Monday 2 May 2016

Sewing Notions

 Happy may, the weather has turned so chilly and wet here in the uk lately there has been more sewing and less gardening going on at my house.........this little quilt that i began in the winter is now being quilted...........
 .............i am quilting this one by hand and it is very cosy work,  such peaceful and contemplative sewing...
 ..............sometimes i sew a few stitches on this quilt in the kitchen while i wait for a cake to bake....
 .............sewing and baking remind me of my mum..........she was wonderful at both..........
 ...............these are some of my mum's sewing things....or sewing notions.......... me, she had several sewing boxes filled with all kind of sewing related items.....
 ...............these are my two main sewing boxes (both were presents from my girls)....and i have lots of tins and little drawstring bags too filled with buttons, beads, ribbons and all kinds of threads...... latest quilt is a mix of 'quiet' fabrics, strip pieced quite quickly by machine.....
 ...........the fabrics have flowers, buttons, little houses, cotton reels, old postcards, words, bunting, berries, dots and stripes among the patterns, all in quite subdued colours.........i am loving sewing it, surrounded by jugs of spring flowers............
 .............i made a new block for my sampler quilt too....i just had to make a spool block :) ..... is such a simple block and really easy to sew but so effective..........
thank you for visiting me here in my little bit of blog land, dear readers, and a special thank you too for the kind comments you take the time to leave....... i do appreciate each and every one of them........wishing you a wonderful month of may with sunshine and flowers and some happy little sewing notions...............back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Hello Helen, what a lovely post. Your latest quilt is a bit of a change from your usual bright colours, but just as lovely! Pretty posies from the garden too. Have a lovely day!xx

  2. Hallo Helen, das wird ein wunderschöner Quilt. Die Farben sind so richtig frühlingshaft. Ich habe auch ganz viele Schachteln, Dosen und Säckchen für meine Nähzutaten.Ich denke das liegt bei den Näherinnen einfach im Blut.
    Liebe Grüße und noch einen schönen Frühling Annerose

  3. This quilt looks beautiful. It is perfect for spring! I love the soft colours, it will be an outstanding piece of work when finished. Viola

  4. Pretty quilt, Helen! I like the mix of subdued patterns. How nice that you have some of your mother's notions.
    hopefully you will be getting some sunny weather soon. It's been raining here for a few days and i'm missing the sun too!
    Have a great week! Cindy

  5. I love all the sewing notions Helen! You have made me think that I need more sewing boxes! I have a main one but the rest of my bits and bobs are scattered in tins and various bags and I can never find what I am looking for. I hope you have a lovely week and that you do get some time to spend in the garden too. x

  6. Gorgeous!! The quilt is going to be so pretty!! Lovely photos as always thanks for sharing x

  7. Hi
    what a lovely colourful quit just what you want to look at on a miserable bank holiday monday.
    Thanks for an inspiring blog.

  8. Dear Helen, this post is beautiful not only in its pictures, but also in your lovely words. How wonderful it is for you to have your Mom's sewing notions. I share a similar feeling about having my Great Auntie's knitting needles, and feeling her present whenever I use them.


  9. Helen, I love that you cherish the sewing items belonging to your mum. I have my mother's knitting needles and supplies, my grandmother's crochet needles, and my Nana's embroidery scissors and little boxes she kept special "needling" things in. She gave me my first thimble, and now that I'm older, I fit into her special thimble, all ready shaped and cosy on my finger. Thank you for the photos today, they are beautiful.

  10. Whether the colors you choose to put together are bright or subdued they express a harmony that is a joy to witness, Helen. I too treasure some of the sewing notions my mom used in her lifetime. Wishing you a marvelous creative May :) xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  11. Love your cozy scrappy quilt, Helen. And your sewing baskets are just too sweet! I love having special tins and baskets to keep those needed supplies in.
    Thank you for sharing another inspiring post.
    Mickie, Indiana USA

  12. Lovely sewing motions, Helen! I've never seen a Singer needle threader, how useful!
    Such a pretty, bright post. Such a gorgeous quilt, just the thing to stitch on a cloudy day!
    Hope you have a super week!
    Barbara xx

  13. I just love quilts made from simple squares. And the colors you're using are so soothing!

  14. Dear Helen,

    Such a colourful post! Oh to sew that quilt by hand. It must be hard work. I hope the weather will improve soon, so that you can enjoy your garden and flowers as well. I believe the weather improves the second half of the week in The Netherlands. I hope that will be the case in your part of the UK as well.

    Wishing you a lovely bank holiday!

    Madelief x

  15. Your quilt is so pretty, Helen. I look forward to seeing more of it. I liked seeing your sewing boxes too. I have one main sewing basket and it's my constant companion. It's very important to me and I keep it neat and tidy most of the time, and sometimes I just like to look through it at my own sewing things! I hope you have a good week ahead. :)

  16. Happy May dear Helen...hold on until Thursday as the weather is due to warm up again nicely and you will be back out in your pretty garden. What lovely sewing projects, your dear Mum would be thrilled to see you using her things. Take care, hugs xx

  17. I enjoyed the bits and pieces of pretty fabric in this quilt, Helen. I also admired your sewing boxes.. I also love sewing notions. And you're inspiring me to get my own pretty fabric covered sewing box.. I don't have one! And I have decided I need one. :-) I look forward to seeing this quilt done and dusted and ready to show. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  18. Actually I feel relaxed reading about you quilting your quilt Helen. It is pretty.
    Lovely that you have such beautiful reminders of your mum!
    Enjoy your sewing and flowers this week!
    V x

  19. Your quilt is so pretty Helen, you always use such pretty fabrics. Its very special to have a few of your mum's sewing treasures.

  20. One of my favorite quilt patterns, a simple patch ....just love all the colors and designs of your pretty fabrics. I am about to start a block quilt...if I can ever get up the courage to start cutting into the fabric...that is always the scary part for me and I'm not sure just why....

  21. Another lovely post, Helen. I'm sure that using your mother's sewing notions brings to mind so many sweet memories, and perhaps a few healing tears. Quilting by hand can be a meditative process. Lovely fabrics.

  22. I love the term 'quiet' fabrics and the quilt is so pretty. I love your spool block too - I have a wooden spool just like that, it's a shame they don't make them like that any more, so much more pleasing that the plastic things we get now. Have a great week Helen. Jane xx

  23. Happy May to you too Helen! What a beautiful quilt! I love sewing notions too... I have lots tucked away in various containers! Have a lovely week... I think it is supposed to be warming up! Christine x

  24. Carole Williamson3 May 2016 at 11:00

    What a lovely blog post Helen. Your posts are always so fresh & inspirational. I have your books now I must get going and make something.
    Thank you & take care.

    Love Carole from Rossendale, Lancashire xxx

  25. Beautiful subtle shades, gorgeous quilt and quilting. There's a lot going on in your contemplative photos. Lovely sewing boxes and containers holding so many treasures and notions inside, like our memories we can take them out and then store them safely until we need them again. Your lovely Mum lives on through you. Keep warm and cosy, and happy crafting week Helen oxox

  26. Hi Helen,

    Always a delight to stop by and look at your lovely photos of such beautiful work!

    Have a good week!
    Ingrid xx

  27. Helen, I love your soft colorways. I have some of my Moms old sewing notions also. Old packets of needles that are still perfect and I use them and lots of spools of thread. I have been told not to use the very old thread in my quilting, and I don't...but I keep those old spools as they are the old wooden kind. Have you done any of your clever crafts with those old wooden spools ever?

  28. Oh what a sweet little quilt Helen! I love all the fabrics -- it's so fun to look and see what you can find -- like a mini treasure hunt. I love that you have some of your Mum's sewing things too -- what a treasure!

  29. Beautiful post in every way,lovely pics,happy memories.Happy May.xx

  30. You have such a talent for mixing color and charming...Your blog always makes me smile!

  31. Such a lovely post! It is chilly here in Montreal, Canada as well! You have great taste, I love the colours and patterns.

  32. flowers ... quilts ... beautiful colors ... I do love visiting you!


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.