Tuesday 19 July 2011

Lovely Lavender

 When we were away last week we made a special trip one day to see the lavender here, which someone had told us about - even though it was tucked away in the countryside miles away from where we were staying....It was a gorgeous day and well worth the driving to see soooo much delicious lavender.....
Lots of different shades and types, surrounded by white gravel to really show off the pretty colours, and there were David Austin roses planted there too - a gorgeous combination....the tea room served delicious lavender scones with lavender and strawberry conserve, the shop sold all kinds of lavender aromatherapy products and the nursery sold lavender and roses ....it was bliss!
 The sky looks washed out for some reason in my photo - it was blue really.....
 ....there were also hens at the farm, and their newly laid big brown eggs were for sale...they came in a lavender coloured egg box....
 I bought some dried lavender and some lavender oil...this picture shows some of the lavender bags I've made in the past for book and magazine projects...I like to keep lavender sachets in among the linen shelves...(the linen cupboard in this house was one of the things I really wanted it for when I first saw it)..
 I also bought a couple of lavender plants to add to our collection...it would be nice to sit in this seat looking out over the field of lavender to the rolling Devon countryside beyond...very relaxing....
Since we came back it has mostly been raining here and also blowing a gale and feeling autumnal....what strange unsettled weather we have here, no wonder we're always talking about it! It's perfect weather to stay in and sew anyway which is what I'm doing...thank you for visiting me here...I hope you are having a very happy week. I'll be back soon with some sewing pictures xxxxx


  1. Oooh I can almost smell the perfume! Love your little sachets too.

  2. Oh ..that takes my breath away!!!

  3. What a gorgeous field of lavender. Everyone is posting about harvesting lavender now but it is not to be found in my corner of the world. I did find some at Pottery Barn last year but don't know that they would still have any. Your little bags with stitching are very sweet. Our weather is hot and humid so I am staying indoors and piddling all the day long. Off to bed now. Goodnite! Tammy

  4. What a coincidence ... we visited Shropshire lavender on Friday, picked a big bunch of lavender to dry at home, and ate lavender cake in the teashop there ... aren't rows and rows of lavender bushes like the ones in your lovely photographs just divine!

  5. A beautiful Lavender post! I would buy the eggs just for the lavender coloured box! I bet the lavender scent filled the air. x

  6. Wow, I can imagine the scent of lavender in the air, lovely!
    Your little lavender bag is so sweet, I too keep lavender in the linen cupboard.
    And I really love the lavender -coloured egg-box. :)
    Weather isn't wonderful is it, 15 deg here today- in July!!!
    Vivienne x

  7. Have been harvesting my Canadian grow lavender for a month now. It is so lovely, but not nearly as lovely as that grown in my ancestral home!
    Cheers and enjoy the summer!

  8. Helen, wow, such a lovely lavender farm! I would have snatched up several things too, in their shop. We have some ladies that grow lavender up the road from us and I think I need to buy another bunch of it. Loved the lavender egg boxes.. I wonder where they got those!!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  9. Such joy here today my friend. Now that lavender egg carton is just too
    sweet for words.Lucky chickens to have their eggs packaged so dearly. Lavender is one of my favourites!
    Hugs xxoo

  10. As lilac is my favourite colour, your post is real eye candy to me! Thank you for sharing! :)

  11. All that lavender must have really filled all your senses! Just amazing.

  12. Beautiful, is there anything as nice as the smell of fresh lavender!
    Karen x

  13. I love the lavender egg boxes, bringing some lavender plants back is a lovely way to remember your holiday by......
    Sue Xxx

  14. It has the feeling of winter here today! Thanks to your beautiful post I am now smiling again.

    Beautiful pictures!

    Lou xxx

  15. Hi Helen, What a wonderful lavender farm and garden you visited. It really must have been breathtaking. Did I see a lavender house too? Love your lavender bag! Yes, weather is so bazaar these days, we are having great summer days. I hope it continues because we will be away for a 2 week vacation starting Friday!!!! Enjoy the rainy days for your lovely sewing! xoRobin❤

  16. Oh how lovely when my daughter lived in France the smell of lavender was breathtaking. I love your sachets!! Marie x

  17. Ooooh what a enjoyable colour! So beautiful fields and even the house has lavender colour!
    Thank you for sharing that beauty!
    xxx Teje

  18. Wonderful lavender pics and as for the egg box - well!!! I wonder why they've never changed colour before - perhaps you'll start a trend! I've just bought a big bag of lavender and made a pillow for a friend who believes it helps her sleep. Mellow fruitfulness was certainly evident here yesterday when the morning had a very misty start. I don't care about the weather or anything else because I have a new granddaughter!!!!!

  19. lavender and roses, what a heavenly combination x

  20. Yum - I can almost smell it from here.

    It looks like you have a wonderful holiday. The best.

    take care,

    Nina x

  21. What a lovely post devoted entirely to lavender. I can't resist lavender in any shape or form and have been lucky enough to be able to cut as much as I wanted from our local supermarket grounds :-)

    I dry it and use it to fill my little sachets stitched with vintage French initials as gifts for friends but also to make a delicious lavender and lemon drizzle cake that I first tried when we visited Kathy Brown's open garden last year. You can see some mouth watering photos if you scroll down to Thursday 1st july 2010 on her blog:


    I loved all your photos especially the gorgeous lavender egg boxes. What a wonderful way to brighten up these plain everyday items. I get the feeling that this trip was definitely worth the extra distance. The tea shop with its homemade conserves and scones and aromatherapy goods sounds just wonderful
    Your little stitched sachets are beautiful.

  22. What a lovely lavender post Helen. Such a timeless scent and I love the colours. Great egg box - were the eggs lavender-LOL!
    Jane x

  23. Such a lovely and idyllic place to visit Helen...I love the thought of the lavender scones....only yesterday I was reading about lavender shortbread and am going to give them a try....your little lavender sachets are so pretty too...
    I wonder what the weather has in store for us in the next few days?
    Susan x

  24. I could just smell it while reading your lovely post!! The egg carton in lavender is too cleaver, isn't it..
    Nice blog!!

  25. Beautiful lavender...what a lovely day you had. I have been meaning to visit Norfolk Lavender for a while.. maybe if the blooming rain stops I will go this year! Jill :)x

  26. That must have been a great trip Helen - the scent must have been amazing, and the blues and purples of the lavender look wonderful.Can almost smell it now!
    Thnaks for sharing those lovely summery photos - still grey and mizzling here, i do hope the weather improves soon.
    Looking forward to seeing some sewing photos soon.
    Gill xx

  27. Oh Helen, isn't the lavender gorgeous this time of year? Ive always wanted to go to a lavender farm but not yet been to one - love your lavender bags too, can almost smell that heavenly scent...

    Julia x

    ps - your seaside pics are amazing!!

  28. Again you gave us some wonderful pictures to look at! Soooo glad you found the Lavender farm, its a super place isn't it? Can almost smell it from here!!
    Gill x

  29. Lavender is best colour of every occasions. Spring is such a beautiful time to take photographs of awesome flowers or nature colours.

  30. Hi

    Just stopping by from Raindrops&Daisies.

    I love your photograpsh.

    I adore lavender plants, great scent, colour and flowers.

  31. Oh my goodness....this post is just lovely. I LOVE lavender!


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