Wednesday 26 January 2011

Happy Week

These beautiful flowering tete tete bulbs were a little present I gave to my mother yesterday - so bright and cheery I had to snap a picture before I gave them to her. And I have been given something too...another blog award! I feel very lucky to receive this award from the lovely Millie at milliemeadowsweet - do visit this pretty blog, if you haven't already, and you will wander into a magical and enchanted world. Thank you so much Millie!!
As I've already told you lots of things about me recently - how about seven pictures of my week instead?
one: opening the box newly arrived from my publishers, David & Charles, containing the makes from my two latest books - Home Sweet Home and Simple Sewn Gifts...lovely to see all the things again and I'll show more pictures of them when they are all fully unpacked....
      two: choosing seeds for my new spring planting - the plan is to have the most flowery garden ever...
    three: spending time in the kitchen sorting out the baking cupboard and putting the flours in labelled jars..
       four: and at the same time making flapjacks again...mmmm....only eating one a day though!...
     five: finding this sweet vintage jug at the back of a cupboard and bringing it out to enjoy properly....
 six: loving these tulips flopping around on my kitchen table - when they open out they form such huge flat petalled flowers not at all like tulips but beautiful all the same....
seven: and loving these little yellow violas which I rescued from the garden centre where they looked unhappy and weather beaten and in need of tlc - after a day or so on my windowsill they look much more perky and content.....I hope you've enjoyed my seven things today. I don't really know who to pass this award on to - everyone on my list who hasn't already got it? You are all stylish bloggers!
I hope you are having a happy week and enjoying life's little pleasures, with maybe a bit of spring sunshine too. Thank you so much for dropping by and reading this and for your wonderful comments too. See you soon! xxx


  1. I love the bunny in the box! A wonderful flowery post again. I await your posts with eager anticipation Helen as I know they will cheer me up! I plan to grow a lot more flowers in the garden this year too. x

  2. I am so glad that you are now a Stylish Blogger as well...'cos you really are! I loved the pics you have shared with us this've had such a flower full week this week...can't wait to see what's in the box as well.
    I am so pleased to see those rescued little violas thrive.

  3. Love all your flowery pictures Helen, especially those bright yellow daffodils, so cheerful and spring like! My garden is looking completely bare and empty at the moment, I can't wait to start planting and growing so I can look out on some colour whilst I work!
    p.s Congratulations on your award, well deserved:) jenny xx

  4. Smiley Bunnies.. and lots of lellows!!! luuuuverly..Just had a peek @ your new-est book on amazon...its card at the ready....go!!

  5. Congratulations on the award Helen but we all knew you were a stylish blogger anyway!!
    Gorgeous photos, it's always spring on your blog!! :)
    Have a great day,
    Vivienne x

  6. Ahhhhhhhhhhh Sunshine in a post! Thank you! x

  7. I'm a new girl here having recently bought your lovely book and rapidly become totally hooked! I too was waiting for my family to appear for Aga food on Sunday when I read your post - what a joy it all is! Thank you.

  8. Hi Helen, Taking a minute out of nursing my husband to enjoy your lovely post. I can't wait to get alittle back to normal here, but first things first. I love all your flowers and bright, cheerful and inviting! One of my favorite happy colors. And at your leisure, I would love to know what flapjacks are? They look so delicious!!!!!!! xo Robin❤

  9. Lovely post Helen with so much cheeriness. Your flapjacks have made me realise that is what Lucy's biscuits are really - flattened flapjacks! x

  10. What a lovely post, full of cheer, I love your rabbit :)

  11. What a lovely happy post. Lots of spring things! Can't wait for spring to arrive. x

  12. oohh what a lovely treasure box to arrive in the post :-) I have ordered your book Simple Sewn Gifts from Amazon but it will take a couple of months to arrive - you are a popular girl :-)

  13. What a lovely way to show us the 7things, Helen! So inspiring and colorful pictures once again, I loved every each of them.

    Congratulations for the award, just a rightly addressed!

    Happy Wednesday!


  14. This is a happy week! Sunny daffodils and fabulous jars for your flour.

  15. I'm totally with you on having the most flowery garden ever! I'm also deluded!! Good luck - I'm watching how you do it :)

  16. You are cetainly very stylish Helen,you posts are always delightful. So lovely to see the daffs, my favourites.
    Jane x

  17. I thought I might find some lovely colours here and I love Mr Rabbit in his box, he has such a cute expression. Have a lovely day. x

  18. aww....thank you for the nice words :o)
    i do like the seven pictures of your week,such a pretty week you have had.
    love the bunny :3

    warmest hugs xxx


  19. What lovely pictures! I especially love the bunny in the box! Thanks for cheering me up x

  20. Dear Helen, thank you for your lovely post! You are so stylish always! Every one of your 7 things is so lovely and you have so nice dishes for your flowers!
    Your biscuits look delicious - any chance to get recipe?
    Sunny day to you! Teje


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.