Wednesday 6 October 2010


This post is a celebration of the colour orange! I noticed this sign in the local garden centre and snapped a picture of it - it reminded me of the Keep Calm posters. And today I was inspired to use my most orange autumn pictures to celebrate the colour this week as suggested by the lovely Ginny at sweetmyrtle.
I realised that I rarely use the colour in designs, except for autumn designs or sometimes for a really bright contrast like a flower power card set I did for a magazine. Yet it is such a bright and cheering colour - why not?
It's good to have a fresh look at orange and think of all the things we like which are that colour - the fruits themselves, pumpkins, gourds, tomatoes turning from green to red, marmalade, lots of autumn berries on the trees, falling autumn leaves, chinese lanterns...the colour is so close to golden shades of honey, and to russet apples and certain varieties of plum that have an orangey glow...

So those are some of my orange pictures - I hope you like the spicy autumn shades and enjoy a bit of orange this week too!

P.S. Thanks so much to everyone who commented on my red flowers quilt - I'll show you what I've done with the flowers very soon! x


  1. What a lovely cheery post, orange really is a very lifting colour! I just love those little chinese lanterns.
    Vivienne x

  2. Hi Helen,
    Love this! We must be on the same wavelength because there is a ton of orange on my blog today too. I normally am not an orange kind of girl either, but I love it during October.
    Can't wait to see the finished flowers.

  3. Hi Helen,
    what wonderful oranges you have found. i am seeing orange everywhere i look now, it just keeps popping out at me.
    i will do an orange round up at the end of the week and link back to you.
    thank you for the mention too
    ginny x

  4. I love the colour orange, and it's my son's favourite colour too.

    So I really enjoyed seeing your photos it was a feast for the eyes.

    Thank you

    AdeY x

  5. I love the autumn so much and am also drawn to the orange range when I am not usually. I particularly love the burnt orange tones. Another beautiful post Helen x

  6. Hello Helen! Wonderful orange post for the autumn time! I don't either use much this energy colour - perhaps too powerful for me - but in fact it's a great colour! Let's use it more...
    Wishes Teje

  7. Such vibrant, beautiful images. I do so love those little orange seed pods and really must plant my own one of these years.


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.