Wednesday 2 February 2011

Fresh Flowers

I took these pictures on a sunny day last week and thought they would be good for the February splash of colour post - so here they are! I've really enjoyed silverpebble's idea to post some splash of colour pictures through the dreary winter months -  the effect is so cheerful and uplifting. Maybe we should do it next year too?
Regular readers of my blog will possibly recognise the decorated syrup tins here holding the fresh flowers? I had one of the tins on my desk with pens in it, and then - somehow - it had a fake flower in it and looked quite pretty. So I found some of the other decorated tins and put some real flowers in them on my kitchen window sill - the brightest place to take a picture on a January day....
I found the daisy blooming in the front garden, beside the old sandstone gatepost - I don't know if that offers it extra protection from the wind and weather, but that particular plant always seems to have flowers on it, year round! I found some catkins in the back garden and a bit of foliage, plus some snippets from my bright and colourful pot plants...
The little birdhouse - actually I've got two the same but the other one is a tiny one - always looks spring-like to me and I love putting it in little arrangements here and there....
I hope you enjoyed my splash of colour today and that you are feeling cheerful and positive now that winter is behind us, and February (and spring) is here... Have a wonderful week! xxx


  1. The pots look wonderful, and the flowers so cheerful!

  2. Beautiful, your posts are always like a breath of fresh air :)

  3. What gorgeous little flower pots and pretty flowers. A definite splash of springtime colour Helen!! :)
    Vivienne x

  4. I LOVE those pots!...what a lovely colourful,cheery post on what is a dull and rainy day. ;0)

  5. These are lovely and cheerful. love your blog x

  6. Oh these are such gorgeous images Helen - wow, they make me think of jelly tots or some other delicious sweetie. Your pots are so lovely! Thankyou again for joining in - I think your idea to continue this is a great one!

  7. What a lovely slash of colour! Flowers just lift the mood don't they Helen. I think I need to buy a bunch of daffs at the primroses in the garden are also doing really well!
    Jane x

  8. Helen I love your arrangements and splash of colour. I can't believe you found a daisy! So encouraging! The tins are bright and pretty and simply perfect to cheer us all. Love your splish splash of colour. Thanks, Helen.
    xo Robin❤

  9. Lovely - I like this sort of flower arranging too and your kitchen windowsill looks really pretty.


  10. Your flowers look so pretty in a row and those syrup tins are a great idea.

  11. I am thinking that all of you English bloggers are providing such an invitation to spring that he has to arrive early for you! Such sweet flowers!

  12. Gorgeous, Helen!

    The pots, the flowers, all. I am missing the spring so much...and I am so happy you share it with us here!

    Happy day!


  13. Thank you for visiting my blog! How lovely that you have a poodle too, and what a great age!We cant wait til we collect ours on saturday!

    The bright beauty of the flowers in the pretty tins is stunning - how clever of you to find such summer prettiness this time of year without resorting to the florists!A daisy even!

  14. Gorgeous colour post!

    You certainly have brightened up my day!

    I love the pots, so cheery, what a lovely idea!

    Have a super day!

    Vanessa x

  15. Hello, would you please accept the Stylish Blogger Award? As you know, I love your blog and would be honoured if you would accept.

  16. I love your floral arrangements and splash of colour. The colour posts have really helped to brighten up the dreary winter days. Thank goodness we are in February now. Soon there will be even more flowers to show!!! x

  17. You know, I took Bertie spaniel for a walk in our local park this morning and there wasn't a colour to be seen other than sludgy green. Thank goodness for your simply gorgeous post, brimming with colour. I love your tins Helen, what a clever idea.


  18. what a completely beautiful post!!!

  19. this is one of the prettiest displays i have ever seen. so soft and lovely.

    wishing you a wonderful weekend xxx

    warmest hugs


  20. Dear Helen, I did enjoy your beautiful flower post!!! Your unique tins are so wonderful with all the sensitive spring flowers!
    Here is now the real Cretan winter - no sign of spring yet. Cold, rain, wind... all the summer I missed this weather and now I'm waiting the spring!
    Have a wonderful weekend! Teje

  21. Thanks for your comment :) Lovely pics here - gorgeous, fresh colours - thanks for sharing! Abby

  22. I'm so happy to have discovered your's like a little sunny oasis in the midst of my dreary gray February. Thanks for these pretty flowers!

  23. I've just discovered your blog and love your pretty pastel colours. Where I live, everything is white right now, so it's nice to contemplate Spring! Thanks for the inspiration!


  24. Thanks Helen for your kind uplifting words on my Mosaics!!!! Happy ❤ Day, almost! We are celebrating
    tonight. Lovely dinner out at my favorite and JM's. too.


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.