Monday 25 July 2016

Blue and White

 Maybe it was because last week it was so hot hot hot here that i decided to use cool blues for my newest sewing project.......i've been planning to make a blue and white checkerboard patchwork quilt for quite a while and like all my projects, first it is a plan in my head and then all at once it is being made......
 ..............all the blue fabrics were pulled out of the cupboard and lots of white but slightly patterned ones for the contrasting squares..............
 ............i cut the squares 4 1/2 in so they ended up as 4in squares when all sewn together......
 ........i rotary cut the squares and then strip pieced them in rows then joined the rows together......pressing the seams in opposite directions and nesting the seams helped with accuracy....
 ..............i loved the deep indigo blues and had to order some extra fat quarters of some new ones as i was running out.......i used up many pieces from my scrap bin for this quilt so there is a nice mix of different fabrics and lots of other projects to remember that they were used in too when i look at it..... little sewing machine worked very hard, speeding along the seams.......
 .............and of course i then began particularly noticing blue and white things around me..... blue teapots, plates, mugs and jugs........and the palest of pale blue hydrangeas..... the weekend we went on an outing to a lovely country garden........we had a picnic lunch, a nice walk and later a cream tea in the tea room garden.........and i took some photos of blue flowers.......
 ..................gorgeous blue clematis above.....and below the pretty agapanthus............
 .............the weather here has cooled down now and is back to normal again after soaring to temperatures of 33C last week (on the hottest day of the year) and with high humidity too.....but now our mini heatwave seems to have ended................. my quilt top is finished and i need to decide what to back it with and what kind of quilting to do.........this week i am working on more xmas designs and an applique quilt so plenty to keep me busy............also spending time this week with my sweet grandchildren as school is out for summer here and we will be doing a bit of crafting together again..............
..................thank you for popping in to my little blog space dear readers and for all your kind comments about my dimity quilt in my last is so nice to hear from you and to have your visits.............wishing you sunny summer days and lots of  happy crafty times.......back soon xxxxxx


  1. I love your blue and white quilt. I have always been a fan of one color (plus white) quilts, like your red and white one. Now that you are using the rotary cutter and machine piecing method, you are zipping along and churning out more quilts. I hope you don't leave us EPPers (like me!) behind. ;-) Love your blue and white stripey jar/jug <3 Thank you for another cheerful and colorful post. I eagerly await starting my week by reading your blog with so much cheer and color. I think it helps us all leave a bit of the sad world behind.

  2. A lovely post and what a super quilt that is going to be.What are your plans for it?

  3. Hi Helen! So beautiful blue and white! It surely helps to feel cool in this too hot summer weather. I'm also making new quilt with blue and white and a small spot of orange. Your photos are so beautiful! x Teje

  4. I've definitely been drawn to more blue this summer. I love square patch quilts. Yours is, of course, beautiful!

  5. I love all the blue and white. Definitely cooling on a hot, sticky and humid day! x

  6. Ох, какой квилт! Приятное сочетание цвета! Очень красиво!

  7. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!

    Julie xxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. I also love blue and white. I had it in our bedroom and dining room for along time. This year I started to add more color. Our heat wave has destroyed so much in my garden. I am hoping for rain.

  9. Beautiful Helen, I do love blue especially when teamed with white. It really is a gorgeous quilt!
    Enjoy your crafting time with your grandchildren,
    V x

  10. Your blue and white quilt is so fresh and pretty, Helen. I'm just catching up and seeing your dimity quilt now too. It's just gorgeous! Your work is beautiful as always. I hope you have a good week ahead.

  11. Wow, I love the blue, white mix of fabric you chosen!
    This quilt is super!
    Love to see the finish of it.

    Have a nice week Helen.
    Hugs, Evelyne

  12. Hi Helen
    i love your blue quilt it is so fresh looking.
    Especially as you said after the got weather we have just had
    Have fun with the Grandchildren.

  13. I love blue and white Helen.Your quilt is gorgeous. I'm glad things have cooled down a little at home. We had 38c this afternoon in San Gimignano! Home soon,hugs xx

  14. Yep, those cool sea blue colors cooled me right down! :-) There really isn't much prettier than blue and white together, so crisp and pretty. We took the family out on a maiden voyage on our new little C-Dory yesterday and I have blue water and skies and a white boat in my head when I close my eyes. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  15. ahhh, I love the blue and whites...what size quilt is this...?

  16. Helen, I am a great fan of blue and white china, but that winning color combination is a favorite in any form. Even the clouds in the sky!

    There's a huge thunderstorm underway here as I type, and I so hope that it will clear the air and lower the temperature...for a short while anyway.

    Your post is so refreshing...many thanks. xo

  17. helen! you always shows us a great collections of mugs, teapots and tableware, all are incredible! here in your blog everything is always so beautiful! his new blue blanket I like a lot! blue colors always it makes me feel summer in my heart! I wish you can spend a nice time with your family! thanks once again for sharing so many beautiful things!

  18. Beautiful blue & white! One of my favorite colors is blue!

  19. What a pretty and COOL quilt you made! We have been having a heat wave also. I can't even play in my garden, so I'm busy crafting too. I also love your blue flowers. They look so springy:) Have a great week!

  20. Blue and white is my favorite colour combination. Your quilt looks like a cool trip to the seaside!

  21. I love all of your blue and white - and that blue star mug is great.

  22. Beautiful work once again Helen, thank you for sharing. Blue is my favourite colour, (especially in flowers) so your post played well into my soft spot. The quilt, while a simple design, has a fresh and calming ambience.

    Thank you once again

    Diane (from Australia)

  23. so pretty Helen, you can beat a blue and white combination! reminds me of the seaside, perhaps you could quilt it with a wave pattern?

  24. Hallo Helen, wie immer hast du tolle Stoffe kombiniert. Sieht einfach klasse aus und dein Geschirr und die Blumen passen hervorragend. Bei uns ist es auch so heiß gewesen, wir hatten bis zu 36 Grad. Das ist so gar nicht mein Wetter und ich verkrieche mich auch am liebsten in meinem Nähzimmer, das liegt im Haus weiter unten und da ist es lange kühl. Bei uns soll es jetzt auch wieder angenehmer werden.
    Ich wünsche dir noch viel Spaß mit deinem Enkel. Meine Enkeltochter Hermine kommt auch nächste Woche zu Besuch Ich freue mich rießig. Liebe Grüße Annerose

  25. I am so in love with this quilt! Love the various fabrics you chose, the shades of blue and the different whites. Beautiful! I bet 33C was really hot and humid there, glad you've gotten a cooler spell. We had 102F here yesterday, it was like walking into an oven ... but cooler today, thankfully. Enjoy sweet time with your grandbabies!


  26. Your quilt is so beautiful. If I ever make one, this is what I would like to try. I know it sounds simple to you but I still feel intimidated to even try. Happy week sweet lady! Hugs, Diane

  27. My very favorite kind of quilt - simple, pretty squares. And when made in my favorite color? Perfect! Your little quilt is beautiful. As are your photos - as always, you're so inspiring!

  28. So beautiful all the blue and white! Nice and refreshing after all the heat... Enjoyed your lovely pictures again :-)! Lots of love, Mirjam.

  29. The blue and white is a very refreshing colour scheme. Beautiful quilt.

  30. Lots of lovely pics as usual Helen, your blue and white quilt is lovely. Hope you're enjoying the sunshine. Jane xx

  31. Hi Helen. I haven't blogged in a while but just spent a good part of this morning drooling all over your posts from the last year. Your house is so lovely and I wish I could live there! I'm afraid me just being there would clutter it up! Everything you make is perfect and beautiful. Your colours are inspiring. Love all the patchwork and crochet and bunnies! I am currently model stitching for some cross stitch magazines too. Oh where to begin. I just love it all. Xx

  32. Beautiful quilt Helen...I love the blue and white colour combination (and the pretty china too!) ...It's so good to see the end of the heat and humidity of the last week, isn't it?...I'm happy to say it's a fresh and sunny Sunday morning here ;-)
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend,
    Susan x

  33. The fabrics are looking lovely ♥

  34. Gorgeous quilt, love the deep summer blues and white in your China and flowers too. X


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