Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Happy New Year

It is hard to believe that another year has flown by and we are here on the last day of the year already..........
............we had a lovely family christmas, with cosy happy times, and lots of fun and relaxation.....i am still enjoying the cards and candles, but will take the decorations down in the next day or two and clear up the house ready for normal life to be resumed..................
 ............i have made some things during our christmassy time........some pam kitty picnic blocks.......
                             ...............love these beautiful colours and sweet patterns................
 .........there will be lots of stars in this quilt, mixed in with other favourite blocks...................
 ................one of the things i love at new year is to have lots of green and growing plants and flowers around the house, and i received some lovely floral christmas presents this year to enjoy over the coming days and weeks................
                                             ..............a pretty berry covered plant...............
                                   ..............bright tulips and fir cones in a wintry posy............
 ..........it will be a while yet before the garden tulip patch flowers, though the out of season anemones are still producing blooms, despite being battered in the wind and rain they are still popping out another flower and then another to bring in for my new little vase...............
 ............i have enjoyed some crochet over christmas time too, beginning a new ripple blanket......
 ............there will be lots of greens and blues in this one as well as white, pink and grey.............
 ............i am looking forward to plenty of new projects as the new year unfolds.............some are work commissions with lots of exciting plans, some are things i just want to make and my ideas book is filling up for the coming months..........i love the whole world of creativity that we share here......
.........thank you, lovely readers, for your visits to my blog and your sweet comments which i love to read.......i wish you all a very Happy New Year..............i hope 2014 brings you love, peace and happiness....................i so enjoy sharing our creative connection around the world and look forward to this in the coming year.............sending love to you all............back soon xxxxxoooooxxxx


  1. How incredible to have those anemones flowering now! Wishing you a gloriously colourful 2014 x Jane

  2. A very Happy New Year to you and your family, looking forward to seeing more of your lovely creativity in 2014!


  3. Lovely flowers, like the little milk jug ( want one )
    Wishing you a happy new year full of love and laughter ..
    Amanda x

  4. Lovely quilt blocks, flowers and vases, so glad you had a nice Christmas. I look forward to sewing with you in 2014, you've already got me ready to buy Pam Kitty's Picnic. Think I'll borrow your idea for an "Idea Book," because I have so many - some quilts and lots of sewing from your lovely books - and it's hard to keep them all in my head :) Happy New Year to you and yours.

    Hugs ~ Mary

  5. Wishing you and your family a very happy new year Helen as we say goodbye to 2013. What gorgeous colours are in your new blanket and how amazing you anemones are. Looking forward to sharing another year of creativity with you too, hugs xx

  6. Happy New Year to you! I don't comment often but I read regularly and I love how fresh your blog always looks. I look forward to another year of beautiful things. x

  7. Happy New Year! can't wait to see you new creations.

  8. I also have anemones here, they look so pretty!Happy New Year Helen and thank you for your sweet words and friendship.It was really appreciated.
    May your blog be always filled with colors and beauty!

  9. Hello Helen
    Loving the colours your using in your new ripple blanket. I really love the little touch of a cheeky toadstool on the hyacinths what a cute idea! All the best to you and yours for the new year xx

  10. I love tulips and will try and keep my vases full in the upcoming months. Your anemones are lovely. Happy New Year!! I hope 2014 brings you much joy and lots of creative time.

  11. What brave little anemones, it's at this time of year I think we long for garden flowers!!
    Beautiful sewing and crochet as ever, here's to more of your beautiful inspiration in 2014, maybe it's the year I'll make a quilt! ;)
    Happy New Year Helen to you and your family!
    V xxx

  12. Those flowers are a sight for these eyes. I miss my garden:) Your quilt blocks are so pretty, as is the crochet. Your blog is so inspiring. Thank you for sharing everything with us. Happy New Year to you and your family! Cindy

  13. I do love that we have the internet to meet so many sweet and talented people!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful creative things with us! I look forward to next year!! Happy New Year!!

  14. Happy New Year Helen! Once more you bring me joy and happiness on a dark and dismal day! I look forward to seeing your projects over the coming months. x

  15. lovely piece thank you so much for your colourful experiencesxx

  16. lovely colourful experiences ... thank you for sharing. Happy 2014 x

  17. Some gorgeous blocks, Pam Kitty fabrics are so pretty. I wish you a very Happy New Year Helen and look forward to following your crafty adventures in 2014. Sarah xo

  18. Happy New Year My dear friend Helen, let the sea brease send to you all the Love and blessing for you and your family ***
    Nina ***

  19. Looking forward to seeing your new creations in 2014. Best wishes for a peaceful and happy New Year. Abby x

  20. So much prettiness as always! I do so love seeing all your gorgeous creations.
    Wishing you a happy & blessed new year ahead,
    love Gilly xx

  21. Happy New Year Helen. Thanks for your inspiration, your great ideas and your friendship.

  22. Happy New Year Helen, looking forward to many more visits to your gorgeous blog in 2014,
    Kate x

  23. Glad you had a nice Christmas and wish you all the very best for 2014! Happy New Year!! :)

  24. Blessings in the new year friend...love those beautiful projects and wonderful cheery plants.

  25. Happy New Year 2014 to you and yours, Helen, and thank you for all the lovely posts for 2013!

    We'll see here often 2014 too :)


  26. Beautiful post as always, happy new year,xxx

  27. Lovely - as always. I love your 'Pick of the Day' vase.
    All good wishes for 2014. ♥

  28. Thank you for this post - I so enjoy the groupings that you create, they are truly inspiring and beautiful. Best wishes to you for 2014!

  29. I hope you have a very happy and colourful New Year Helen! xx

  30. Happy NEW Year Helen! Your NEW blocks are so beautiful as well as all your photos! x Teje

  31. Wishing you a wonderful crafty 2014 Helen x

    I have anemones here too, but bought not home grown ... such lovely flowers :)

  32. Each time you post, it is a treat to me! I love the sweetness of your blog - the yummy colors and wonderful ideas. Thank you so much for sharing with us. May 2014 be wonderful for YOU and YOURS!

  33. I've loved reading your blog this year Helen, always so pretty! Happy New Year to you and yours, I look forward to following your crafty adventures in 2014!
    Love Caroline x x x

  34. Happy New Year Helen! Have my little granddaughters for the week and I am Buuuusssyyyyy with these busy active girls.

  35. I found your blog a couple of months ago and love all the sweetness you show. It's wonderful to have flowering plants indoors on these grey winter days.

    Happy New Year!

  36. Helen as always your post are just fabulous and I just cannot get enough of your pictures - I cannot wait to read all your posts in 2014 and send you the biggest and bestest of hugs Helen. Thank you for always taking time to call over to see my blog, it really means so much to me. Have a wonderful time tonight. All my love, Dorothy :-)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  37. Always such a pleasure to read your lovely posts Helen. That ripple blanket is looking gorgeous already. Wishing you a wonderful and very happy new year!
    Marianne xx

  38. Happy new year Helen...may it bring you much happiness
    bestest Daisy j xx

  39. I planted anemones in the garden last fall (for the first time) and am looking forward to springtime blooms.

    When I visit here I always think I want to CREATE more. That's wonderful thing about being on the cusp of a new year, there's a sense of hope that I can realize that goal.

    Here's wishing you a new year full of hope, promise and creativity, Helen.


  40. Happy New Year, Helen! How you had time to craft over Christmas I can't imagine! I bought January's Craft's Beautiful, and can't wait to get started on the little birds!

  41. Hello Helen.. lovely colors and flowers and crochet and everything! Now, I'm going to work on my crochet that I haven't worked on for weeks! LOL!

      *H*A*P*P*Y* *N*E*W* *Y*E*A*R*!*

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  42. Happy New Year, and thank you for all the beauty and inspiration!

  43. Happy New Year to you and your family!


  44. The flowers are so pretty and it looks like you have some great crafty projects going on. I need to get myself sorted this year to get going with some cool things.

  45. Happy New Year. Looking forward to lots more of your lovely images. xx

  46. Ein wunderschönes Jahr 2014 viel Glück, Gesundheit und natürlich viele kreative Ideen.
    Liebe Grüße Annerose

  47. Lovely colourful pictures Helen! Happy New Year to you, my lovely, and wish everything for you that you wish yourself ...

    Love Claire xx

  48. Lovely post always so colourful and cheerful - Happy New Year x

  49. Happy new year! I love the colours of your blanket x

  50. Happy New Year to you and your family. This is such a pretty and colorful post.

  51. I have planted a new crop of wheat grass in two pots inside for a bit of green, and my little Christmas Cactus seems to be done blooming for awhile. Your blooming bulbs encourage me to get some bulbs and see if I can persuade them to bloom inside as well. Your stitching projects are in such lovely colors! May you have a creatively blessed 2014, Helen :)

  52. Have a wonderful 2014. I love the colours in your beautiful ripple. Emma x

  53. happy new year to you Helen, may it be filled with happiness x

  54. Wishing you and your family Helen a very happy,healthy and peaceful New Year! Looking forward to seeing all your new projects throughout 2014!

    Amanda :-)

  55. A Happy, Healthy and Creative New Year to you and your loved ones too Helen!

    I see you started on a ripple pattern as well. It looks lovely! I am working on another pillow at the moment :-) You always use the prettiest of colours!! Such a source of inspiration!

    Happy weekend ahead!

    Madelief x

  56. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your beautiful blog and to wish you a very happy 2014!
    Jo x

  57. Happy New Year, Helen!
    My best whishes for you and your family and friends!
    Thanks for sharing your works ... all are so nice ...
    Kisses and a big hug from Catalonia!

  58. Dear Helen,
    Happy New Year to you and your Family!!!!
    Nicole xxx

  59. Happy New Year to you and your family dear Helen and thank you for being a lovely friend in the blog world and for your visits through the year...it goes without saying that I always enjoy being here (and I love the colours in this gorgeous post!)
    Looking forward to visiting you all the way through 2014!
    Susan x

  60. Happy New Year sweet friend...your little vases and Christmas leftover bits are so delightful. My Christmas is all gone except for some sweet grouping of mini trees on my window ledge...I think they are perfect for the winter months. The sun is shining today and my husband is waiting for me to go on our daily walk....so off I run...can't wait to see what you have in store for us in 2014 xoxo

  61. Happy New Year Helen - I love the colours of your new ripple blanket!

  62. I am in love.

    Brenda of Cozy Little House introduced me to your blog today and I love everything I see. I have to go get creative in my own workplace right now, but I am going to become a follower and then come back to explore.

  63. i'loved to website this is very very nice
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Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.