Monday 30 March 2015

Spring Crafting and a Giveaway

 It's that time of year again......the time of year when i craft a little something and gather together some little treats to say a great big thank you to my lovely readers and followers............. you can see, i have been busy making lots of birds in pretty fabrics.......
 ...........i've made a beaded string of white birds, one of green birds and one of multi coloured birds......
 ..............(i found some gorgeous beads at hobbycraft........and some beautiful anemones at our local greengrocer's)................
 ................the first winner out of the hat will get to choose their favourite coloured beaded birds decoration from the three shown ..............

 .............and as well as the birdie decoration they will win this little cath kidston ticket holder (or card holder) in a cute bird print............and also...........
 .............some pretty speckled eggs in a lovely little bag (from gisela graham)........

 .............and finally something crafty to use as well......some beautiful drops paris cotton in fresh spring green (2 balls of this, also in a cute little bag)...........
 ................two more winners will each receive a string of birds and a surprise or two.........
 ...............the giveaway is open to everyone, worldwide, until april don't have to have a blog to enter, but please make sure you leave an email address so i can contact you if you win..........all you have to do to enter is to leave me a comment on this post.....if you have a favourite colour way of the birds here let me know in your comment (green, white or multi)............ and if you are a follower you can have a second chance of winning by leaving a second comment.............. giveaways are always just a small way of saying a big thank you to my lovely readers, for all your blog friendship, kind comments and for sharing a crafty connection with me through my blog, books, magazine projects and other work............
...........wishing you all a happy spring, a happy easter and good luck in the giveaway :)..........back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Sigrun said...

Oh, the birds are very cute - I love the green one, I love all things which are green - I'm gardener!

You are so talented.


Ann said...

I love your blog Helen and have been a follower for quite a while! The birds are all gorgeous, but the white or green would go best in either of my daughters' colour schemes should I be lucky enough to win!
You have a great way with colour and I have bought quite a bit of fabric for my stash from your recommendations.
I note you are from the north west - have you ever been to Standfast in Lancaster for their Liberty bargains?
Kind regards

fernandez said...

hola sra. hellen un placer saludarla y felicitarla por su magnifico blok, he sido seguidora de usted desde hace bastante tiempo, me encantan sus tecnicas, este proyecto es precioso y tierno, mil gracias por permitirme participar en su sorteo, a mi me gustan todos sus colores, sin embargo, a mi nieta le gusta los tonos rosados. bueno reciba mi saludos cariñosos

feliz pascua de resureccion en el Señor

fernandez said...

hola sra. hellen un placer saludarla y felicitarla por su magnifico blok, he sido seguidora de usted desde hace bastante tiempo, me encantan sus tecnicas, este proyecto es precioso y tierno, mil gracias por permitirme participar en su sorteo, a mi me gustan todos sus colores, sin embargo, a mi nieta le gusta los tonos rosados. bueno reciba mi saludos cariñosos

feliz pascua de resureccion en el Señor

Julie122324 said...

How lovely Helen. Very generous. I love the multi coloured birds. Love from Julie in Australia

sunny said...

What cute little birdies! My first choice would be the white ones, but I love them all. Thanks for a chance to win!

sunny said...

I have been a follower for many years.

Mokki said...

What lovely little birds. I love the green ones.

Robin said...

Wow, Helen, you are so generous!

I like all the bird colors! Each would be perfect for feathering my own nest! LOL.

Happy spring!

Nisa-mom said...

lovely giveaway, thank you. Can't decide which color I like most, everything just perfect. :)
Once I went to International shop, I saw bird like yours made with batik fabric design .. it just gorgeous.. I told myself I must to make someday, but you know.. something we have so much in our plate no realize that not enough time LOL

Unknown said...

Such a generous giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win! My favorite birds are the multi colored ones :0)

Unknown said...

I follow your blog on bloglovin!

Linda said...

Oh how spring-like they are! We're still waiting for spring to arrive here in the Northeastern part of the USA. All the colors are lovely.

Elderberry-Rob said...

Ooh how exciting! I love all the birds you have made - the green ones particularly... could you put me in the hat for your giveaway please? I do love Gisela Graham too but didn't know she did decorative eggs - I have her gingerbread mug and teapot set and love it so much. Betty

Unknown said...

I just adore your blog Helen and would love to win your giveaway, any of the birds would look lovely in my house.

Ali said...

Oh wow such a pretty giveaway- thank you for the chance to win and I also wanted to say thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments xxx

Ali said...

Just to confirm I'm a follower xxx

KC'sCourt! said...

May I join in too........?
Julie xxxxxxx

Susan said...

I've always loved your birds and would love to win. My first choice would be the multi. Thank you for offering such a sweet and generous giveaway. :)

I was eagerly awaiting your post today because I needed some bright colors on this grey day (and because I recently moved and my bright things are packed away). Your posts never fail to lift my spirits.

AlisonC said...

Loving the fresh spring colours in your post. It really makes me feel like spring is here at last. I like the white and the multi-coloured birds. Hoping to have a go at your bunny pattern over easter, especially now I have been inspired by your post. Best wishes for a Happy Easter.

Ellie Foster said...

Dear Helen
Another beautiful giveaway. The birds are all lovely - if I was lucky enough to win, I wouldn't mind which I received.
Have a lovely Easter weekend.
Best wishes

Anonymous said...

Its lovely to see spring makes,finally feel i'm leaving winte behind for a while. I love the multi coloured birdsand would love to dangle them in my home.

Liza Kirschner said...

Those birds are adorable! If I had my choice I would have the multi-colored strand -- It just shouts SPRING!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Such a lovely, lovely giveaway, Helen. I'm not entering since I already won something from you before. But I just love the little string of birdies. Reminds me of the elephants and ducks that we can get here at the Indian markets. Everything you put together matches so perfectly. I love that! Have a great week. Tammy

Anonymous said...

I cant wait to read your posts on Mondays. So cheerful and inspiring. Pat Lester []

handmade by amalia said...

The birds are so pretty and the fabrics, as always, very very lovely. I do enjoy my visits here, Helen.

Contas e Pontos said...

Hello. I love all in your blog. I love all the birds but maybe I prefer the white.
Maybe I am luky and the birds fly to Portugal.
Thank you and best whishes.

Sue Eyley said...

I love the white birds, thank you for the chance to win.

MoodyCatCrafts said...

The green birds are my favourite!

MoodyCatCrafts said...

oh and I'm a Blogger follower!

Janet said...

Hi Helen,
What a very generous giveaway. The birds are all beautiful, but I think the green ones have a lovely spring fresh look to them.
Best wishes, Janet

Janet said...

I follow your blog on bloglovin.

Gill - That British Woman said...

they are all lovely and the yarn would be perfect as I am learning to knit!!! What a lovely and generous giveaway.

And a Happy Easter to you.

Soleil said...

Hi Helen, you have such a wonderful giveaway, thank you! The colours are just amazing! (I prefer multicoloured birds)

Soleil said...

Hi again, I am following your colourful blog for some time.
Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Love i!Everything is so cute and perfect for spring.Amazing giveaway,so generous of you,thank you for the chance to win it.

scrappyjacky said...

The birds are so pretty...such a lovely giveaway.

Annerose said...

Hallo Helen, das sind ja süße Vogelketten, ganz liebevoll gemacht. Ein wunderbarer Frühlingsschmuck.
Ganz liebe Grüße Annerose

Unknown said...

Lovely birds, my favorite is the multi-color. Love the beads you added!


Unknown said...

Thanks for this wonderful giveway offer!


greenrabbitdesigns said...

Oh Helen what a gorgeous giveaway!
It's such a pleasure to follow your blog and I love to see a new post appear in my reader.
Your creations are always wonderful.
I love your little birds and if I was so fortunate to win I would love the green set although I would be perfectly happy with any as they're all beautiful.
Thanks again,
V x

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Just to confirm that I'm a follower! :)

Ana Love Craft said...

Hello dear Helen! Such a lovely giveaway, you are very generous! The birds are so pretty and my favourites are the green ones. The anemonies are beautiful. I always love your colorful photos!
Hope you have a wonderful Easter!
Hugs from Portugal,
Ana Love Craft

Ana Love Craft said...

Just to say I'm your follower, with pleasure :-)
Have a nice day!
Ana Love Craft

Anonymous said...

Such lovely colourful birds, so pretty. If I was lucky enough to win I would love the multi coloured ones. Always enjoy reading your posts, they always brighten up the day. Thank you. Olivia x

RedSetter said...

I love your little birds and would love the multi if I won. This is a really generous giveaway.

RedSetter said...

Adding a second chance as one of your bloglovin followers.

Anonymous said...

Olivia again.......I follow you on bloglovin.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Oh I love this giveaway, Helen! And I would LOVE to be a winner. :o) All of your birds are just darling, but I think my order of preference would be multi, white, then green. xo

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

And just because you said I could, and just because I really want to win, here's comment #2. :o) Have a lovely week! xo

Thimbleanna said...

What a sweet giveaway! And you've been a busy girl. Those little birds are SOOO pretty!!!

PamKittyMorning said...

Oh wow everything is so pretty! Love your birds and all your glorious picture, it's such a treat just to see them!

Audrey said...

Hi Helen! I love the birds, all of them....but there's something about the green ones that attracts me. Deb at Paper Turtle introduced me to your blog and I'm so happy she did!

Audrey said...

A second try can't hurt, right? I REALLY love those birds. :-)

karmen said...

Hola! Yo soy seguidora de hace tiempo, me gusta mucho todo lo que hace, los colores que utiliza y las fotos... Su blog es un lugar muy inspirador.... Me encantaria participar en el sorteo...

karmen said...

Vuelvo a ser yo, quería decirle que yo no elijo ningún color en particular ya que para mi cada uno ya es precioso... Muchas gracias por darnos la oportunidad de poder tener en casa una de sus creaciones , es tan maravilloso...

Unknown said...

I look forward to your blog and beautiful creations every week. I am inspired and motivated to also create. I have your book but have not made the birds so I would certainly enjoy those lovely multi colored feathered friends.

Anonymous said...

HELLO,love your Blog! Thanks for a sweet giveaway! I'd select the little white birds!

Anonymous said...


jan said...

Beautiful Spring photos! I always look forward to your posts. I love love the green birds! Thank you for sharing with us!
xo jan

20 North Ora said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I would be thrilled beyond measure to win anything you make of any color! Your work is just beautiful.

Thanks for the chance!


20 North Ora said...

And oh yes, I am a faithful follower of yours. I can hardly wait to see what you have done on each post.


marmarel said...

Lovely give away, and nice it's worldwide I understand!! I love all of them, but especially the multicolored one!
Greetings from Marijke

marmarel said...

And I follow you too! :-)

Unknown said...

Ahhh, your little birdies are so sweet and pretty. I like the lightest version best. What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I follow you on my Feedly :) :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Denise SA said...

The birds ate beautiful especially the multicoloured ones. I love to read your blog as it always cheers me up

Никитина Наталья Валентиновна said...

I love your little birds and would love the multi if I won. This is a really generous giveaway.

Phazereyes said...

Hi. I always look forward to your next post, such eye candy for me. Such lovely birds you've made, my favorite ones are the precious white birds. Have a great day and I hope the sun keeps shining on you in your part of the world! Thanks for the chance to win. If I should be so lucky as to win, my contact email is phazereyes at yahoo.

Phazereyes said...

I follow your blog thru my Feedly reader. Thanks for the chance to win. My contact is phazereyes at yahoo.

Curvywitch said...

Lovely birds; very springlike and a great way to use up all those material scraps. What a lovely giveaway. Thank you :-)

Cream Linen said...

Thank you for your lovely, generous offer , Helen.
I would prefer the multicoloured birds.
Have a lovely week!

Ingrid Orens said...

Your little birdies are so cute !!! I wouldn't even know which ones to choose...
My oh my, an international giveaway... I think you'll soon have hundreds of reactions !

Mickie said...

I eagerly await your post on Monday or Tuesday to discover which lovely craft you are working on at the moment, and am always amazingly inspired. I do not have a blog but yours is one I never miss reading. Your string of birds are so sweet. It would be hard to decide, but I think my favorite is the red. What a wonderful and generous gift for some lucky person.
Mickie, Indiana USA

primrosesattic said...

what a lovely giveaway. If I was lucky to win I would choose the multi coloured birds. They would look fab hanging on my new yellow front door. But expect you will have many comments for such pretty birds. Love reading your blog. And have a fab time at Easter.

primrosesattic said...

what a lovely giveaway. If I was lucky to win I would choose the multi coloured birds. They would look fab hanging on my new yellow front door. But expect you will have many comments for such pretty birds. Love reading your blog. And have a fab time at Easter.

Mickie said...

Your blog has given me so much inspiration that I have made a small dent in some of my "stash" of fabrics and yarn.
Thank you for sharing your creations and for the chance to enter your give-away.

leeanne said...

Oh these are too sweet! The multi colored birds would look so lovely with the rest of my decorations....

sew said...

I would so love a string of birds to wing its way to my soon-to-be-erected little summerhouse. A beautiful giveaway for a very lucky Philipps fan!

KahviKaneli said...

I'm with, as a reader :)
All the things are so pretty, that can't even name what would be the best?

fizzyknits said...

I love the strings of birds, the white ones are my favourite. I made my mum and mother-in-law a Home Sweet Home Hanger from your Pretty Patchwork Gifts book, the little birds are so cute. I enjoy reading your blog, everything is always so pretty.

Unknown said...

Your white birds are as pretty as everything you do. Thank you for a wonderful giveaway.

Unknown said...

I have been a follower for a while and always look forward to your posts.

Unknown said...

Wow what a fantastic giveaway, those birds are darling, I love reading your blog it inspires my crafting. I would love to be entered please. Elisa xx

Unknown said...

I also follow you on bloglovin ❤ Elisa xx

Laura said...

What sweetness! Thanks for offering such a fabulous giveaway! I love reading your blog, as it's always an inspiration. I love the white birds!

C Carter said...

What better way to start the day than a lovely giveaway in your blog feed! I love all the birds, but if I had to pick I would like the multi coloured one please

konstantina handy mama crafts said...

perfect all!!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful and generous giveaway Helen! I always love the photographs you use on your blog - they draw me in every time x

Alchamillamolly said...

We don't deserve a give away your blog is such a treat in itself!!
I would love the white one for my summerhouse which will be created from part of my husbands shed xx

Alchamillamolly said...

Here is my second go as a faithful follower!! what a dreamy giveaway xx

Wendy said...

Hi Helen, thank you so much for all your blogging news, I always love your beautiful colour choices and photography. I would love to win the multi coloured string of birds.

Judith said...

Love the birds! What a delightful decoration!

Wendy Rance said...

Hi Helen,this is my follower entry. Multi string of birds would be a fantastic thing to win. I am crossing my fingers.

Judith said...

I am a follower. Love you blog!

Elisabete said...

They are all lovely. Just thanks for the giveaway.

Michelle said...

I love them all Helen ,your so clever ,i love your colours you always choose xx

Linda said...

I have followed your blog for a very long time. Always enjoy every post, the words and all the delicious colours of your work in the photos. It would be lovely to win one of your gifts.

Linda said...

I would love to win one of your prizes. My first choice would be the green string but they are all lovely.

Deb said...

Everything you make is so pretty and feels so cosy. I would love to be entered in the contest.
Thank you so much.

Baa. xxx said...

What a generous giveaway Helen! Your birds look lovely - we like the multi one best - it would suit Miss H's room perfectly. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Oh Helen, what a wonderful just screams of Spring....which is sadly missing here in NY. I think mother nature has forgotten us shivering here in the snow! Those cute little birdies would certainly brighten life up - they are gorgeous. Thanks for the chance to enter:)

Unknown said...

I love the multi ones. I love reading your blog every week it is so inspiring. Thank you for the give away.

Jennifer Hays said...

What a lovely giveaway. Please enter me; I would enjoy having the green birds. Thanks for the chance, Helen.

Jennifer Hays said...

I am a follower of your blog on Bloglovin'.

mynestofyarnandbuttons said...

Hi Dear Helen, What a lovely giveaway, oh how I would love to be picked out of the hat! I love all the birdies but the green one is chirping to me. 🎶 Hope you are well, xoRobin

mynestofyarnandbuttons said...

Me again Dear Helen, I'm a long time follower and friend, xoRobin

Triniki said...

Qué maravillosos regalos, gracias por dejarnos participar, un enorme abrazo!

pat hayes said...

Dear Helen, what a lovely giveaway. I think the white birds are my favourite but honestly they are all beautiful made with all your pretty fabrics. Thank you for the chance to enter and wishing you a very Happy Easter. Love Pat x

Anonymous said...

Gracias Helen por las cosas que nos transmitis. Tenés mucha inspiración. cosa que a mi me falta, jaja. Seguí adelante, me mucho tu página y es un descanso y relajante ver todo lo que haces. Un beso enorme y seguí adelante!! Un beso enorme. Aly

Amy at love made my home said...

You are a very kind and lovely lady Helen. I hope that you enjoyed making these and made some for yourself too! xx

Aly said...

Gracias Helen por las cosas que nos transmitis. Tenés mucha inspiración. cosa que a mi me falta, jaja. Seguí adelante, me mucho tu página y es un descanso y relajante ver todo lo que haces. Un beso enorme y seguí adelante!! Un beso enorme. Aly

pat hayes said...

My second comment dear Helen. I have been following your inspirational blog, using your books to make small gifts for family and friends for two years. I love every one of your cheerful posts whatever the season give me a lift. Thank you so much. Love Pat x

driftwood said...

what gorgeous things xxxx

Aly said...

Helen gracias por dejarme participar en el sorteo. Todo lo que hiciste es muy hermoso. No tengo preferencia del color. Gracias por compartir lo que haces y no mezquinar tus proyector. Sos dadivosa. Felíz Pascua! Un beso enorme.ALY

Anonymous said...

I just recently found your lovely blog. Such a bonus for me!!! I absolutely love it and look forward to reading it and admiring your work.

helen said...

Hello Helen - just to say I enjoy your blog and that I really love all three colour-ways of the birdies... your blog posts are always such an inspiration - thank you...

Anonymous said...

I love them all three, but I like the green birdies best!

Anonymous said...

Not sure I'm doing this right... Duh.... Anonymous is actually Anita... & yes, I follow your blog which I love!

Anonymous said...

Hard to decide between multi and white!

Anonymous said...

It is still a tough choice!

jellibeanlane said...

love the green birdies! Thanks for such a great giveaway!

Lana Passey said...

Sooo pretty, it`s impossible to resist))) Every color choice is a delight... well, maybe I am finally voting for the green team. Thank you for the chance! And nice to meet you!

Lana Passey said...

And as a new happy follower leaving my email address as well: lana.passey at gmail.

Unknown said...

Oh Helen, these are soo cute! Thanks to you for all the inspiration you bring us with your blog throughout the year. It is lovely of you to host this giveaway. I love them all but the white one is probably my favourite! Thanks, Pati x

Unknown said...

I follow you on Bloglovin! Thanks very much, Pati x

Mie Christensen said...

Such a lovely giveaway, I prefer the green birds.
Also thank you for your lovely blog, you take such beautiful pictures, very inspiring.

Mie Christensen said...

Btw, I am a follower.

Mama Crow said...

Helen, I so enjoy your blog and all the beautiful colors you put together, as does my 12 daughter, Helen.

All three are beautiful - the green one really speaks to me.


Gracie Saylor said...

Thanks for the chance to win your generous giveaway, Helen. I love all that you make [and that is not an exaggeration] but I would choose the multi-color birds.

Pat said...

Those multi-color birds are so cute, love them!

Pat said...

I have followed your blog for some time, through Feedly. I love your posts - so cheerful and so pretty!!!

Gracie Saylor said...

We have typed back and forth, but in case you don't have my email address it is
I enjoy being one of your followers and look forward to your blog rolling up on my blog roll :-) xx

Anonymous said...

Very cute birdies! I really love the multi color string. Your blog is always such an inspiration. I can't wait every week for the new post to come live! I can be reached at

Anonymous said...

we are heading into winter after a long hot summer - I do love the birds and the cotton too. Your posts are always so sweet.


How very kind of you to have this sweet giveaway! I love the white birds :) It would be so awesome to win them! Thank you so much!
Happy Spring.


I am a follower too! I think your giveaway is HUGE!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, you are so generous! I would love to win anything but the white birds are my favorite. Thanks for a chance to win.

Sherry said...

What a wonderful giveaway, very generous and so much puts me in the mood for spring! Love your blog, you are so creative. Thanks for a chance to win.

Christine B said...

Hello Helen! What beautiful little birds... I really love the green ones but all your makes are always beautiful! Thank you! :) x

Christine B said...

Hello Helen, me again! I am a follower of your wonderful blog, so I am entering a second comment! Thank you! :) xx

Carla said...

Eeeeeek! I love it all. Thank you for such a pretty prize

Carla said...

Yes yes I follow ; )

Kerry said...

Oh, such a sweet little giveaway :-)
Those little birds are just precious ... the white are definately my favorites.
I'm attempting to make one of your bunnies tomorrow .... she'll make the perfect Easter addition - fingers crossed :-)
Take Care

Pamela said...

What delightful birds! I especially love the green ones. Thanks for all the inspiration on your beautiful blog!

Pamela said...

I follow your blog via Bloglovin. Thanks for all that you share!

Yvonne W said...

I have been following your blog since late 2014 and I love your colours and designs. All the birds are pretty esp the white ones. Thank you for a chance to win the birds.

Pene said...

Normally I would have said the White ones BUT the green are GORGEOUS!! It's always a joy to pop over and catch up with your blog your an inspiration. Happy Easter xx

Winkel's Crazy Ideas said...

I would absolutely loove to join! Pam x

Helle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Helle said...

Hi Helen what a lovely give away. I keep my fingers crossed that the white birds will fly to Spain to live whit me.

Helle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Helle said...

Hi Helen I follow your blog on bloglovin!

Crimson Kettle said...

What a good idea. Lovely birds just right for Easter.

Sharon Izzard said...

What a lovely idea and what gorgeous give aways. I have fallen in love with the white birds although they are all lovely.

Jane said...

What a gorgeous and generous spring giveaway Helen, such sweet birdies and gifts. Thanks so much. I treasure our blogging friendship. Have a lovely week, don't get blown away today! xx

DeborahGun said...

such gorgeous birds - I love the white ones the most I think!

DeborahGun said...

I follow on Bloglovin!

anamica said...

Lovely your birds in pretty choice is green.

Anonymous said...

Love your all your birds but my favourite is the multi coloured and then the White. It is a very generous giveaway.


Things and Thoughts said...

Helen, thank you for introducing us again in your little paradise!
Happy Easter!

Unknown said...

Hi Helen long time no see - it is Dorothy and I have been away for such a long time. I still keep up with your lovely blog and am hoping to get mine back on track soon. I miss all the wonderful bloggy people so much. I adore all the little birdies particularly the white ones.
Big hugs and loves
Dorothy :-)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

J9sHappiness said...

Wow, that's a lot of comments! Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your gorgeous makes. Your posts are reward enough- such pretty fabric and inspiring creativity in beautifully crafted pieces. I adore the multi coloured birds- or the white ones! Love them. Thanks again, J9x

J9sHappiness said...

Oh and of course I follow your gorgeous bloggy adventures! J9x

Anonymous said...

What a lovely giveaway. How busy you have been. I love the green theme. Matches the newly painted wall in my kitchen. Thank you for an inspirational blog. Tracy J D

DianeM said...

Good Morning Helen - Thank you for the lovely giveaway you have planned :) All the colors are so fresh & 'Springy' - just what we all need at this time of year <3
Smiles, DianeM

DianeM said...

WooHoo - Entry #2 because I am a follower! Of course I am a follower of this lovely blog - who wouldn't want to be?!
Smiles, DianeM

Sharon Izzard said...

Hi, I follow you on bloglovin. Have a great Easter. Sharon x

Holly said...

Oh my mum would absolutely love the green birds for her new home! xxx
(you can find my email address on my website-sorry, I couldn't figure out how to leave it another way!)

Miss said...

YOu made again a beautiful thing with fabric.
The green one is very beautiful but the others with flowers are so beautiful too.
The choice is hard to make!!
Miss xx

Miss said...

Yes I am a follower for a while...

Lee said...

Such sweet birds! Dreaming of Spring (two inches of snow today!) and I would love to hang the birdies up by my hutch. I love all of them - the green is so pretty! thank you!

Lee said...

I am a follower too! thank you!

Patti said...

I love everything about your blog. You are so sweet! Your colors are wonderful! And inspiration abounds! I love all the birdies, but would say the white is my favorite. Thank you!

Patti said...

And, I follow you on Bloglovin!

My Little Home and Garden said...

Hosting a giveaway is very kind of you, Helen. I like all of the birds, but with just a few shoots appearing in the garden, it's the green ones that most catch my eye today. That could well change later; they're all lovely!

Enjoy the rest of your week.


My Little Home and Garden said...

I have, with pleasure, been following your blog.

Kim said...

All of the birdies are pretty, but the white ones are super sweet! You are so creative and you know I just adore the colors you work with, so cheerful!!

Kim said...

Oh and I follow! :)

Antigone Sdrolia said...

dear Helen,
I just adore what you make, I think you are very talented and inspirational.....My favourite birds are the white ones, I just love how they can go with everything, really.
antigone (from Greece)

Antigone Sdrolia said...

I have been a follower of yours for quite a while now, so that entitles me for a second try, right?

Zwergenwelt said...

dear Helen,
me again for admiring your cute birdie decoration. wonderful pictures with the colours of spring and fun, so pretty and cute!
I love this little book from Cath Kidston, the birds are so cute design from Cath, so fine drawn.
Have a wondeful week until Eastern, with best wishes, cornelia

Adele said...

Well, what a lovely give-away. Please enter me, and green is my favourite colour. Thanks for enjoyable weekly posts and inspirational ideas.

lilac and old roses said...

Wow what an amazingly georgous giveaway! And what a lot of comments! I think after much consideration I love the white ones, but all are lovely. Thank you for the chance of winning, fingers crossed, love Jane x

lilac and old roses said...

And I'm an avid follower so it would be remiss of me not to have another go! Jane x

Gidget Lincoln said...

Love everything in the giveaway!!! The string of birds are adorable!! Thank you for the opportunity. Hope you have a wonderful Easter.

Sharon said...

Helen, I love your blog and the beautiful colors you choose to use. I adore your quilts and they are an inspiration to me. I have also admired your birds and would love to win the white ones. Although I have to say they are all beautiful! Thank you for such a lovely giveaway!

Simone said...

Such a wonderful, generous giveaway Helen. You are so kind. I don't have a colour preference for the birds - I love them all! The winners will be very lucky indeed. Thank you so much for your cheerful and inspiring posts Helen. They really do brighten the days. x

Anonymous said...

Thank you for such a brilliant giveaway :) The white birds are beautiful, made my heart do a little skip! Love them all to be honest - the colours just shout SPRING!
Kind regards,

aj_binner at yahoo dot co dot uk

Teresa Kasner said...

Wow, Helen.. look at all the comments! And I adore all your strings of birds, but of course the multi-color is my favorite. You are so generous and sweet, I would be thrilled to be a winner. They call these "Prosperity Birds" and yours are the prettiest ever! What a nice giveaway from a wonderful blog friend. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Teresa Kasner said...

Here is my 2nd comment as I'm a follower - a devoted one at that. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Beth said...

I like reading your posts. Thanks for the chance to bring some spring to my life in such lovely colors...its still snowing here. I think I would chose the green or multi colored ones, but I like them all.

Jenn M said...

Oh Helen, how lovely! These have been on my 'to do' list forever, but winning a strand would be OK too! I love them all, but I think the white ones are my most favourite.
Have a wonderful Easter,
Jenn from Jenn's Crafty World

snowbird said...

Hi Helen
I look forward to your posts each week. Full of inspiration

The Green string of birds is my favourite but as always all are gorgeous.

thank you for sharing your Creativity through your Blog
Wishing you a happy Easter :)

Gorgeousethan said...

So gorgeous Helen. My favorite is the multi coloured birds absolutely adorable

Paula said...

Hi Helen.
All strings of birds are beautiful. After changing my mind several times I think I would choose the white, they're so fresh and feminine... thank you for this generous giveaway.
Happy Easter!

Paula said...

Hello again,

just confirming I´m a follower ;)

Anonymous said...

The birds are lovely. The bright colored ones are my favorite.

Frances said...

Helen, I think that you have gone quite far overboard with this generous giveaway!

Every single fabric bird is a beauty...each colorway is a winner. All those other bits and bobs are quite amazing...each one sends a beautiful Spring wish.

I thank you for all your lovely blog posts and inspiration, and wish you a very Happy Easter! xo

Joan said...

The birds are so cute. I love the multi coloured ones. Thank you for the chance to win. Happy Easter!

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