Sunday 21 November 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award

 I have received an award for my blog!!! It is from Teje (and Nero) at Nero's Post and Patch. It was a wonderful surprise - thank you Teje! I've learnt that when you are the lucky recipient of this blog award you then reveal ten random things about yourself in return. So here are my ten things:

1 When I was younger I had deep auburn hair which gradually faded, from the age of about 29, to blonde.

2 I don't mind doing housework! I like the feeling of restoring order out of chaos, and the satisfaction of seeing things fresh and gleaming.

3 I love interior design and painting furniture white!
 4 I loved fabric and colour even as a small child. I can remember fabrics my mother sewed dresses from for us both when I was four years old.

5 I have twin sisters, a few years younger than me. They are both arty and crafty too.

6 I love to read and read and read...novels, biographies, diaries and letters, old fiction, new fiction and of course crafts books...
 7 My husband was my first boyfriend - and although we parted for a while we eventually got back together and got married. He's my best friend.

8 I don't enjoy sport but I love to take exercise in the fresh air - especially walking or gardening.
 9 I do truly believe you should always try to be positive about life and to think the glass is half full.

10 Sometimes I get so excited about a new creative project that I can't get to sleep at night and wish I could get up and start making it right away!
Thank you again Teje! And thanks to everyone who reads my blog. I hope you all have a wonderful  start to your week - and I shall be back very soon with a crafty post! x


  1. Congratulations Helen, you have indeed a Beautiful Blog!!
    Vivienne x

  2. Dear Helen, what a wonderul post! I think also at night my crafts and what to write to my blog friends!
    Your creations and your blog are really beautiful and I enjoy always to visit you! Have a great sunny week!
    Best wishes Teje

  3. congrats Helen, and what a lovely list of things x

  4. Congrats on the award! I loved reading your list especially about you and your husband. I too love to paint old furniture.

  5. Wonderful Award to a Deserving Blogger!!!!! You know i love your blog, so it was such fun to read your ten things. Have a great start to the week!
    xo Robin❤

  6. It's well deserved, your blog is beautiful. I love your ten things. Most of all I love how clean and fresh your photographs look and I'm always inspired by what I see!

  7. I quite agree with all the above comments Helen. I have only just started following your blog and thoroughly enjoy your posts! You photos are so bright and cheerful. Well done, well deserved,
    Jane x

  8. Hello Helen, I found you through Ginny's blog. What a beautiful and inspiring blog you have. Wonderful!

  9. That award came to the right address, Helen! I loved reading the things you have listed, thank you for sharing!

    Happiest and craftiest week!


  10. how romantic to be married to your first love x
    i enjoyed reading this Helen and getting to know you a little more. congratulations on the award. your blog is very beautiful!
    p.s. fancy giving me a help with my housework?
    ginny x


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.