Wednesday 30 March 2011

Hearts and Hexies

I've been having a lovely week so far, filled with hearts, hexies, fab fabrics, some delicious flowers from the garden to enjoy inside (while it was raining!) all topped off with a few scoops of mini eggs a day!
This little heart was made for someone special and I loved making it - choosing some of my favourite fabrics and adding embellishments. I actually made the heart a little while ago, but finished it off this week with the embroidery, felt flower, button and little stamped message.....
I bought the felt flower ready made - one of my online crafty purchases. It was just the right shade of blue that I wanted to use here....The other heart I finished this week is for a magazine so I can't show it yet, but I loved making that one too and will put it on here as soon as I can....
And my other love this week is making hexies - I'm using lots of pretty fabrics, and cutting lots of papers from old charts and  printed text from past projects that I keep for scrap paper and recycle in various ways. Last year at the Quilt Exhibition in London there was a very old patchwork quilt with all the papers still in the back - wonderful bits of old letters. My first ever quilt - made in the 70's (shhh) was a hexagon one, and although colourwise it's not really my taste now it's a fascinating archive of Laura Ashley and Liberty fabrics of the time, and the strange thing is when I look at it now I remember all the dresses they came from, and the friends who donated pieces of their left over dress fabric too.....I rather wish I'd left those papers in the back too......
It has been raining for part of today which was probably a good thing as I got on with the work I needed to do. Nearly all done now....and time to play with some more fabric. I received a new order of really yummy ones this week - I'm sure the postie loves calling here he gets such a delighted reception as he hands over the parcels to me!! The sight of really inspiring new colourful fabric designs really takes my breath away sometimes, and I'm glad when it does too - there's nothing worse than being un inspired by the things you want to create with is there?!
These spring flowers are looking very cheerful on my kitchen windowsill today - I began by picking the hyacinths as the rain made them lie down on the soil! then I snipped a few primroses, scillas, grape hyacinths, pulmonaria and forget me nots so I had a proper little spring posy. The hyacinths scent is gorgeous too, of course, and it's lovely to have some of it floating around the house again.... Hope you're having a lovely week too. Thank you for visiting me here in my little space....Back soon xxxxx


  1. Such lovely pretty prints and colours Helen! Your flowers are gorgeous too!
    This week has been very busy so far, with lots of makes!
    Hope the rain stays away tomorrow!
    Enjoy the rest if your week!
    Rachel x

  2. The heart is gorgeous, I'm sure its recipient will be over the moon with it, those hexies look enticing, I too am eagerly awaiting for the postman to drop some new fabrics off with me. I was out when it started to rain.... I came back and found freshly picked, wet flowers in the house, how nice was that :)
    Sue Xx

  3. ooh those pastel hexies are sooo pretty and they match the mini eggs beautifully xxx

  4. Lovely photographs, Helen. You capture the natural light so beautifully. I always end up taking photos in the evening in artificial light which is not the same. I cut some skimmia, grape hyacinths and camellias for a vase today, they are always nicer when they've come from your garden.
    Becky x

  5. Hi Helen.

    Your little heart is simply charming. The lucky recipient will be so thrilled.

    I have you to thank for my new Lecien fabric addiction - they make my heart beat a little faster they're so pretty!

    I've been getting in a bit of a pickle with a basic squared patchwork cushion using the same fabrics - I think it's being a raving perfectionist! - hexagons give me the heebie jeebies! ;-)


  6. Hi Helen, I love all the colours in this post, and your hanging heart is beautiful with all the little details. Gorgeous flowers too - such a good idea to take them from the garden and put them in a little jar. I've got some forget me nots in my garden which have spread like mad so I may do the same! Have a lovely week, Sarah x

  7. That little jar of flowers on your windowsill is so simple but absolutely beautiful Helen. :)
    Your hexies are gorgeous too, such lovely fabrics.
    I think the recipient of the heart will be delighted. :)
    A few scoops of mini eggs a day, you are very good Helen, when I open the bag I have to eat the whole lot!!
    Vivienne x

  8. Love the pretty pastel fabrics and really like the little heart too. Enjoy your week. Leah x

  9. Beautiful post and pics as always. Love your bird house sooo cute - hmm I'm with you on the mini eggs I am sure they are good for your health xx

  10. Mmmm mini eggs, yum! I must agree with Vivienne, you are showing a lot of self control, I am a complete chocoholic and would eat the whole lot! The hexies look great too, I've never made a patchwork quilt but it is one of those things I've been wanting to do for a while now, so may have a go soon, I've got enough fabric for it that's for sure! Love the little heart too, it's so pretty and I love your fabric choices for it:) Glad the rains stopped for now, enjoy the rest of your week, Jenny xxx

  11. Oh yes mini eggs win hands down! Your heart is very pretty Helen, what a beautiful present..there is nothing better than something handmade with love. I love looking at your flowers, I can almost smell them...mmmmmmm. We do really need some rain for our gardens, March has been so dry.
    Have a great week,
    Jane x

  12. Very pretty heart and hexagons, love the fabrics, you're right they're very inspiring and you've used them wonderfully.
    lily x

  13. Such Spring-y bright colors! Love the little bouquet on the windowsill. I have a little glass vase of Daphne Odora and one of brilliant daffodils! Love it!!

    Hugs from Oregon, USA -- Teresa :-)

  14. Perfect!
    Flowers,hexagons and chocolate!

  15. Sp pretty, you always use such lovely colours.

  16. Just popped in for a bit of calm inspiration and wasn't disappointed! Can I come and live you you?!!!! ;)

  17. I do like the idea of a 'few' mini eggs a day. Unfortunately though - for me - once a bag is opened I just wouldn't be able to stop.

    Beautiful hearts and hexies.

    Nina x

  18. The hearts are so pretty Helen, beautiful fabrics!
    The hexagons are gorgeous, again with such lovely fabrics, very springlike.There is something special about hand sewn patchwork with the papers - you can't rush it.
    Looking forward to seeing the finished product.
    The spring flowers are so lovely.
    Lovely post as usual!!
    Gill x

  19. Thank you Helen, this was just what I needed now! When I see your beautiful photos, with your sweet crafts and so lovely colours - I get straight away energy and inspiration! That heeart is wonderful and again great example how we can make something so special with small things!
    My mother loved Liberty fabrics - I remember how soft htey were and full of tiny flowers - I wish I could have them now!
    I wish you sunny and joyful weekend! xxx Teje

  20. Hi Helen..I love to read about the advent of spring in your English garden...all of the flowers just springing to life after their winter of being under the snow! That particular colour blue is divine and looks perfect on your pretty heart. What would you call it..not exactly cornflower or sapphire is it?

  21. I love the colours of your heart and all the little details like the felt flower. what a beautiful and unique gift, lucky recipient!

  22. Lovely spring-colors, Helen! And that heart is just adorable, with little stamping and all.

    Have a wonderful weekend, sunshine and flowers!


  23. I was just planning to make a heart for a friend who loves blue and who has a significant birthday coming up when I saw your lovely felt flower! Perfect! I should have known that inspiration was waiting there. Can't wait to see what's coming up next.

  24. Hi I have just found your lovely blog and thought i would say Hello ;-) I love your fabrics for the hexagon quilt i to am in the process of making my first ever hexagon quilt by hand i am now quilting it by hand which is very rewarding but time consuming also but i don't mind. I love your blog its so natural and free flowing i will look forward to reading your future posts. Take care, dee x


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