Friday 27 August 2010

Nature Study

When I was snipping little bits of colourful plants from the garden today to brighten up the house, I suddenly remembered the nature table at primary school and how I loved it! Do you remember having a nature table at school too?
Ours was filled with flowers, autumn leaves, pebbles, sea shells, feathers, seed pods, seed heads, bits of birds' egg shells and sometimes excitingly, a bird's nest or a mermaid's purse from the seashore. The teacher would write neat little labels so we knew what the various things were, and it would gradually evolve over the seasons.

When I trained as a textile designer, a lot of time was spent studying and drawing plants to use in designs for fabrics, wallpapers and other surface patterns. I began to collect old books with engravings and illustrations of plants and flowers as they were a great resource for designing. This old book, for teachers to use, was found in a Manchester jumble sale years ago.

Glancing through it just now I was surprised to notice that besides having the scientific information I expected, on the next page were poems that related to the botanical specimens too! I don't remember ever being taught bits of poetry in science lessons. I would have liked it, though if we had been.

So now I'll just say:

And I hope you have wonderful weekend! x


  1. oh such beautiful jewel colours!

  2. Hello Helen and thank you so much for leaving a comment on my blog. This post is just so beautiful and the colours lift my heart. I too remember the nature table and have started a nature shelf (not much spare space here) with my children x

  3. I love it when Country Living magazine does a nature table section, it's always charming. Your nature table is gorgeous!
    Love Vanessa xxx

  4. Hi, Helen. I have stumbled upon your beautiful blog via my friend Barbara of Pale Blue World. What lovely compositions you make! It is just stunning.

  5. Hello Helen, I just love these photos so much and am reminded of the Miss Read Fairacre School books, such "comfort reading" and always a nature table at the side of the classroom ...


Thank you for your lovely words...I so enjoy your comments and read them all.