Monday 18 April 2011

Garden Days

Such a sunny and beautiful weekend we've had! Lots of time spent in the garden.... a little sewing of a new project while chatting and drinking tea.... a little pottering in and around the potting shed while listening to the birdsong and the bumble bees buzzing in and out of the blossom - so blissful....
and yes, a little painting of the potting shed went on's not finished yet though so only a peek...several coats of undercoat, then one coat of farrow and ball in slipper satin so far.....a little trim to be added soon. Very kind Mr P made me a special edging which I drew onto a piece of wood and he cut it out and attached it......

                             And here is some of the apple blossom looking impossibly beautiful...
I often used to draw and paint blossom for spring greetings cards, and every time I see it I almost pick a sprig to take up to the studio and try and recapture it's delicate beauty with washy watercolours...
This week it's a garden theme workwise in my studio, so very appropriate this time...and my two new quilts are vey flowery ones as well....(I know I shouldn't really work on two at once but you know how it is when you get an idea and just can't wait to try it...) I hope you have a wonderful flowery week, thanks for popping in to see me! Back soon xxxx


  1. It was a beautiful weekend Helen.After our celebrating on Saturday night we also did some pottering in the garden on Sunday. Such warmth in the sun and nothing like tea in the garden. Your shed is coming along nicely and the apple blossom is looking fab! We look set to hold onto this lovely weather until Easter....fingers crossed. Have a productive week,
    Jane x

  2. Your shed looks lovely - I can't wait until we have our own garden :)

  3. That shed would look so at home at our allotment! So if you get up one morning and it has gone, you now know where it might be.

    Lou xxx

  4. Your potting shed is looking very lovely indeed Helen - the scallopped edging looks perfect! Can't wait to see it finished. Love that pretty pin cushion and all your lovely fabrics too - I haven't bought any new ones for ages (in fact deliberately did not go in my favourite fabric shop at weekend) but you are making me want more now! Enjoy the rest of your week, Jenny x

  5. That potting shed is stunning, almost too pretty for a potting shed... I love the new sewing items, ummmm, bunting in that fabric, I think you've set me off again :)
    Sue Xx

  6. Sounds like you had a wonderful peaceful weekend in the garden Helen.
    The potting shed is looking lovely - the scallop trim is perfect, and i love the pale simplicity of the wood.
    Beautiful apple blossom!
    Hope you have a lovely warm week!
    Gill x

  7. I think having two projects on the go is a good idea, it keeps everything fresh!
    Your potting shed is looking beautiful and the new trim is so pretty.
    The blossom is gorgeous, such a shame it isn't around for longer!
    Have a great week Helen. :)
    Vivienne x

  8. I love your potting shed! It's stunning, so sweet and kitsch! It's more stylish that my entire flat lol! I have potting shed envy! One day when I have a garden I aspire to have a shed just like yours! x

  9. Your pictures always have the most yummy colours.
    Have a lovely week.

  10. Really pretty things. Ahhhhh..... xx

  11. Hi Helen, The potting shed is so pretty and the trim is amazing. I think your shed is very girly but also functional......I just love it. The apple blossoms are so beautiful and look great by your potting cottage. Can't wait to see your quilts, two is very ambitious. I hope you get to keep one of them. Happy a great week. xoRobin❤

  12. OOh, love your scalloped edging on the potting shed! It all looks so pretty! I have been out in the garden all afternoon, pottering and weeding, I loved it!Although my back is aching a bit now!
    Rachel x

  13. It's England's turn to shine, the apple blossoms and blue skies are divine! Here in Queensland we have dreary grey skies and rain..and it's cold pics put a smile on my face though.

  14. I love the special trim, totally cute!!!
    All your apple blossoms look gorgeous...mine are still hiding till the last frost passes before they venture out!
    Love the color of the shed!
    Chris :o)

  15. Helen, your work on your potting shed is inspirational! I have a cute little shed behind our farmhouse here in Oregon USA.. and I am determined to empty it of all the boxes of stuff and re-purpose it.


  16. Helen I'm in awe of your shed. I wish just one place in my house could be white, clean and tidy!! The idea that my shed might ever get that way is too much! Love watching it unfold :) Claire x

  17. Dear Helen, everything looks like a dream! Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden and your sweet crafts!
    I wish you Happy and Sunny Easter week!
    xxx Teje

  18. Helen, I love visiting your blog - and I would love a little potting shed like yours, alas ours is a rather awful brown affair (inside at any rate) crammed with camping gear and childrens toys...maybe I ought to buy a bit of white paint and engage the other half one weekend for a revamp. Lovely pics, enjoy your Easter Holidays.
    Love Julia x x x

  19. Your garden is so lovely, Helen. I can easily see how it would inspire lots of painting.

    Thank you for your visit. The Grasmere Gingerbread recipe I use is a sort of gingery shortbread biscuit-y sort of gingerbread. Ingredients are 225 g flour, 125 g pale soft brown sugar, 1 tsp ground ginger, good pinch of baking powder, and 140 g salted butter. You mix up the dry ingredients, then pour the melted butter over them and mix well. This mixture is then pressed into a 8x12 in. tin that's been lined with greased greaseproof paper. Bake 30-35 minutes at Gas 4/350 F/180 C. Mark into fingers but leave to cool in the tin. Then...make some tea!

  20. Hi Helen,

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I enjoyed it very much!
    What a lovely blog you have too! The images of your potting shed make me want to see more. LOVE your bunting and colourful garden things.

    Happy evening!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  21. Everything is so pretty in your world...I love your potting shed!

    Thank you so much for visiting me! Hugs. xoxo

  22. I totally love the sense of color throughout your blog!


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.