-:¦:-

((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Jennifer Hays said...

Hi Helen, I loved seeing some glimpses of your studio. It's very "you," I think. The colors, flowers, lovely little touches, all of it reminds me of your sewing and crochet work. Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a good week ahead, take care.

Blondie's Journal said...

First of all, Happy Birthday, dear friend. It will be hard for me to forget this one! :)

You studio is a true reflection of both you and your beautiful work, Helen. I simply love the really have so many talents. I sometimes think of taking a crochet class but with my hearing impairment it probably wouldn't work. Maybe I could find someone who could work with me one on one...I need to scout around. I love cross stitch also and am hoping to complete a project for my daughter's baby which is due in November. Wish me luck!

Jane x

Ada Plouvier-Kopitopoulou said...

Happy birthday! Nice to have a look at your studio, it looks lovely.

Elderberry-Rob said...

Wishing you a very happy birthday. I hope you will get time to paint more often. Betty x

KC'sCourt! said...

Belated Ha[[y Birthday
I've been having a cull too. A cull of many things except fabric.......
Julie xxxxxxx

Jo@awholeplotoflove said...

Happy belated birthday your photos are delightful to see as always xx

Christine B said...

Wishing you a wonderful birthday Helen! Really enjoyed the little tour of your studio! Have a lovely week! Christine x

Little Quiltsong said...

Thank you for this little peek into your cozy studio! Love all the flowers and those beautiful Siberian Irises. What a gift you have for drawing flowers. Happy Birthday - hope you had a special day!

Annerose said...

Schön ist es in deinem Studio, danke für die tollen Bilder. Ich bin schon auf die neue Decke gespannt.Liebe Grüße Annerose

Simone said...

You are a lady of many talents Helen. Belated Birthdays wishes. What fun to have a 4th July birthday! x

Antigone Sdrolia said...

Happy Birthday, Helen!!!! I hope you had a great day.
love all the way from Greece,

Art and Sand said...

Everything is wonderful, but I am in love with that clock. And, I am a bit envious of your horse.

Jane said...

I hope you had a wonderful birthday Helen,I have just got back from S'ton after picking up Daisy for Milly yesterday and today we enjoyed lunch at the seaside. It's lovely to see your creative space...I hope that rain has now vanished.Enjoy the rest of the week and I hope you were very spoilt by your family xx

Ali said...

Aww gorgeous wish my house was like yours :-) it seems so calm xxx hope you had a great birthday xx

cristina said...

Happy, Happy, Haaaaaaaaappy Birthdaaaaaaay, Helen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loooove your studio!!!! the light is perfect!
A big hug from Catalonia!

handmade by amalia said...

Happy birthday, Helen! Your studio looks like the perfect place to create and be inspired, light and bright and pretty.

Anonymous said...

Is your studio different from your sewing room? Natalie

Alchamillamolly said...

I bet you had to read through all the mags before they were culled.

Gabri millecrocette said...

ohhhh so lovely your studio!!!

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Ooh, such a lovely trip around your studio's so very pretty and inspiring...full of creativity! Your painted flowers look beautiful (and you have brought back some memories for me too as I used to use Rotring pens all the time at college!)
Hope you had a wonderful birthday ♥
Happy New Week!
Susan x

Thimbleanna said...

Happy Belated Birthday! What a beautiful studio -- I don't think I'd ever leave it! And how fun to know that you painted at one time -- the little snipped in your picture looks gorgeous!

Susan said...

Oh my goodness, I missed the bottom of your post. Happy belated birthday!!! I hope you had a wonderful birthday. I too was born on July 4 (but live in the US).

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Your are just brimming and bursting with creativity. Belated birthday blessings, Tammy