Wednesday 27 July 2011

Lots of Dots

 It's a sunny, dotty week here so far.....dotty fabrics are being sewn for exciting new projects to be published in the future, and I thought I would show you this dotty pinwheel patchwork cushion today. I found the pinwheel blocks in one of my patchwork storage baskets and as I'm trying to use up everything and waste nothing this year I decided to make the blocks into a summery cushion....
...looking around me I spied lots of dots on different things, many of which I've had for years as I've always collected dotty china and have some very old pieces as well as recent finds... 
 ....a friend gave me the dotty retro doileys which I think is what really made me think about dots this week...I made the cakes in dotty cases and added dots to the icing with my Tala icing pen, then put them on a red dotty doiley...
 .... summer has returned here and it's been sunny and warm enough to take a tea tray out to the garden... sew some work projects sitting in the dappled shade and enjoying the flowers and the buzzing of the bees... 
I hope you are having a lovely sunny week too wherever you are. Thanks for popping in to see me here, I do enjoy your visits and comments very much. Back soon xxxxx


  1. Morning Helen. Lovely to check in and see a post from you. I love the cushion in your first picture - very cheery and looks so plump too! x

  2. Love the pinwheel cushion, so summery and fresh, but the one beneath it looks interesting too ... is that a Union Jack I spy?

  3. A lovely cheery post to look at Helen! I love all things dotty so this put a smile on my face!
    The cushion is so fresh and pretty, love it!
    Have a lovely sunshiney day!
    Rachel x

  4. Lovely dotty stuff. Love it.

  5. I love dots ans spots too! Everything looks fab. kxx

  6. Lovely dotty post, super cushion, and those dotty cupcakes, they are as neat as your sewing..... they look wonderful.....
    Sue Xxx

  7. Lovely post and pictures xx

  8. Love, love, love your cushion! :)

  9. Hi Helen, I love your dotty goodness! Dotty day to you with lots more happy summer days, xoRobin❤

  10. Gorgeous cushion Helen and I love the green dotty mug!! Dots always look good.
    Beautiful weather here as well, I really enjoy a cup of tea outside too. :)
    Vivienne x

  11. You made me look around me and I find I'm going dotty too !

  12. Hi Helen,

    I love the pink spotty teapot.
    Pink and green together - one of my favourite colour combinations. The cushion looks fab, as always.

    Nia x

  13. Love that pinwheel cushion, I made little sweetpea a pinwheel hairclip a few weeks back, it is quite an effective design isn't it. oohh lets hope for many more days where you can take tea outside into the garden.

  14. Hi Helen..that pinwheel cushion does look light and summery..very sweet! I had a lovely pre-summer morning with tea on a verandah with friends in the sunshine and a baby magpie sitting on the verandah railings singing for us and begging for food.

  15. Love the pinwheel pillow. Just the perfect colors.

  16. Gorgeous cushion, love the colours. You have gone dotty but it looks lovely, I'm a fan of your teapot!

  17. Lots of dots - my favourite.

    And what a good idea about using up blocks. I have a few random log cabins that I really could do with putting to good use.

    Nina xxx

  18. Lovely summery post
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  19. Hi Helen,
    I can`t tell you how i love your blog, it is so fresh, clean & bright. I love your pinwheel cushion. Definately a very dotty blog today, but lovely though.
    Love Carole in Rossendale, Lancashire xxxx

  20. I do love all the dots and spots too! The cushion is lovely and fresh looking. x

  21. I love all those dots - especially the ones on the cakes! No sunshine here, I'm afraid, so I have been sewing indoors, and dreaming of knitting in the sun.

    Pomona x

  22. Hi Helen,

    I too love dots, they are just so cheerful! I love the cushion its beautiful and wil look great anywhere!
    I loved the CB project as always too!
    Have a lovely sunny wek, the sun finally shone here today,
    Andrea x

  23. Dear Helen, what a sweet 'dotty' post - every loves them! My favorite is that lovely pink teapot and all the 'goodies' on the tray! Also your pinwheel cushion is so beautiful! That's great idea to make pinwheeles with different colours like you did!
    xxx Teje

  24. Oh Helen, after reading your post I think I'm seeing spots! LOL Isn't it fun to just look around and see fun things to photograph?
    Well, I'm off to swim for an hour!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  25. Lovely dotty post there Helen. I am glad to catch up with you now I am home. Your cakes have made my mouth water....mmmm. Enjoy your summer sunshine.
    Jane x

  26. Such a summery post, love everything in it, the dots are great, love the dotty cupcakes so much they look scrummy, a real smile the whole way through post :D
    Karen x

  27. I loved your post today so many gorgeous spots. I love those red doileys. And your cushion is beautiful. dee x

  28. I look forward to your posts; I know I'll be seeing a burst of colour on the screen. Perhaps I'll go put a little something in one of my leaf-green-with-one-dot bowls!

  29. Gosh Helen everything is so summery and lovely at your house. I love the pinwheel cushion. I do have a bit of a penchant for spots myself. Many thanks for your lovely comments, we had a great time in Wicklow thankyou. Lots of love, Linda x

  30. This may be my favorite post yet! I love all things polka dot! Your pinwheel pillow is so fun, and the cupcakes look delicious!

  31. I love everything dotty, Helen, and your china is just adorable (not to mention the cushion!), and with the "matching" cupcakes...Divine!

    Your blog always makes me smile, thank you for that!

    Happy Thursday!


  32. Dear Helen,

    What a bright and sunny post! I hope you will send some of that lovely weather across the sea.

    You have a beautiful collection of spotted china and decorations. I have a soft 'spot' for polka dots as well. I find them really hard to resist. Your pillow & cakes look very good!

    Happy weekend!

    Lieve groet, Madelief x

  33. Lovely dots. I have the CK mugs in red, they're fun aren't they?

    Thank you for the birthday wishes, Helen.

    Happy weekend to you x

  34. Hello Helen,
    I enjoyed your dotty post very much. Polka dot is such a fresh, cheerful fabric that everyone seems to love it. Your cushion is absolutely beautiful and tea in the garden with that fab spotty teapot and cupcakes couldn't fail to make anyone smile! x


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.