Wednesday 31 July 2013

Little Linen Stitches

 In between lots of design work and other essential things this week i found some time to play with some little linen stitched motifs and here are the results..................
 ............i began stitching on linen way back in the day when i first designed cross stitch samplers and wrote cross stitch books..........i always keep a stock of 28 count cashel linen in my stash for cross stitch projects and now i also make bunnies from this linen early books are still a useful resource for little cross stitch motifs to use in different the cherries i stitched for this little pincushion, a gift for a cherry loving friend.......
.........i loved using up tiny scraps of sweet summery fabric that was lying on my cutting table for these quick little makes........
 ...............the vintage style kettle motif in this pincushion was stitched for a wall hanging in my simple sewn gifts book, but after i'd stitched it i decided i wanted it to have a heart in the centre, so i re-stitched it for the book and kept this one till now.........
                                  .................i decided to add a word embellishment..............
 ....... i printed out this little one with rubber stamps and backed it with bondaweb and white fabric, sewed it round and cut it out to make a little label.................
 ...............this sunny little house was a design for a new home card originally...............
 ..............i liked the colours with this sweet lecien floral fabric.......i really love this particular fabric at the moment and though i only have a small amount left i'm adding it to lots of projects to keep on enjoying it.................
 .............the sun has certainly been shining brightly here still over the last week....though we did have a huge deluge of rain which the garden was glad still felt hot afterwards and most unlike the usual uk style of weather.............we have enjoyed some lavender scones in the garden this weekend........
 ..............lovely sweetpeas, they are my new favourite now the roses have all but finished..........
 ............a few weeks ago a little pink and cream coloured playhouse arrived in our garden..............
 ..........the children have played lots of games in it and filled it up with toys..........daisy loves to ride about on her tricycle, always with some toys in the back (this time it was the sugar bunnies turn).....and in the basket on the front she puts special things like a bunch of sweet peas, or even her ice lolly if it becomes a bit cumbersome to hold it while cycling ;)................
..........we made some funny face ice lollies........and enjoyed some chilled water melon......i've been loving the summertime so much, even though i'm not great with high temperatures really and always have to seek out some shade to keep cool......
............thank you for popping into my little bit of blogland, it's wonderful to see you :) and  thanks for the sweet comments and emails too..........i hope you have a happy summery crafty week with lots of bright and sunny times............back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. You have endless creativity! Adorable!

  2. Love the pincushions, you have just inspired me for my stall at the end of the year, (too early and too hot and sunny to mention the C word). I prefer to work on linen, I love to finish you get!
    JUlie xxxxxxx

  3. You're so inspirational, Helen!

    Love the little pincushions, so original and pretty ...

    Have fun in the sun!

    Love Claire xx

  4. They are all totally gorgeous!!! I wish I had the ability to look at things and see how you can adapt them -like how you did with the home stitching - fantastic xx Enjoy the summer and your new summer house xxx

  5. Beautiful work. I love the steaming kettle and the sweetpeas look lovely x

  6. Hi Helen you always fill me with inspiration - I haven't done cross stitch for a long time but I can't wait to have a go. Your little pincushions are beautiful x

  7. A beautiful post as always - I love the colour and prettiness that fills your posts!

  8. Love all of your little creations - especially the little house. Darling. Your combination of fabrics always makes me smile.


  9. Hello Helen! More pretties from you! We're having the same wonderful weather.. pretty amazing for Oregon! We leave soon for 10 days of camping at a wonderful lake with a visibility depth of 115 feet! I'm doing yo-yos.. for a centerpiece. I bet you'd like it! Question - what are the best quality fabric scissors? My Mundial ones finally have quit cutting well. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  10. Beautiful, beautiful stitching Helen as always. The little house is so sweet and the fabric very pretty!
    What a gorgeous little house, there will be many happy times in there! :)
    I'm afraid it has been very wet here today and cooler~ I want the summertime back again!
    Wishing you happy summer days
    V xxx

  11. I agree the pincushions are so cute.

  12. Hi Helen you know how much I adore your work and your post is just fabulous. I have never tried cross stitch as I think I am too slapdash but wish I could do it as it really finishes something off perfectly and is a wonderful way to personalise items. I am desperate to make one of your bunnies and your bag made from a jelly roll which is in your latest book. Helen hope you don't mind me asking but where did you get the pink jelly roll from in your book. Have hunted for a similar one but can't find anything. Glad you have the children as they bring such joy and keep us young. A fab blog as always Helen, thank you
    Lots of love
    Dorothy :-)xxxxxxxx
    Dorothy's Room

  13. Hi Helen,
    Oh, your pincushions are beyond sweet! I love the cherries and sweet home!! And, the tea kettle is just as sweet!! Glad you are enjoying some beautiful weather!! Oh, what kind of stamp are you using for the " tea time"? Love the font! Have a lovely and crafty week! xo Heather

  14. Dear Helen, I feel that my comments are always the same, but what can I do when your posts are always so sweet and beautiful!
    Thank you for a lovely, happy, summer moment! x Teje

  15. Gorgeous! I love the the little house one :) xx

  16. At the tippy top of my list of favorite things are these pincushions! Your cross stitch is a perfect compliment to the fabrics!

  17. Gorgeous pincushions - love the Home one and the cherries! I've been loving this sun too, even though, like you, I seek out the shade quite often. I think the warmth and light is just so cheering. x

  18. A lovely summery post Helen. I would have loved a little playhouse like that when I was small. I am sure it will be put to good use! x

  19. Oh my Helen these are so cute! I am in constant awe of the beautiful things you make.

  20. Helen I just love the one with the little house on it! Yes it's been great to have some hot sunny days the children love it! :) x

  21. What lovely cross stitch projects Helen, I love the cherries. You are obviously having a wonderful time with your dear grandchildren. I love the funny face lolly...and Daisy is so busy on her little bike. Keep cool, the heat is due to return tomorrow. Jane x

  22. I was just thinking last week that I wanted to write and ask you about doing a book with some cross-stitch in it, then I found online you had already done that, but I didn't know your other book had some so I will now order that. I am currently working on the lollypop flower picture and am almost complete, it's the most fun project yet (I say that with each one!).


  23. Lovely pincushions, Helen,

    And the best ever way to use the small yet beautiful scraps! There's really no end to your talent...

    Wishing you a wonderful August soon!


  24. What a wonderful visit to such a happy place. I did not realize that reading a blog could be a virtual trip to the beauty of the UK.


  25. Thanks for the beautiful summery images and more stitching ideas, Helen. I love seeing some of the results of your Grand's playing:) I so admire your sweetpeas, and hope that someday I will be successful in growing them as well. We visited a lavender farm yesterday and hope to sew some saches soon! May your happy creative days continue this week.
    Gracie xx

  26. These are gorgeous....I especially love the cherries matching with the pretty.


  28. I love your happy beautiful pillows and all your lovely summer pictures.

  29. Like you Helen, I crave the shade but I'm enjoying the summer.

    Beautiful stitching :)

  30. so lovely, Helen, you always inspire! the cross stitches are darling and I always love your color and use all my fave colors!

  31. Hi Helen, I've heard that it has been hotter than usual over your way. It's been a fairly warm winter here as well. I only hope it's not going to be hotter here in summer too. I love your little linen stitches and those bits of Lecien fabric look great with them...a lovely way to be able to enjoy those tiny last pieces usefully.

  32. Your pincushions are lovely, Helen!
    Big hug, Sonnja

  33. oh the bunnies in the trailer cycling round the garden, what a lovely photo.
    watermelon in the shade sounds like a lovely way to keep cool x

  34. Hi Helen,You are truly amazing!!!So clever and innovative with small scraps of fabric!!!I really love your work!!!Enjoy your summer and have a great weekend!!!

  35. Lovely Helen what a delightful post. I so enjoyed seeing these pretty little pincushions and just love the house cushion, it is so sweet. I thought I struck gold the other day when I went into the charity shop and found one of your cross stitch, garden notebook books. Its a wonderful book filled with some lovely projects to do. I am interested to know where you get your 28 count linen from? I am sure you must be so enjoying looking after your grandchildren and what lovely weather for it. Enjoy every minute and thanks for sharing your gorgeous creations with us. I to love sweetpeas, nothing quite like it. xoxo

  36. Such pretty pincushions,Helen!

  37. Like you Helen, I am not a huge fan of very hot weather, and so I really admire your ability to be so freshly creative this summer.

    Cross stitch on linen has endless possibilities, and I think you always find wonderful ways to distill motifs to very clear and clean graphic images...without losing a bit of the charm. That is such a great talent!

    I agree about the spritely company the lecien floral fabric makes with your embroidery. Perfect partners!

    Let's see, what else. Oh of course, lavender scones in a sunny garden setting. Perfection!

    And that little granddaughter is obviously a true joy. She will always treasure these tricycle days spent with you.

    Best wishes. xo

  38. Your play time brought some wonderful results! ♥

  39. Kompliment, wiedermal eine gelungene Sache. Das Häuschen gefällt mir sehr gut passt hervorragend zu dem schönen bunten Stoff.
    Ganz liebe Grüße Annerose

  40. Such sweet, summery craftiness. Hope you have enjoyed the sunshine today!


  41. Hello again Helen, your pincushions are adorable with the sweet cross stitching!! You are so talented and creative, I love everything you make!!

  42. Good morning Helen!...Your cross stitched linen motifs are so pretty and make perfect special gifts...I love the little house design particularly...such lovely colours... and I do love the pic of those little Sugar Bunnies taking a ride on Daisy's much fun in your beautiful garden! It has been so warm though, hasn't it? I'm definitely one for sitting in the shade on such hot days..
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend,
    Susan x
    P.S Thank you so much for adding the link! ♥

  43. What blissful summery scenes. Love the sugar bunnies taken for a ride; lovely to see your cross stitch being used again it is so pretty. Thank you for sharing.
    Pat x

  44. Very lovely summertime scenes. Please enjoy every moment with your grandchildren and your garden. Thanks for your visit at my lavender farm blogpost.
    You cheered up a grey, rainy day, Helen!!

    best wishes from America,
    Anne and all
    PlumCreek Studio

  45. Hi Helen thank you so much for getting back to me and making a comment - I will look for the jelly roll you suggested as I just love it. Thank you also for being so supportive and kind - do pop over to my blog Helen as I am planning a giveaway next week and would love you to enter.
    My latest creation is a bit of a disaster Helen but I will keep trying - never be as good as you though.
    Have a wonderful weekend
    Lots of love

  46. Hi Helen,such lovely pictures to feast upon,love the childrens new playhouse :) xxx

  47. Gorgeous! I especially love the pretty cross stitching in this post.
    M x

  48. Great ideas Helen, love the pincushions.
    Have a wonderful weekend..
    Erna x

  49. Dear Helen,

    Your pincushions look lovely! I especially love the one with the floral pattern and the little house on it. It looks very sweet.

    Your sweet peas look beautiful! Such fun to have a little playhouse in the garden :-) I think we will have something like that in our garden in the future too (or a tree house) :-)!

    Happy week,

    Madelief x

  50. I've always admired a yellow house and fantasized about living in one. Your stitched version may just do, Helen. It looks like such a happy place.

    I hope you have a lovely new week.


  51. You make me so happy. :) xo k

  52. I seriously love everything that you do. Especially that "home" cross-stitch.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog Helen. :-)

  53. Here I am....late to the party again. I adore the cherries and the Lecien fabric you show there. I really like your little yellow house too!
    The tea kettle is so sweet and actually....I like it without a heart on it. Sometimes I get tired of all the heart I getting crochety in my old age? LOL!
    Cute little playhouse. You don't have to pretend you got it for the grandchildren. I know what happens after they go's all yours isn't it? It's okay, I won't tell. I may have to get one for myself after I move up North! LOL!


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.