Friday 25 February 2011

Spring Things

What a lovely spring-y week we've been having, and I hope you have too! Thank you for all your sweet comments on my last post - I so enjoyed reading them. I've been having a very busy week as well as a spring-y one....
I had a lovely day out with my elder daughter Sarah, for a bit of city centre shopping and browsing. I like to think that it's part of my job to see what's in the shops! I bought some pretty little trinkets that I might use in designs - imexpensive jewellery in pretty colours can be used to decorate collages and toys....
I've spent the rest of the week working on a new magazine project and as it's got to be top secret for now I thought I'd show you a new bunny currently under construction...I love the Lecien Flower Sugar fabrics and have bought a few more recently in lots of colours...
A cardi for the new bunny - designed around her own unique shape...the little moss stitch peplum idea came from a cardi I made myself using a Kim Hargreaves pattern called Dolly - not sure yet if the bunny one will work out....
All the shops were full of Easter things already. For me, mini chocolate eggs are not just for Easter...
Some new fabrics I'm looking forward to making up ready for when it really is Easter! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and the spring sunshine is warming up your days as it is mine...I can hardly keep working in my studio when the weather is so lovely, I keep popping out to the garden with a cup of tea to absorb the fresh air and listen to the newly singing birds. Enjoy your spring things too! xxxxx


  1. My eye is drawn to the pictures featuring that lovely cool green and white at the moment..such a restful combination! I do have a little button envy button tin is sadly depleted with all my recent cushion making and every blog post I see with desirable buttons makes me a little envious...I think it's a good excuse to trawl the op shops though..don't you?

  2. Helen, I love your spring theme. So nice that you have spring like weather. We are having a winter snow again, 6-12 inches predicted. Great for knitting but not for getting outside and since winter sports are out due to honey's arm we are limited! Oh well, we are laughing our way through this winter. (ex. Want to go skating today? hahahah) Love the fabrics and bunny wear! I could eat every last one of those mini chocolate eggs. There're my favorite. Have a delightful weekend, xoRobin❤

  3. I like to thing as shopping as part of my job as well, keeping up with what's new is a pleasure, you have found some lovely treasures, I love everything you have shown us, particularly like that fabric, and the knitting, wow :)
    Sue Xx

  4. Hi Helen! What a lovely spring air in your post! You found beautiful bunny fabric and with daisies!
    I'm sure your new bunny is going to be sweet like the others!
    I wish you sunny weekend1 x Teje

  5. Isn't the weather just beautiful, so good to see! :)
    Your post is just beautiful too Helen, chocolate and bunnies, what more can you ask for!
    I love that little bunny print in your last photo, gorgeous. :)
    That little card of buttons is so sweet too!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend and fingers crossed that we can hold on to our spring weather!
    Vivienne x

  6. Ooooowwwhh Helen, I spy mini eggs in your photos, they are my favourite Easter treat. Beautiful spring photos again and I think bunnies in cardies just rock!
    Have a great weekend, after a perfect spring like day yesterday its all grey again here ;0)
    Jane x

  7. Love your spring posts Helen! Those mini eggs look yummy - I love how you've displayed them in the little paper case, so sweet. I really want to do some kind of Easter display at home this year so may have to 'borrow' that idea off you if you don't mind? :) Have a great weekend, let's hope the sun shines x

  8. Lovely primroses in your basket, Helen, very 'Springy'. I's been grey and wet in Cornwall for most of the week so nice to hear someone is getting some sun! Looking forward to seeing your finished bunny. Becky x

  9. Another lovely post Helen. Your blog space is always fresh and crisp and clean and full of positive energy! Have a lovely weekend doing the things you like to do. x

  10. Lovely spring-post again, Helen! We're not quite there and there are still a few wintery weeks before Easter but still... I love Easter, and those little eggs look wonderful, And they're definitely NOT only for Easter :)

    Happy weekend!


  11. Another lovely lefting up wish the sun was shining i type the rain is lashing against the window...the half term week here as been sooo watch now..when kids go back to school it will brighten

    so glad to hear you anad your dughter had a lovely time shopping!!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend hugs clare@weekend crafter xx

    p.s thanks for your lovely comment on my kintting postxx

  12. OK, Helen, now I want some chocolate eggs, STAT! :-)

    We're going to watch our granddaughters tomorrow night while our daughter and SIL go to a concert. I think we should pick up some yummy eggs to spoil them with, don't you think?

    :-) Hugs from Oregon

  13. Hi Helen. I have just, this very morning, received delivery of a wonderful pack of the Lecien flower fabrics in greens and yellows, purely on the back of a gorgeous yellow print I saw on your blog a few posts ago. I keep gazing at them - they're just too pretty for words. Thank you!


  14. Everything is always so lovely over here....I am in love with that book of yours on your to investigate a wee bit more....happy weekend. oxxo

  15. What GORGEOUS colours!! It really cheered me, I love Spring don't you?
    Love Helen

  16. Helen - you have no idea how much work you've made for me! I recently found a doll's wicker rocking cradle in an antiques place so had to make it a patchwork quilt to keep Bunny Cuddles warm (he has made it his home!). Then a bundle arrived from Fabric Rehab which had to be made into a pink spotty heart with green ribbon (I would never have thought to put those two colours together until I saw your book). Can you not show us any more lovely things until I've cleaned the windows which look worse today as the sun is shining!! Thanks again for the inspiration.

  17. Wow, love your beautiful, colourful blog! I was at school with a Helen Philips!

  18. Helen, I do so enjoy your beautiful inspiring blog, and I would like to pass on to you a Stylish Blogger Award!
    I do hope you will accept - please pop over to my blog for the details and to copy the blog award picture.
    Gill x


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.