Sunday 27 May 2012

Pretty Things

Summer is here and it's time to take it easy and do a little bit of pretty hand sewing.....using some wonderful (but in parts damaged) old embroidered linens and making sweet lavender hearts.....with added vintage buttons...
 .....i love to see what there is in my button box that i can add to a new project.....sometimes i find just the kind i want, like this ivory coloured flower button....... love of buttons is well known in cross stitch circles :) I have been adding them to my work for many years and  love to collect them, both vintage and new, including handmade decorative ones and bright colourful ones...
.....i bought this beautiful necklace from emma at silverpebble recently...i couldn't resist the sweet vintage mother of pearl buttons interspersed with tiny found objects like glass flower beads, a carved bone bead, and pressed glass button....such tiny treasures ...... emma is having a giveaway at the moment so you could win one of her delightful necklaces too if you pop over here...........
 ....when i received my parcel i was so thrilled to find that emma had also included this delightful little piece of vintage petit point embroidery and some beautiful cream cotton kind and thoughtful, thankyou so much emma......
 .....pretty flowers picked this weekend from my newly planted cutting patch....everything is growing happily now that the sun is shining again and the first roses are beginning to open on the climbers so i'll be snipping some of those later to enjoy indoors too................
 ......if you have been a reader of this blog for a while you will have heard me mention janet bell before.....i love her paintings and visit her gallery in beaumaris on the isle of anglesey every summer when my hb sails in the regatta there.....janet is one of the few bloggers i have actually met.... i have so much of her work in my house i could almost open my own shop :)..... this picture of beaumaris hangs in the bedroom usually but i moved it to a brighter place for a photo.....on the right you can see the new tea towels janet sent me featuring her sweet seaside print....i will show you more of these later as i am going to make something patchworky with them....
....the reason i am mentioning this today is that janet has just come back to blogging again after a long break....she had a new baby and painting break and we missed her very much....janet's was one of the first blogs i read regularly and she is a lovely lady and very talented ...i know she would love it if you visited her here............
...........this weekend has been amazingly hot here...we go from one extreme to the i am going to spend the rest of the day outdoors, reading old letters in the shade and sipping tea..........
.........and sewing some more buttons onto my little handmade heart.........i hope you are having a lovely weekend too....and that you have a happy week ahead.....(i will be busy baking the jubilee cakes this week and hanging up the red white and blue bunting)........thank you so much for visiting me here............back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. That sounds like a perfect plan for a hot lazy sunday Helen, wish I could join you :) (My day consists of making 100+ badges, then filling a one tonne skip bag with garden rubbish!) The embroidery is so beautiful, I love how you turn something old into something so new and pretty. The necklace you bought from Emma is very lovely too. I love the little 'treasures' as you call them. Kind of reminds me when I go rock pooling on holiday to find teeny tiny shells and bits of sea glass. Anyway hope you enjoy the sunshine, have a lovely day, Jenny xxx

  2. Your blog is always bright and cheerful. I love your heart. I too love buttons, I have too many most of which I cannot part with especially the pearl ones belonging to my grandmother, as she use to collect them for the Pearly Kings & Queens.
    Julie xxxxxx

  3. Perfect hearts, perfect painting, perfect image of the rest of your day ... you enchant us Helen :D

    And now I'm away to visit Janet ...

  4. Hi Helen, Your hearts are so pretty! There is something so wonderful about tiny little treasures. Enjoy your day soaking up the sunshine! xoxo Debbie

  5. What a lovely idea to make out of old linens that have embroidery on. I too love buttons and sometimes just love spilling them out and looking through them. I just discovered recently that you can dye buttons too which I haven't tried yet but I will as I dye wool fabric for applique. I'll let you know how it goes. I also read somewhere recently where you shouldn't store plastic buttons with metal ones or any in airtight containers or with lids on as some of the old plastic buttons were made of celluloid which makes metal buttons turn green. Who knew? Not I!
    I love your necklace even though I'm not much of a jewelry person I REALLY like that one! And your artist friend is really good too with her bright colors and beautiful scenes.
    May I ask what a Jubilee cake is made of? I'm aware of the Jubilee but wondered how you celebrate it and I thought I would join in! I want to make your flag pincushion or a pillow or a quilt or all 3! I made Attic24's lemon drizzle cake after spending time translating the measurements and it is wonderfully delicious especially with tea.
    It is a 3 day holiday here this weekend. Memorial Day is Monday here in the states so there are barbecues and picnics and parades etc. It's also very warm here! High 90's F.....whew...I'll be inside in the ac doing needlework...what else? LOL! Have a great week!

  6. Dear Helen, I'm having my Sunday afternoon coffee and nothing could be better reading than your sweet post! I adore your cute hearts! That button necklace you have just received is so beautiful and lovely idea to enjoy buttons!
    Thank you for links - i'm on my way to visit them! Happy Sunday afternoon, to you! x Teje

  7. Your little heart is gorgeous Helen, what a lovely way to use such pretty linens! May I join you this afternoon? I'd love to read some old letters whilst sipping tea :) enjoy the sunshine! Victoria xx

  8. my mother made two pillows from old, slightly damaged table cloths that had beautiful 40's/50's style embroidery that my nanny stitched.
    your hearts remind me of them, soooo beautiful xxxx

  9. Love your hearts Helen and the necklace I want one its beautiful.Have a lovely restful afternoon.Love Jill xx

  10. That looks like a good way to use some of my own vintage buttons. Thank you for the idea Helen.

  11. I think every one of your posts should be titled "pretty things". :) That button necklace is very pretty. As are your hearts and the painting. I'm off to visit Janet now. Best wishes, Tammy

  12. Been reading your blog for ages, Helen but moved to comment because this post is just so pretty. You seem to manage to get a consistent colour scheme going each post yet it never seems repetative or boring. My own photos are much more hit and miss! Love the hearts.

    Hope you are enjoying the sunshine and a relaxing weekend - I've just come in out of the sun. Now that's something we can't say too often here in dear old Blighty, is it?

  13. Helen,
    I enjoying seeing all of your "pretties" and will be sure to visit your friend's blog.
    Have a lovely week.

  14. The heart pillow is absolutely adorable!

  15. A wonderful soft and pretty post! It is a joy to come and have some respite here! x

  16. Your little heart is so pretty and summery Helen, prefect use of an old linen! :)
    Your cutting patch must be doing so well judging by that gorgeous bunch of flowers!
    Hope you had a lovely afternoon in the sun, I do hope it lasts for a long while!
    Vivienne x

  17. Oh Helen - I love everything in your blog again; the heart, the flowers, the necklace ........... BUT most of all, how lovely to sit in the sunshine reading old letters. I hope you had fun reading those treasured letters xx

  18. With all those cute buttons, I can't help loving your hearts and bracelet! :-)
    Wishing you a happy week.....

  19. Your hearts are so pretty and delicate love your buttons. I think every women has a love for them ;-) What a beautiful necklace to. Enjoy your time and the sun, dee x

  20. It has been a wonderful hot sunny weekend hasn't it Helen. We have been outside for most of it...b;iss. What a lovely buttons post, I love your new necklace. I too shall be hanging up the bunting for next weekend and off to enjoy the events in London ;0)
    Have a great week,
    Jane x

  21. What a pretty heart! I like that you used buttons on it too. I collect them also and am always looking for ways to use them. Have a relaxing day! It is very hot here too and I am either stitching or in the pool:)

  22. Sounds like you are making the most of this glorious weather. I have quite a button collection too.Love what you have done with them on the lavender hearts.

  23. Love your heart! Giving vintage embroidery a new lease of life is such a lovely idea. Your weekend sounds to be full of happiness as was mine ... isn't the sunshine wonderful.

  24. Such a beautiful post, I love your heart and button necklace, I think I might make my own and start a collection that's pretty enough to wear!!
    Chris :o)

  25. The hearts are charming and I'll bet they smell great too~ I visited Janet's blog and love her paintings!
    I tried to follow but lately I've been having a time finding a way to follow blogs.
    So glad the sun is out there, but its really something after all the rain, must be greenly glorious.

  26. Hi, Helen! Beautiful vintage linen embroidery heart :o) So sweet buttons you`ve got there and cute necklace by Emma too! And I`m glad that your friend Janet have time for ddrawing and for blogging again :o) I will visit her soon

  27. Hi Helen!! Your heart is so beautiful, and I adore the pretty vintage embroidery!! The white vintage flower button is so neat!! Hope you have a lovely weekend, and fun baking!! xo Heather

  28. Well Helen, I do hope that some day we might be able to meet. Every time that I read one of your posts, I sense a true connection with your aesthetic and like how your find a way to make traditional elements very contemporary.

    I also am a fan of Janet's work, and have had the great pleasure of actually meeting Emma.

    Hoping to one day inherit my mom's button box, I've been accumulating my own collection for decades. I think of buttons a very mini sculptures, amusing whimsies that also have provided valuable service for centuries.


  29. Dear Helen.. pretty.. sweet.. inspirational.. I love visiting to your blog, I always get ideas and enjoy my visit so. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  30. Your hearts are beautiful!!
    Thank you for sharing the addresses of your blog friends : I've visited them both!!
    xxx Alessandra

  31. That is one beautiful heart!
    You have given me (another!) idea what to do with an old bolster case a friend gave me recently.
    I'll make her a heart so she can have a little of her own family stuff back again - thank you Helen.
    I've made one of your kitty cushions - I hope many of your followers will do so too.
    The instructions are simple to follow & quick to make so I'll do a second one before I wend my way to the PO.

  32. Such a pretty post Helen. I love the heart and the necklace is gorgeous. Emma is so talented as are you! Have a lovely week xx

  33. I love the hearts, what a lovely idea for transforming my stained, and tattered collection from my Mum.
    Love the necklace too, so pretty, have a nice week :)
    Sue Xxx

  34. A visit to your blog is always an absolute treat Helen, but how lovely to spot the little necklace here. I'm thrilled that you liked the little embroidery - I just knew you would. I have plans for those stunning vintage beads you sent me...

    Goodness Helen, your cutting patch is obviously a wonderful one - look at that exquisite posy! Have a wonderful day x

  35. I'm very glad to see what you did with vintage embroidered pieces which have been damaged. I've been trying to make my brain work as to how to salvage beautifully-embroidered bed-pillowslips of my mother's, which have become sort of rust-spotted from, I assume, damp. Couldn't get the spots out in the laundry and don't dare use bleach, as it would rot out the old cotton cloth. I shall tuck away this idea to make a small pattern for a heart around the best of the stitchwork and then stuff it. Thank you for the inspiration!

  36. All so very lovely. I checked out Janet's blog. What extraordinary talent!

  37. Hello sweet Helen, I love your pretty heart and sweet buttons! I love buttons too, and embroidery! It is wonderful that you could take the undamaged parts of the embroidered linens and make it into something so beautiful! The necklace you purchased is gorgeous! I love all the buttons and beads. How lovely of Emma to include the pretty vintage petit point embroidery and cotton lace! Your flowers are gorgeous too! How wonderful they came from your own cutting patch! Janet's painting is very beautiful. I can see why you love to collect her work. The little forget~me~nots are so sweet and I hope it is not so hot and you can enjoy being in the garden sewing! Have a lovely week preparing for the Jubilee sweetie. Much love, Paula xoxo

  38. So pretty Helen!! :o)
    And I will be heading on over to Janet's blog. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    I hope you have had a lovely weekend.
    love, Trish xo

  39. So pretty Helen!! :o)
    And I will be heading on over to Janet's blog. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    I hope you have had a lovely weekend.
    love, Trish xo

  40. Your hearts are lovely....and those forget me nots make my heart happy. Have a good week...happy creating. xoxoxoo

  41. Hello Helen...Your lavender heart is so pretty and a perfect way to preserve lovely vintage linen pieces which were made with such love and attention to detail...
    Emma's necklace is really pretty and I shall look forward to visiting both Emma and Janet shortly. I do love the colours in Janet's painting!
    Hope you are having a lovely week...I think it is going to be a little bit cooler here today...
    Susan x

  42. I just love your new heart. Making them out of retired linen is a lovely idea.

  43. Hello Helen,

    Thank you for the link to a new, pretty blog I haven't visited before! And your heart is adorable, I am a big fan of reusing old materials, and that's it on its best!

    Have a wonderful and sunny week!


  44. Such pretty hearts. I am big fan of buttons too, in fact I also add them to hearts, they are a great way to display such treasures. I think I would take a jar of vintage buttons over a sparkly gem.

    I love Emma's work and that necklace is just beautiful,I am sure you will really enjoy wearing it.

  45. You PIP jug full of flowers would be make a lovely still life :)

  46. I so enjoy coming here for a regular dose of pretty! Thank you for all the beauty!

  47. Lovely Helen,
    Your post is so apply named, Pretty Things! Oh my goodness, photo after photo of pretty, inspiring, and buttons!!!!! Love the heart and all the details and, of course, the necklace is to die for. Emma does such gorgeous work.
    I so wish I could be in London for all the festivities, I know it is right up my alley of enjoyable moments.
    Enjoy your days, xoRobin❤

  48. I took the plunge and cut up a vintage tray cloth that was marked, and now I have a super embroidered heart complete with buttons too. I will absolutely be doing more of these.

  49. Hi Helen, loved seeing this post after my holiday, it is so summery & sweet. the heart is beautiful, love the buttons added to it a perfect touch. enjoy your baking & bunting hanging
    Lol Karen x

  50. you have quite the prettiest posts and loveliest ideas. i always feel a warm rush of joy when i read your posts and view all your lovely makes and finds.
    the buttoned hearts are exquisite, as is the beautiful necklace by emma.

    have a wonderful weekend xx

    enjoy the red, white and blue!
    i shall be having fun with jubilee baking and decorating too :)

  51. Il tuo blog รจ bellissimo!
    Buon fine settimana


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.