Monday 27 September 2010

Autumn Knitting

Here are some details of my cosy autumn knitting - which have already been useful as there is a distinct nip in the air around here.

The long cardigan on the left is the Frankie boyfriend cardigan from the book Breeze by Kim Hargreaves. I love her patterns - they are stylish, easy to follow and I love the way the button bands are incorporated into the knitting of the fronts -so neat and time saving. I used Rowan Felted Tweed in Carbon from here.

The second knit (on the right) I call the Soft Grey cardigan because of its colour, Grey Mist - again Rowan Felted Tweed (can you tell it's my current favourite?) The pattern is actually a mix of two patterns, both by Sirdar - lovely clear easy patterns, I used the yoke body pattern from 9013 and the three quarter sleeves from 9018 to get the style I wanted and I'm happy with it.

Now I'm knitting the Blackberry Cardigan I mentioned a couple of weeks ago and I want to knit a baby jumper and some wrist warmers.... and there is a new Kim Hargreaves book out which I ordered today...I do love autumn knitting....I wonder what you're making?


  1. Now you are making me feel a bit sheepish as I have to admit to not having any knitting on the go at present!

    Love both your cardis and grey is such a lovely soft colour that goes with so much.


  2. Hi Helen,
    Your cardigans are so pretty. I love the soft gray yarn. Thanks for sharing the patterns you used. I am still talking myself into knitting a sweater...oops I mean jumper :)

  3. Hello Helen. I seem to have missed a few posts so have had a lovely catch up. That blackboard planter is such a good idea and I love bellis too though I think ours have all finished. Pretty little heart you made for Sew magazine. My knitting is going very slowly as it is a rather large (!!) jumper for Dave, but i am going to try to make a little time to get on with it this weekend x

  4. Hi Helen
    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog!
    I've come over for a little look and I must say what a beautiful blog, I'll definitely be back.
    I love your two cardigans, such lovely shades of grey and as for your little blackboard planter with its bellis daisies, just gorgeous. :)
    Vivienne x

  5. Thank you Helen, for all the information about your cardigans which will both go on my (long) knitting wish list!
    Just had an email telling me the new Debbie Bliss magazine is out the fairisle on the cover looks absolutely stunning with unusual bright colors

  6. oooh they both look gorgeous. I've just been given some aran wool, I'm very excited to get started on something. off to look at those pattern books x

  7. Hello Helen,
    you made my day by visiting me today with your sweet comments! I can't believe I havent come across your gorgeous blog before! It is an absolute delight of colour and inspiration! I see you are a strawberry lover too! Congratulations on having your book published, how exciting!
    I am going to pop it on my Christmas list and push it under Hubby's nose!
    Have a lovely week!
    Rachel x

  8. What a surprise to see this grey cardigan, bet you were please when you spotted this pattern which is so similar to the celtic spun one we did some 40 years ago!!!
    looks great


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.